>perfect Europe doesn't exi-
Which new nation is the best Sup Forums?
Perfect Europe doesn't exi-
why did you put the netherlands above water?
>commie russia
protip: saami people don't really identify that much with helsinki, many would be rather tied to norway, which is not in the EU.
>Soviet Union
Don't think Romania would fit into Yugoslavia
Greece doesn't belong with us
HRE needs to have Benelux and A-L as it did historicaly
t. Rapebaby
People need to stop uniting ireland
can confirm
t. fucked a saami lass in thailand
only if we'd kick out shitskins from Germany
How are things over in Belfast?
What's with all the autistic memes in this place? I posted a game with Germany yesterday and I got swarmed by "HAHAHA GROßGERMANIUM XDDD" posts. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT A NEW PLAYER TO POST YOU FUCKING AUTISTS??
And before that I asked a simple question on how I crack the game and I again got swarmed by fucking autists with all their unfunny inside jokes. Fuck you and fuck those games, they are literally one of the most boring shit I've ever touched. Also fuck the guy in /twg/ who suggested I try out those autistic map painting simulators and "ask for guidance on the /gsg/ general and they will help you". Bunch of manchildren.
It’s probably the same as allways. At least it’s white though
go fugg yuself XDXDXD
that's beautiful hungarian brother
>hungry occupying Italian Lands
digits surprisingly not wasted.
>italian lands
Could work as a federation, but you need to include Herzeg-Bosnia.
The only viable Europe and its African/ME colonies.
Netherlands with France? Nah mate. Won't happen.
Historically we are the beautiful result of mixing between Germany, France and England - and English took a lot after us as well.
We despise the stuck up French on a societal level. Not the people themselves, mind you. Just the way they act. Feeling high and mighty about the *great* French culture. The whole Francophile obsession, wanting to make every single word in their dictionary French? That's just bullshit.
We like the hard working Germans. Realists. On a social-cultural level we align a whole lot better with Germany. Knowing when to let loose, have fun. But also be real about harsher times, knowing when to tighten the belt.
We also don't mind the Brits. You're cool, but keep your chavs. Seriously, do something about that.
But frankly, I think the Netherlands and Belgium shall always be together - apart from the rest.
Perhaps Luxembourg will be absorbed by the French, or the Germans. Don't really care.
The average Dutchman will think highly (in a joking, lovingly making fun of manner) of Belgium. The only thing we think of Luxembourg is cheap gas and smokes if you happen to be passing through.
(I won't even touch the idea of the UK and France being together... that will -never- happen with the cultures of today.)
I think OP's image is pretty good, but with the following changes:
UK & Ireland unify under new non-monarchical system.
NL+BE remain together as a separate. Perhaps north BE (Flanders) joins NL, south (Wallonia) joins FR.
One alternative thought I got was a 'new' proto EU. UK + NL + DE. That could work, maybe add in DK. Add some good ties with the Scandanavians who will be seperate, but very good friends. Council of the North Sea.
Yeah, that could work. :)
Calm down Ireland.
Is everything green bulgarian?
Or just where it says Bulgaria only?
show flag
Soviet Union given way too much land, let the Balts be to themselves, also our flag looks stupid, the red and yellow should change positions so red is taking up most of the flag considering we're quite socialistic.
We love you 2 man... let's bring the united Netherlands back.
Everything red Germany. Everything blue Croatia. Everything green Bulgaria.
Disregards the small islands I couldn't fill.
I like it,I don't know why you made it,but I like it.
>perfect Europe
it would be the worst and poorest country in europe.
Lol the Soviet union and Turkey still exist plus Prussia doesn't have enough direct access to the Mediterranean and yet you call it perfect. Britain and Ireland should also be their separate republics.
Climate change will change Europe and it will be beautiful.
I've really enamored with the North Sea council idea.
Something like this?
>climate change
Nigger that's like 200m of water you're showing there.
If all the ice on the planet melted the sea would rise by like 15-20m at most.
Correction: if all the ice melted, the sea would rise by 216 feet = 65 meters
Pic related is what it would look like. It's bad but nowhere near what you're showing.
>netherlands under water
i'm 100% okay with this
> beach front property with a direct view of drowning germano turks
A man can dream.
>United Ireland
I'll sink this island into the sea before I hand my land over to taig scum.
Quad of quad
This is the Perfect Europe. No Marxist states and Turkey has been destroyed to give rebirth Byzantine.
> Minor Fix
wtf is wrong with you
>balkans in 1 nation (pure chaos)
>t*rkgay having constantinopole
>giving france and the nether lands to the britbong
>Finland in the calmar union
>baltics in the ussr
Fuck I missed another spot
> Use this one
Netherlands is French? German or British clay if not autonomous
Othwerwise pretty good
how dare you smear nordics with swedish speaking finns flag
>spain and portugal togheter
you have to be 18+ to be in this website
Probably the first time I fully agree with the OP
I second this
>spain and portugal toghete
There is no Portugal, only Spain. We can never forgive you for starting the transatlantic slave trade and allowing Jewish merchant ships to proliferate blacks to the new world.
>Same country as Denmark and Sweden
Literally worst Europe
Icelanders welcome.
Finns are cool, political cooperation def. possible.
why did you give italy a mexican flag?
>add Spain to HRE as it should be
>remove Turks
Youre golden.
>west coast gone
not on my fucking watch
Europe 2050
Mark my words
green means islam
>puts SW England and Wales in the Caliphate
that's where you belong George
this is the future you have chosen
>Ireland, Finland and Iceland
>North Sea
Since when you are not a caliphate?
>Great Britain
>Falklands, Jersey, St. Helena
So the north sea empire came and conquered those places?
Jesus what a retard, Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth within 50 years
>naming conventions
at the moment they are the only ones in the middle east to have access to nuclear weaponry and as sandniggers are not very strong on the brainz front it's unlikely to change
nice joke
I’m ok with this but without Grossgermania
Nobody in their right mind identifies with Helsinki. Also it's alright Sami people can move to Norway.
Upvoted my fellow pede. But seriously, Iran is getting nuclear weapons within the next decade. Israel doesn’t stand a chance
>giving the balkans to the s*rbs
True Europe here.
the US will conquer iran before they could get their hands on any of that stuff, the middle east is high priority unlike korea
just as the jewish masters command, it doesn't matter at what cost
but a coup is still more desirable
f for respect
I clearly said SW England (Cornwall, Devon, Somerset etc.) and Wales.
>Divides the British Isles
>Gives Devon to Cornwall
Only correct version of Europe coming through.
Long live Bavaria!
>most of the maps
>Germany exists
Good one. We wuz clerical fascist too n shit.
Acess to Croat beaches is important to majority of west slavs so it's good.
>We get Carphato Ruthenia
Thanks anonku. You could make Czechoslovakia of that, pepiks will be ruled by a slovak soon anyway.
no respect to those who give up their identity for an inferior one without a fight
>Netherlands grouped up with France and the UK
lol. If you want to group up my country with another you'd be better served trying it with Germany or Scandinavian countries, but even then the Dutch have a lot of pride in their own country
I haven't but I was playing along with the meme. I stand proud and plan to get a flagpole to wind up any commies in my neighbourhood.
Kek wills it
I will wave the Union Flag with pride, Magyar friend.
it is true desu
>Bavaria has sea access
I can get behind this map.
this is autistic and you should commit suicide
u fukin wot m8?
Suck a cock you German cunt.
this is the real europe