Jackman, Maine Town Manager Tom Kawczynski Fired!
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Jackman, Maine Town Manager Tom Kawczynski Fired!
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According to the US census Jackman, ME is 98% WHITE, they don't have ANY Hispanics, black Americans, black migrants, not one Muslim, Jew or middle east refugee living in their town.
That's Simply Outrageous!
Good thing this KKKKawczynski (sounds Polish, figures) guy was fired, the City's Board was wise in doing so, now they can move forward with populating the area with at least 40% new multicultural residents who will enrich their boring white homogenized culture with world wide non-European Diversity!
Time to raise taxes of the locals, bring in the ethnic mosaic America has been yearning for NOW!
The State of Maine is way too white, coming in as the 2nd whitest state in the Union: 96% White.
The #1 white state is Bernie Sander's own Vermont: 98% White.
(shame on you Bernie, like your Wall St investments, you must diversify!)
Sounds like Jackman AND the tax payers in the whole state of Maine, AND Vermont, need a huge dose of multiculturalism and quick!
They paid this one guy, Kawczynski, $30k to get lost, they have plenty of money to desegregate this white Pan-European mess, just like Sweden, France and Germany.
If the national average in the US is 56% white, looks like Maine and Vermont need a HUGE demographic switch, at least 40%.
People of Color in Chicago, NYC, LA, Texas Border Towns, it's time! Move to Maine and Vermont Today, even if you are on welfare or any US aid you can transfer that over to these two states. I'm certain the people of Jackman and all of New England will be more than happy to accommodate what ever it is you need or desire. After all immigrants built the USA.
It's TIME POC, Jackman, ME needs your cultural-pluralism help NOW!
OMG! This guy sounds like evil incarnate, white devilman!
White people should not have Free Speech in America
This man's out of his mind! Slavery! Holocaust!
Good, fuck low-iq 'white seperatists'.
watch the redice video interview it'll trigger anyone
the never of this white devil thinking he gets free speech and civil rights in the US. These people are insane!
Is that the picture you wanted to post ?
why do you ask?
Large US media outlets suddenly care about Jackson, Maine because they can go after innocuous white man. Ignore nogs ruining major cities.
Rope when
Because you posted a bird for no apparent reason and I know sometimes a bug from Sup Forums inverts images between posts.
Serves him right
it's Jackman!
and it's defiantly a scare hit piece comrade
memo scared them and the youtube interviews set off alarm bells
they are doubling down
actually, I posted it with a reason
>red ice
lol what else could I expect
no more free speech for white people, they have had enough!
They need to have their civil rights curbed as well, let them know what it feels like
After all this is the USA.
We should also change the name of America, sounds too European-Italian.
Nothing scares (((them))) more than the idea of a reasonable version of white nationalism.
we have to prevent that, make these people more scary and inhuman so the plebs stay sheep.
The dam is leaking.
Purple martin?
This guy is awesome and a person who sticks to their morals. I'm glad he mad the rounds on shows like Radical Ageda and Stormfront Action.
As a Downeast fag I can guarantee the only people calling for him to be fired are fucking massholes, jew Yorkers, or any one of the thousands of liberal as fuck Goddamn refugees we absorb from the rest of New England. Southern and Western Maine is nothing like what it was when I grew up because it's become so fucking infested by out of staters.
Downeast is still white as fuck, but i see more niggers every fucking day it seems, and the average downeaster is either a drug addict or an alcoholic.
Why is my beautiful state falling the fuck apart, Goddammit
Still LARPing as Poland or what?
we have to plug that leak before more of them catch on
is a jackdaw a purple martin?
but he's white!
don't you get it?
Here have one.
And why did you post that birb?
dude diversity, it makes us great! we need more of it! especially in New England.
wasn't popping
google said it was a jackdaw
are you into birds or something?
No. Can't you explain what you're trying to say?
Hey i aint no birbfag pal! But no im just a general naturalist. I saw a show on purple martins in maine and I thought they were like the maine birb or something. But yes the original picture you posted was a jackdaw i just thought it may have been a purple martin because they look black in some lighting.
Is Rich Evans going to play him in the TV movie?
nah, the reference was to kawka
Local news outlets are now carrying out a witch hunt to find others and destroy their lives.
>In Maine, it’s impossible to know the full scope of hate-fueled incidents. The BDN in 2016 found that a law requiring schools to report hate crimes and incidents of bias resulted in inconsistent tracking of incidents and no penalties for schools that did not comply.
>The recent saga of “ethno-nationalist” Tom Kawczynski, the former town manager in Jackman who was fired after his racist remarks on social media and his online effort to create a “white homeland” in Maine garnered national attention, demonstrated that people with openly hateful ideologies can get by the hiring committee of a local government.
>We know there are more of these stories out there, which deserve to be told and, at the very least, counted.
Most Mainers agree with this guy outside the crazy lunatics in Portland.
I live in central Maine and niggers are overrunning Bangor and the outlying towns. It has gotten really bad and they are driving up the murder rate. Portland school systems are now 40% non-white. The southern half of the state is doomed. The only hope for the future is the county.
I know he has a site at www.newalbion.org. After a witch hunt like this though, people will probably run scared to bend over for more Somalis.
and yet Black Panther is a movie praised by all.
good news comrade you are getting diversity
Sup Forums we always find out about these movements and towns too late. Imagine if a bunch of us actually moved there, it could be the beginning of a movement.
Ideally however we should start this in a rural area where no one lives so that there can be no argument of residents who don't want it.
When I was growing up there were literally a handful of blacks in town and you rarely saw them. Now I cannot go to the store without seeing several nigs and/or coal burners and their mongrel offspring. Their numbers have skyrocketed in the past few years.
Central NH here. Can confirm niggers are being dropped off here and not assimilating. Sad to see my old street is an African ghetto.
Is the result of the Obama HUD policy to push niggers into white spaces or something else? I haven't been able to figure out what they are doing here. The local economy certainly isn't booming and while some are here to sell drugs, there are way too many for just that.
it was a 2015 ruling around the time of fag marriage. They have been doing it for a long time. Blame Lutherian and Catholic charity organizations.
This is evidence that Poland is trying to spread its influence and racism upon the American public. It should not be allowed and we should join Germany on declaring sanctions against Poland.
Diversity is strength and we should praise this.
forgot my image
Pretty based