>80% of women reproduced whereas 40% of men did
80% of women reproduced whereas 40% of men did
>The Extinct Virgin vs The Historic Chad
Yes? 80% of all woman and 40% of all men. What don’t you understand?
Whew lads, I'm part of the 40%.
You need to factor in just how violent and disordered tribal societies can be. Don't be a univariate analysis meme.
>tribal societies
Just say societies; "tribal" is redundant.
gee i wonder what the cause could be, it couldn't possibly be wars
Being male you have no guarantees in life.
>twice as many women than man
>that means 80% of women and 40% of men
It's probably more like 2% of women and 1% of men.
There’s a lot less women than men generally. Some men miss out I guess
Meh better to die a virgin than know any of your progeny would turn out brown/black mulatto shitskin mutts
Also remembered by your deeds > just having kids
This is why there were so many Wizards through ancient history.
name one
Pic related
Surely Hitler had sex before his testicles got shot off in the tenches at world war 1?
I wonder if it is reflective of maiting behavior. That females find traits in males more attractive if they "think" it could increase the odds of a potential male offspring to reproduce; rather than looking for traits which could increase the fertility of a potential female offspring.
i.e. cucks < rapist, from a historical perspective of attractiveness from a woman's perspective.
How is that a shocker? If you were a pretty woman, why would you get dicked by a scrawny virgin when Chad expresses his interest in you?
>Caring about the future of society when you will never be able to find a wife and the state is importing men from the third world to have even more competition for women.
Which is what Peterson always says when he says "you have twice as many female ancestors as you have males".
Or as we say in Italy "it pulls more a string of pussy hair than a wagon with oxen"
The soldier virgin vs the gimp chad
This. Only reason to live is to fix this
Could Genghis Khan have something to do with this?
>women are sluts
Who woulda thunk?
Something that can't continue...
Just like mother nature intended.
>One of the most famous wizards
Forgot pic
This post makes no sense..?
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