Strategy behind the FISA memo release

About an hour ago it dawned upon me, what Trumps strategy with regards to the memo could be.
Isn't it strange after all, that he finally released it not just on a Friday, but more so right before a superbowl weekend? Why so?

If you think of it, the memo itself is brilliant: with just slightly over 3 pages, it's length is more than enough to make it a quick read and get the plain facts and names. Also, it is written in understandable english rather than legalese.

So, does Trump use memetic warfare to win this war against the Lügenpresse?
Just think of it, many friends and generally people will come together this weekend for the superbowl, and quite probably the question "did you read the memo?" will pop up.
If the reply is "yes", then a discussion may begin. If it's "no", then a follow-up could be "you should do so, it's just three pages. You want me to send you the link to it via phone?"
When people then read it, cognitive dissonance will kick in; the whole "Rusha! Rusha!" narrative will be questioned, and the remaining people who still somewhat believe the MSM will probably question or discard it's integrity outright.

Trump is memeing the memo in a way it's almost guaranteed to go viral. This could become the next big win in the battle against the deep state.

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Big true if
> 4D chess MAGA( Make amerimutt great again)

Adding the memo to the thread in case anyone wants to look at it and/or share

>with just slightly over 3 pages, it's length is more than enough to make it a quick read and get the plain facts and names
That's a very optimistic assumption about average Murrican attention span.

Oh, and did I mention that there's "TOP SECRET" written on it?

Betting the house on Tommy and the the boys

Total war against the deep state, total war, total war, disband the FBI and CIA and imprison all high ranking officers. Replace it with the NIA National Intelligence Agency/

Bump. Anyone got any more detailed responses if it comes up? Subtle red pills to drop without revealing your power level?

>inb4 Have you seen the memo? Gas the kikes, race war now., conversation starter.

No need for that: once the democrats issue their own memo, of course with a delay, then no matter what they come up with, they'll have to disprove the established narrative. The memo is essentially guaranteed to remain in the public attention.
Burrying it won't work for the MSM.

can anyone post the pic of a bunch of twitter bots saying the memo is nothing or something like that?
they all have a link somewhere as well

You severely underestimate the power the kike has on the normie mind. All the normies are already convinced its fake. Even though we know its true, the moment you say, "its true, here's why" they immediately stop listening and exclaim you need to stop watching infowars and reading breitbart.

I checked my kike book today to see their response. The delusion is stronger than ever. They all posted onion articles making fun of nunes for having a fake memo or some dumb shit.

It truly is worse than you can imagine. Most normies are literally mind controlled by the mass media. The DOTR will be easy because it won't be a fight against humans, it'll be a fight against biological robots.


>They all posted onion articles making fun of nunes for having a fake memo or some dumb shit.

So it occupies their attention? How many fake satire articles, late night show ramblings, CNN reports will it take until they finally tell themselves "let's see what that damn memo is all about, if it's just three pages, then I might as well read it directly"?

Bump. At first I was against the timing but now I see why it made since. It apparently is the first revelation of many, and a soft entry like this for normies is a good way to start. That way once the IG report hits, they will have some background on what has been going on. This was meant to have a subconscious effect more than anything especially after the STOU, which normies responded to very well and love the patriotic angle of it. I’d also add that most people in general look at the alphabet agencies will at least some suspicion, and don’t trust the media much. So doing it this way, the story is subconsciously stored all weekend; opening up their minds for the exposures to come, whether they know it or not.

Trump is dictating the narrative, the deep state is fighting an uphill battle against guerilla tactics.

"As long as a guerilla army does not lose against a conventional army, it will win. As long as a conventional army does not win against a guerilla army, it will lose."
- Henry Kissinger

>Shrieks of "literally Hitler" in the distance

I was actually just thinking this same thing myself, that it must have been intentionally timed so that people will talk about it during the super bowl with their friends and families WITHOUT mainstream media being able to damage control - because it's effectively a mainstream media blackout due to every tv in the USA being tuned to the nigger collision championship.
thus people are going to look up the memo themselves or share it and discuss between real Americans rather than having the media report their "interpretation" as the real story.
It's a brilliant move

Let's hope the nogs will take a knee as well, then it couldn't get much better!

Am I the only to notice trump always dumps big news on Friday afternoon?
Getting the kike media to stress and work during the sabbath

I'd say it's more likely that releasing it now makes it harder for the Democrats to effectively release their counter-memo until four-five days have passed.
So the narrative will be more established before they have a chance to unmake it. And we all know it's very hard to change a mind once it has accepted something as fact.


Can't read, blured.

>the nigger collision championship.

Wow so the the family of the red shield have poisoned their own children the same way they poisoned the masses. That Rothschild is nothing but an idiot trying to rule his empire by way of tweets.

I noticed that the Memo has produced an insane amount of anger among Conservatives. I think it will help a lot during Midterms.

I was testing out my theory on r/thedonald and posting calls for Civil War and the Execution of those mentioned in the memo, Etc.. I was even talking about Right Wing Death Squads. I was getting a ton of upvotes before I pushed too far and got banned.


>FBI agents falsified testimony
The Flynn plea deal will get tossed and all charges against him will get dropped. They lied about the conversation with Flynn, and Mueller knows it. The IG report will be a kill shot.

Their phony investigation has turned into a self devouring monster. Trump knew they were fucked after talking with Rodgers, he’s letting them hang them selves with more lies.

Yeah basically but you are under estimating how retarded these brainwashed morons are

Discussed here! fucked

This is top tier Gestalt level news!!

ALSO 100 subscriber montage memecast! Calling out E-celeb trash !!
>inb4 YouTube shilling anti e-celeb and eceleb

This is a community of ShitLords like YOU!!!

Exactly, the normie brainwashing has reached previously unpossible levels. It’s terrifying.

No normal dude is going to talk politics with his buddies while watching the game. His buddies already know his stance politically.

Also, there's football on. Men watch football, not yap like girls at tea parties faggot.

Stupidest beta thread ever.

The op severely underestimates stupidity and willful ignorance of the average Yank. They won't talk about the memo. If one person asks another about the memo and they reply that they haven't seen it, the person asking will quickly change the subject, as to not appear too informed.


Orwell was a fucking visonary.

case in point

And so, America walks unabashedly into another decade of ignorance and depravity.

>not telling us to buy LINK
ok proxy

Yeah except nothing will happen because the American "justice" system doesn't work and every single voter already has their mind made up.

It's almost certainly a worse scandal than Watergate, but the politicians and more importantly the people themselves are so debased and corrupted that it won't change anything. The only thing that would help in the long run could be a Civil War. That could make things worse, but it's the only thing that would have a change of making things better.

There is no "strategy" that means anything when you're dealing with a corrupted population that cares more about football than reality.

Change "m.jpg" to ".jpg"

why are leftists such sheeple?
20yrs of data, no matter who's in power, they never dropped below 50%.

Possible happening.

Dems are Triggered, Watch out for False FLag!!!

The Memo is just acclimating everyone for what's to come. There will be more memos, an IG report, and likely prosecutions of FBI and DOJ agents and Obama cronies.

Here we go, next stop: Uranium One Central Station

phoneposter detected


>it's been 86-dimensional dry water polo in the futureall along
i should/will have known