Why do Americans love racemixing so much?
Why do Americans love racemixing so much?
Like looking into the glassy eyes of lady Civilization on her deathbed
>tfw 2 people with weird fetishes overruled a religious bound state law and doomed generations to race mixing
What's worse is that they doomed the genetics their ancestors safeguarded for many centuries.
Americans actually think they can breed the negro genes out of america by racemixing. Kek
why do you care?
about americans hooking up with whomever, or about "racemixing"?
How does it affect you, personally?
You are free to fuck and marry whomever.
They are good goys. They want to make perfect race for their Jewish master. El Goblino. La Creature. Collect all genes and create ultimare mutt.
Yes, good goy.
Actually they don't, despite what the media is constantly shilling albeit without much success, the race-mixing for whites is only a few percent, and continues to decrease ever more as more immigrants for various POCs pour in such increasing the pool for each group and giving them a choice to not racemix which they do with great zeal
individualist thinking like that leads to rampant degeneracy
very good goy
yes yes, dont mind anything, while we erase your people
la atrocidad...
Yes racemixing and openborders is good, never question it. 2+2=5
you dont consider me part of your people anyway. you d have me killed, if your deluded, sadistic political philosophy was ever to take power. So why should I care?
It's only like 1/12th of the population. But with 350 million Americans seems like a large number.
>How does it affect you, personally?
>lots of niggers everywhere
>society collapses
For you that's probably fine, because you are a nigger.
For me it's not. Although on the other hand - who gives a shit.
Niggers will die off anyway when the bad evil white male stops paying taxes.
So I guess this is actually a win for whites at the end.
el monstrosito
Would you like to live in Brazil?
how am i related to this situation?
>i dont like you specifically, thus im fine with someone else making my people extinct
alright, retard, keep it up
You mean genestealers?
This is brave
We don't, we've just been brainwashed by the Jew
Political indoctrination, you didn't see this before the 2000's
>have objectively the most beautiful phenotype
>have the highest form of limbic system found in humans, evolved by adapting through ice ages for tens of millennia, resulting in unparallelled creativity and empathy
>mix it away
Let me guess: you are a white boy who worships (((Peterson)))?
Let me tell you something: Peterson acknowledged that his fan base is white boys because they are lost and they have no purpose in their life. Interestingly enough this is a "white" male problem.. Blacks do not listen peterson, asians do not give fuck about him. Do you know why? Cause they already have their purpose which is to be proud of your kin. People of color reject this individualistic mentality, they are literally living in tribes.
But (((Peterson))) preaches white boys to be individual. I would call it white genocide.
It's because autistic children need everyone around them to do what they do or they start schreeching, such as in this thread
t. el mestizaje en america
>"my people"
I don't have a "people"
you have to be absolutely pathetic to have your skin colour make up a significant portion of your personal identity
>you have to be absolutely pathetic
Like 90% of blacks?
If you were a white man surrounded by BWC-worshipping latinas, you'd love it too.
Yeah, like EVERY FUCKING RACE other than white people??
Identity tied to your race isn't some taboo degenerate phenomenon my fucking god
>europe berates america for 150 years that they >puritanical
>irreparably non-progressive
>social backwards.
The progressives were triggered by this hard, an so want to be like the sophistical euros. That is pretty much why.
That is why your Jewmerica is such genetic disaster. In Europe is common to be proud of your nation. But you mutts losing all pride and identity.
I would bleach britnay venti's thirdroon cunt
Think of it as a eugenics program to rid your tribe of the weak and dumb.
when your nation is absolute garbage why would you love it?
>I don't have a "people"
That's your problem, mongrel
>How does it affect you personally?
Well, considering that we live in a welfare state...
This country is garbage because of self-hating whites and shitskins like you
put your gentials where your mouth is. racemix with a nigger and upload your muttspawn or you're a liar
Come here little muttie.
Threadly reminder the SPLC just recently admitted openly that white displacement/genocide was "planned" (by who remains a mystery but I'm sure Sup Forums can guess.)
i wish a black woman would fuck me
exactly the opposite, it's you and the ruling class that's the problem
>glass pots
>stone kettles
If it wasn't for race mixing you'd be an intelligent Neandertha but to autistic to accomplish anything, stop complaining you mixed race homo sapiens sapiens faggot
>Serbian female logic
Becouse it is your nation idiot. Your home. Your history. Your people. But moust building in my country are older than your whole empire. When tip of your culture is burger (( from german hamburg )) and nigger football league, i understand it hard to be proud. Only think you can do sell your jewish propaganda from kikewood and spread wars to increase amount of jewish banks worldwide.
everyone else has it
your grandchildren will suffer
>exactly the opposite, it's you and the ruling class that's the problem
Good goy. Do you even know who is your rulling class is?
>Becouse it is your nation idiot.
Just because I was randomly born here?
>Your home. Your history. Your people.
I don't know any of these people. I did not participate in any of this history. Who gives a shit what happened in 1776 I wasn't there and no one who lives in this country was alive or involved.
>Only think you can do sell your jewish propaganda
You're the one falling for the propaganda mate, the upper classes push racism and these identity politics to push people apart from eachother, because the proles are easier to control when they wanna kill eachother instead of their puppetmasters.
The Big Business Capitalists
ay dios mio tu eres la creatura
jewish girls love arab cock so much they had to form gangs to prevent them from getting fucked and impregnated by arab bucks
Pol cant into anarchism user dont try it they're all secret commies jerking off to eachother in a circle of nationalism
no we don't. Spain tried that and the world can see the results.
This race-mix experiment that the kikes are orchestrating is the perfect strategy to remain in power. They've been kicked out from 100's of tribal societies for 1000's of years.
They're aiming for Greater Israel now, and that means dismantling the white identity for good.
Because once Germans, Irish, Swedes, Poles, Italians etc came over and already shitted up our pure Anglo blood, we just gave in because we realized mutts are beautiful
t. daddy of 3
It affects me and my children by destroying society you headcase.
When a person has no identity or roots they are a slave to the government and media that tell them who they are and what their culture is
>pure anglo blood
I, too am colourblind
>I don't have a people
Said the people that no longer exist
So marriage equality was achived 50yra ago?
So why are 20yr olds still protesting for it?
You're pretty much the same, i'm pretty sure that your country is around 70% white.
You are perfect puppet. No identity. No past. No future. The Big Business Capitalists. Ohh. Maybe when you get older you will see what naive idiot you was. Now you are one who serve The Big Business Capitalists and defending them.
Top kek
You're about three rungs down on the ladder there simpleton
Wealthy banking families (allegedly satanists bound by human sacrifice to secrecy)
BIS, IMF and Central banks
Commercial banks
Government, army, police
We sure do! Can't wait when we stop bailing out the banks and corporations. The whole economy since 2008 has been nothing but welfare given to banks and corporations.
So if you take them away, how exactly are you and your ugly goblin people, who struggle to graduate highschool, going to do? How do you run a country without them when everyone like you is fat and ugly and dumb?
>La luz extinguido
Not more than any other white country.
>BIS, IMF and Central banks
>Commercial banks
>not capitalists
absolute mong
>why do (((Americans))) promote racemixing so much?
>tfw live in North Dakota
It's astonishing when I leave this state to Metro areas due to my job and see what passes for white. Blue eyes are not uncommon (I have them, all my family has them, all my coworkers have them, unironically the only got that doesn't have them is a guy from Scotland)
This country is doomed. It's already non-white or at least the purity is ruined. The best you can hope for is preserving some semblance of white culture.
Even peterson recognizes that the optimal being is one that fulfils his own potential AND that of his life within a community.
>Central banks, the IMF, BIS
>how can you say their not capitalist!
They're not you retard.
Where do you think the money was in the soviet union? In a central bank modeled on the Bank of England.
Banking is way past ideology, they control the printing of money and give it out as a loan to the government. It's not a left/right thing you pinko moron
lmfao, that shit aint going to happen
Probably not but you are just going to get riced yourself so welcome to hell.
Fuck off commie
Oh look, another mutt thread.