If jews run the world, why is Israel such a shithole?
If jews run the world, why is Israel such a shithole?
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Jews are shitty people.
Everywhere with a majority of semitic peoples turns out to be a shithole.
because jews jew themselves too
thats what they want you to believe.. HAHA the jews have their lizard hands in every pocket in the world controlling the media and markets like a puppet
simple, it's not.
Russia on the other hand well...you know
it's not. It's a leading regional power, they're exporters of capital
>thats what they want you to believe
I was there, though. Every city is infested with arabs and is browner than a Mardi Gras parades. Streets are downright dangerous at night, if you walk into a wrong district, and I sure hope you like ghettos, because they are fucking everywhere.
They don't and it's not. Fuck off
>why is Israel such a shithole?
it's not. don't believe that Kike lie for a second.
the lizard jew! we summoned it!
kek, russki btfo
>Be a kike
>Walk into an arab neighborhood
>Get shanked
Dude if Poland is so great why are there so many Poles in the UK?
kikes are parasites they cant live without a host to leech off of
Jewish War on Free Speech
We begin this week’s edition of Jewish War on Free Speech with the news that the Israeli Ministry for Diaspora Affairs has released a new system for tracking arbitrarily designated ‘anti-Semitic’ posts and material on both social media and the wider internet. (1)
The fact that this is an overt attack on free speech and the concept of the Socratic dialogue itself by the jewish state on behalf of international jewry has passed people largely by. This is largely because jews are engaging in the sheer chutzpah of claiming that jews feel so scared in of Judeophobia in a society that measures virtue by how Judeophilic an individual or organisation is. (2)
Good examples of this are the alarmist statements about ‘rising levels of anti-Semitism’ that have come out of Canada, (3) Germany (4) and Lithuania (5) this week. While Rabbi Andrew Baker has discretely been reappointed to a role in the powerful inter-governmental organization ‘Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’ (or OSCE) where his job is to stamp out both anti-Semitism and anti-Semites. (6)
- Running against a jew in an election is ‘anti-Semitic’. (7)
- Refusing to be interviewed by a jew is ‘anti-Semitic’. (8)
- Criticising a jew is ‘anti-Semitic’. (9)
- Having an opinion is ‘anti-Semitic’. (10)
- Waving a flag is ‘anti-Semitic’. (11)
- Attending a Roman Catholic Mass is ‘anti-Semitic’. (12)
- Having the wrong Christian Bible is ‘anti-Semitic’. (13)
- Recording a private celebration is ‘anti-Semitic’. (14)
- Supporting the Palestinian people is ‘anti-Semitic’. (15)
- Holding an election on a Jewish holiday is ‘anti-Semitic’. (16)
- Calling a jew ‘pro-Israel’ is ‘anti-Semitic’. (17)
- Not doing whatever Israel wants is ‘anti-Semitic’. (18)
nice jew lies, now we know on whose side kek is, that faggot is rejected
Slav cuck is never gonna show his face again.
how new are you?
>Be anyone
>Walk into an arab neighborhood (but why the fuck would you?)
>Get shanked
>Be russki
>Walk anywhere
>Still cold and poor
>be kike
>enter Sup Forums
>shit flung on you
you dirty nigger
why would you walk there in the first place? Nothing for me to look for there
Keeekiiistannnn, kek XD
go fucking kill yourself kike scum
>simple, it's not....
>don't and it's not. Fuck off...
>be kike
>walk anywhere
>still hated by everyone
Compared with Arabs, Israel lives very well
israelllllstan(US) keeeeek
>If jews run the world, why is Israel such a shithole?
not enough white people.
Nuke Israel.
I was always kind of curious whether Israel was nice at all. I imagine it's pretty high on the inequality scale even between Jews.
Ever been to Israel? It's fucking great.
Kikes are kikes, but you can't say that they're dumb or bad statesmen or anything. Israel is the most functional country in the region and will remain to be one for God knows how long.
They have nukes in all forms, they secured their sovereignty a long time ago.
You can’t even tell who’s Jew and who’s Arab there
So they can victimize themselves.
nukes are a big political hoax like the holocaust. jews get their way because they rule the US and Russia and a bunch of other euro countries.
Sure, Ivanstein. It has nothing to do with the colossal monetary and military support from Europe and USA.
So? That doesn't mean Jews aren't smart or their country isn't self-sufficient. Their agriculture is so advanced they sell their kosher potatoes HERE! The price is exuberant, though.
Did you see what's happening to the Arab Israelis? They're speaking Hebrew and turning gay. They won.
>nukes are hoax
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
>So? That doesn't mean Jews aren't smart or their country isn't self-sufficient.
>country isn't self-sufficient.
What didn't you understand about the monetary and military support? Nobody will touch Israel because they have a rather big guard dog and muh holocaust which they always use to get to their goals.
>Nukes a hoax
Why am I not surprised.
Your point being? That Israel is only standing because of the foreign aid? Not in the current year, I don't believe it.
Aid is always good, but they have a real goods-producing economy.
As someone who traveled a lot in life, I'd rather live in Israel than any western country out there.
Germany gets wayyy more aid than Israel in the form of US troops on the ground. So does many other Asian countries. The US just funds Israel's defense budget by 20%. Nothing more than that. There has never been a single US troop who fought in an Israeli war (don't bring up conspiracy theories)
Because Israel has not enough goys that can be jewed out of their possessions?
because bongs keep clogging their toilets
Poland is not great. It's less developed than Israel without a doubt
Jews prefer Israel like a rat prefers a rat's nest. A rat doesn't enjoy an orderly, tidy household, because it will conceal itself in the rubbish. Being in a clean room would make the rat anxious and it would scurry into a hole and build a nest because it is a disease-ridden, scavenging pest. Much like the Jew.
What page in the Koran is that from Mohammed?
It's not a shithole, it's a prime example of what the rest of the middle east could be like if you did not have muslim arabs running things
They hide their wealth behind tradional looking cities, if you have gold paved modern streets it will only attract immigrants wanting a free ride! Jews mostly likely have second homes in usa or similar..
Because there are no white people to make it nice. Jews are only parasites, not builders and inventors.
That’s because Israel has massive lobbying in both Europe and the US to buy their goods. They are also the biggest group to sell to the US government, to local governments.
They have infested many companies to put Israel first as a vendor. I have seen this first hand and it gets to absolute absurdity because half the shit Israel sells is shoddy quality for higher price. They are not gaining because of supply and demand, they are only gaining because they have their people in every industry to make things happen. I have lost customers because of this and I’ve seen companies go under because of this.
Go to Jerusalem, visit Jewish quarter, visit Muslim quarter, tell me again who is clean and who lives like a sewer-rat, visit archaeological excavations for bonus facts about how the final Jewish revolution against Rome was orchestrated by a sect which was obsessed with ritual cleanliness.
What did you think would happen when 6 drillion jews jew each other on a daily basis
Your first wave of "polish" migrants were commies with changed surnames and they mongrel mutt army who could only torture people. I expect that you had traficing,slavery and drug gang made by "poles", even tho I never checked
Second wave were damaged people aka alkoholics and leftists. Only recently you could get some educated people, first ones started emigrating to the west in 1939. And yet they steal you fucking job, explain yourself
The only way a Jew can feel clean is to make another live in more squalor than himself.
Only by degrading others can he distract himself from acknowledging the degenerate
filth that he is.
Fuck off you disgusting like your opinion is less than dirt
Probably to rape some poor guys kid schlomo
half of the cabal do not like Israel. They think Israel exposes the jews. They prefer to stay in the shadow, controlling global banking, that's safer than be exposed with land and a flag.
This half will not destroy Israel, but they do not support them either.
The global bankers are commies/socialist (I mean how do they prefer to organize goy cattle, not for them).
Zionist are right-wing nationalists (duh!) racial purists.
So, since Israel creation you have two main jew factions, and the wealthiest of them do not live in Israel
Probably because you won't get roped there given 20 or so more years
Israel is proxy state
jews like to hide in other nations ike parasites
Because jews are filthy animals.
Jews are good at bullshitting. It is a speech-oriented strength. It is good for politics, it is not actually useful for building a country. People who are good at bullshitting are only confortable in one type of situation and it is parasitism. They will excel at it, and nowhere else.
because our government is corrupt as fuck.
still better than Sweden though.
so jews are inferior yet control the world at the same time
really gets the noggin joggin
Why is russia such a shithole compared to israel?
get the fuck off this board kike, we don't want you here or fucking anywhere