>The madman was, allegedly, the boyfriend of the girl that was killed by a nigerian drug dealer
>He wounded 7 niggers while running around the town in his black car
>He then stopped at the war memorial, doing the fascist greeting
>He was bald, tall, muscular, wore black and an Italian flag as coat
Is he /ourguy/?
Shooting in Macerata, Italy
Other urls found in this thread:
and so it begins
source in the name of vengance?
Wounded? Not good enough pal
That sounds too convenient. Are you trolling?
Yup he blew it fucking retard
rumour has it he was blasting this in his car
They mean skinhead. Hail victory Italia.
He must be planning on getting released so he perform his magnum opus
It's just a rumour, they also said it might be the father of the killed girl, we need to wait
ikr, but still, I guess it's not easy shooting while driving, it's not like GTA.Two of them are severly wounded tho, so they might die at the hospital
Looks like the dude from Disturbed.
notice the wolfangel on his temple, guess the guy dislikes wolves
The shooter is 28, the girl was 18. Too young to be the father.
>allegedly, the boyfriend of the girl that was killed by a nigerian drug dealer
Responsibility ultimately lies with the Italian government, the EU and you know who if so. You can't expect men to be placid forever no matter how hard you poke them.
Well done mad lad!
>Migrants faces when hearing this a mile away
Nothing can stop a man with nothing to lose regardless. Godspeed gentlemen.
you're right, guess he was her boyfriend after all
Or maybe he's just a guy that had enough of niggers in Macerata
>tfw attending university in Macerata
>tfw saw the city slowly fill up with niggers
>tfw certains area of the city aren't safe anymore thanks to niggers
>tfw more and more niggers everyday
can't blame him anyway imho
The boyfriend would have wanted to kill the drug dealer, not some random African.
>Wearing your flag irl
What a boss. F.
And as usual, Norwegian media goes "Shooting in Italy: Most likely racially motivated"
I don't know why you all think this is a good thing ((they)) will just use this as an example of far right extremism and push for more tolerance via anti hate speech laws and more immigrants
so nothing changes
>((they)) will just use this as an example of far right extremism and push for more tolerance via anti hate speech laws and more immigrants
>implying this won't bring more votes to the right wing parties
all according to plan
>as usual mainstream media goes "Shooting in Italy: Most likely racially motivated"
Never thought of that actually you have a point
not our guy
>they left the flag on his back
Based as fuck... they agree
Fugggin checked
>tattoo on his face
degenerate, but i do applaud his actions
and at least it's a wolfsangel, i guess
Nope, it's true.
The pasta rises.
Yea he just shot like 9 that were in his community
Post your face
Pasta la vista
so now they can use a bunch more government funds for medical treatment. thanks, skin-head idiot.
Why the fuck would I, el abominacion?
Seriously though, what does that have to do with my post?
Three years ago I told my liberal friends that wea re actually creating situation where racism will explode with true power. I guess I was right. Fuck EU, thanks to stupid approach we are going back 100 of years. And when shit will hit the fan there will be no choosing sites, fuck, it's depressing.
wew lad
Good lad. Police are too soft on these African invader scum.
Need a lot more like this continent wide.
I'd rather have my country going bankrupt than having it full of niggers
Why would you be depressed about people reaping what they sow?
(((David Draiman))) is that you?
is he white?
Can someone link me thw story about the killed girl, or just tell me what happened? Why did kangz kill her and why arenr they in prison?
Good for him.
Because it would've been better, had we found unity and prevented all of this shit in the first place.
Now we'll have another brother war because people were indoctrinated by the leftist agenda.
It IS depressing, but I won't think twice about shooting a traitor when the time comes that I am forced to.
Plot twist: despite initial confusion, all victims were Italians. They were just mistaken for blacks by foreign observers. The perp was playing this song.
I still don't understand people in the South voting for Salvini.
I applaud his try but shame he didn't plan a bit more, go full out and do a Breivik
It's the classic pattern and people are too fucking retarded to see it.
Look at the news and think a bit and you'll see how planned everything is. They want a police state. A totalitarian surveillance society in Europe and America, ruled by pro-israeli counterjihadist parties like AfD, SD,PvV and Front National.
1. Problem - Create a problem (immigration through destabilization of their native countries and open borders in the west)
2. Reaction - Await the peoples reaction (people get sick of all the daily crimes and terror, the poor economy and the lower standard of living)
3. Solution - Present a "solution" to the problem that you created, a solution that will benefit you (right wing populism such as LePen, Wilders and Ã…kesson)
>the Jews brainwash people into liking open borders, faggotry, feminism and the breakdown of traditions
>Europe grows weaker and weaker and no longer poses a real threat to anyone
>the people of europe see that it's getting out of hand
>the jews come with a solution the the problem that they themselves created
>the people become pro-israeli (the only democracy in MENA, our natural allies, muslimkillers etc.)
>as a result, europe is reduced to a chaotic third world-tier country with constant internal conflicts (because the right wing populists won't deport people based on race due to "muh Nazism") and mass surveillance of the citizens (because they'd rather turn europe into a police state than to actually throw out the foreigners)
>Israel can now with the help of the right wing governments of europe take total control of MENA and create their greater Israel promised by God.
>not blasting the BRAAAP version
this. a whole lot of people are probably going to die and it won't be a situation where you get to choose sides. it's a shit state of affairs to be thrust into.
Good, the more they push us, the sooner we'll explode and go out shooting instead of discussing on Sup Forums like a bunch of pussies.
RIP in peace, Alex McNabb.
Based Luigi
we need more heroes like this bud
fuk yer, well done bro.
Thread theme.
the beauty of this song is that when you know your fortunes are down, they will rise again with persistence
Good start ,now others must follow
If you kill a bunch of people you go to jail for lifetime you fuckin retatds. This way with italian laws he'll be out in 3 months plus niggers understand they're not welcomed here.
I'm not even so sure we will go to war over this wasteland.
We won't survive another brother war. Our numbers are too low. Less white males means more single white females who will breed with non whites who fill the white mans place.
They are actively trying to replace you already. It's not like they can make things any worse.
they save the nigs in the hospital with your money, idiot. you have less money because it gets spent on healthcare for the nigs, who are still alive, and make children. you idiot. you are both full of nigs and bankrupt. both. idiot.
We gotta break out of this false dialectic.
quick rundown
>the girl is from Rome, living in a rehab community near Macerata
>she escapes from the community, goes to meet the nigerian drug dealer
>which, mind you, has no valid document in his possession (no immigrant visa) and already had previous convinctions
>she probably dies of overdose
>nigerian panics
>cuts her head, arms and legs to sneak her out from his house
>He hides her in some suitcases and then throws 'em away
>not raping her at some point
This is probably not how it happened
It really triggered me his name was spelled with a ph.
Kek nice
Better than getting caught before hand etc. this plants a seed that can grow to help your Italy and us all
Good guy. I hope he's out soon.
So easy....push for migrants to fight and kill other migrants such as nigerians kill somalians...pakistanis kill bengalis and afghans kill eritreans akak migrant wars.......get whites to mass reproduce while shoving the your the minority down their throats. ...and non whites die by killing each other....and depopulate and whites wil re-populate and rise up. And then Sieg Heil...racism explode then!
>is he white?
Of course not, he's Italian. Jesus Rumania...
looks white to me
Beat me to it
I hope somebody screencap my post from the other thread When i say that this is gonna to happen
Underrated comment.
Spot the concern troll.
However, it's immigrant-hugging politicians who are the real enemy.
And should be subjected to appropriate punishment.
What happened to Mussolini at the the end of the war was an outrageous violation of the laws of war.
Based Republic of Italia, saving EVROPA one rapefugee at a time.
We need to focus on exterminating white leftist men.
we have gotten to the stage where it doesn't matter what the media calls us anymore. Things are so fucked up people don't care about being called racist anymore.
Shot by commies
What a surprise that behind every awful modern event is a communist, and behind him a Jew who is his master
>They weren't going to just give the niggers that $ anyways
The absolute state of New faggery on this board.
Hahaha, nice job, Leaf.