Fuck the media

The media always does this. Why mention that he was Muslim and she was blonde? Does being blonde make her life more valuable? Disgusting, bringing stuff like this into it. It isn't even relevant and is only included to spark hate among whites against Muslims.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Does being blonde make her life more valuable?
Yes it does..

>being blonde makes her life more valuable
yes according to whitey

>Does being blonde make her life more valuable?


>Does being blonde make her life more valuable?


>Does being blonde make her life more valuable?

It's to demoralize white people

The "Somali-Muslim" part is particularly relevant because he was the first. Hence that people would be particularly interested in his failure. The blonde part is just the author being weird. In any case, kill yourself.

digits of truth from salvation army man

Blonde hair is a rare and desirable trait. Blonde people are the peacocks of the human race

Are you fucking retarded or something? of course being blonde makes her more valuable, look at her eye-brows you idiot shes a natural blonde.

you’re right it should “disgusting subhuman murders actual human while her elected reps double down on the policy”


wow the "media" is the authors self-funded web blog. Wouldn't be surprised if its Pamela herself behind the post here on Sup Forums.

tl;dr: Slide thread. Sage.

Every Muslim on the planet will either become an irradiated pile of ash or a corpse swinging from a tree within 30 years. Real people are getting sick of your shit. Fast.

Fuck off, shill or 16 year old {{{comedy central}}} watching faggot.

1.We already know blonde lives matter more, Hitler told us.

2. If hating Islam is the side effect of telling the truth, than that clearly indicates problems with the followers of Muslim ideology, if not the religion itself.

People sympathise more with attractive people, and blonde girls are considered to be attractive more than any other typology.


>Does being blonde make her life more valuable?

Psychology 101, people like divisive shit that reaffirms their biased beliefs. The media knows this and profit from this by only reporting polarizing subject matter. It's amazing that people still ask why it happens.

It was so they did not have to out 'white' in the headline.

They can't have people thinking black and brown people murder whites.

>one less pretentious yoga roastie
i fail to see the problem

Also I'm from Minnesota so I'm very familiar with Justine Damon killing.

why? Literally just a hair color. What makes her life more valuable than his?

These are facts, there is an obvious trend that migrants are the ones committing violent crimes. Raging over Sup Forums about non-omission of facts is subhumanry of the highest degree

Why? It disgusts me that you value someone's life more than a black persons based off the color of their hair

What ever happened to this guy?

He sees a woman screaming for attention because something bad is going on and so she's approached a police officer and his response is, while sitting in the car, to draw his gun and point it across his partner and fucking unload on her.....oh and he forgot to put his body camera on.

Are you really this thick?

The headline shows that her being white was not even worth mentioning.

Had the roles been different, he would of gotten a statue in his honor.

Of course any white and blonde is more valuable than 10 niggers and mongrels. If you mix all colors together you get brown. Brown eyes. Black hair. Brown skin.

More rare

Same reason Mox Ruby is more expensive than a Raging Goblin

because its a fact muslims are bad and blondes are good.

Yeah i made it look more political correct and it sure makes everything different. Why can't they do this?
A not-white man killing a white woman is really rare, right?

>Pamela Geller
She's not exactly a reporter at CNN, in fact the media didn't touch this one with a ten foot pole other than to blame the police in general and discuss systemic racism that left the poor Somali ill-trained

Nice try hippy

>only included to spark hate among whites against Muslims.

Muslims do a pretty good job at that by themselves.

liberals and democrats let them in


This. One human being killing another human being is always terrible. Skin color, religion, and other superficial, arbitrary categories do not count. At all. There is only one race. The human race.

Yeah, fuck white people!


the blonde part is irreverent, but the rest is fine



>A not-white man killing a white woman is really rare, right?

A piece of shit Somali murders a white yoga instructor and you think an article mentioning that
she was blonde is what will spark hatred among whites? Just how useless a piece of shit are you


>Does being blonde make her life more valuable?

>Does being blonde make her life more valuable?
furthermore, him being a mudsling-nigger makes his life less valuable than almost everyone else

Do i have to use an emoji for you to understand it was sarcasm?
Let me fix it.
>A not-white man killing a white woman is really rare, right? :^) Kappa xD

Truth is beauty. Beauty is truth.

the captcha is being a faggot today

Chimps gonna chimp

Well this a boomer post, so what could you expect? Boomers on the left and right are slightly retarded.
And of course European life should be worth more for a European person.
For black person, lives of blacks should be worth more the same way.

Why do Europeans/White should care more of their kin?
Genetic bonds and being alike/similar
If you are white/European, you are more related to any White European person in other continent than a black person living next doors.
Simple as that

They are born evil.


She was a kike.

>Does being blonde make her life more valuable?

Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah. That has to be a bullshit story. It fucking has to be. Please.

What race do peacocks belong to?


You're all saying she's more valuable for being blonde but not explaining why, I'd genuinely like to know...Are you sure you know why you believe what you believe?


Because white people were made by God and niggers were made by Satan.

Pick one. Who you can better relate to.




No fuck you commie leftist socialist progressive subhuman fag We will kill you all soon









They are a scourge.



Pretty weak example used in that image tbqh, gives the impression that whoever made it had to go back an absurdly long time to find an example of a non-white spree killer when there are a lot more recent examples of shitskins going for the high score

Yes, the media should really not report facts that make people uncomfortable.


>toll: paid
I love these. They are so funny. Karma is a wonderful thing.

It's 90% true. He did call a three year old racist is complained to the parents and prosecuting attorney in court, and he did give the armed robbers a light sentence largely "cuz they wuz just keeeds", but he didn't explicitly do it because the three year old was racist (but probably implicitly)

He was disbarred a few years later for being a nigger-favoring hack of a nigger judge

>this woman is a Miss Italy contestant
wow so you been sayin... this atrocity is a 10/10 in italy? KEK


>The media
Pamela Geller's blog is not the media, never mind mainstream media.

When a shitskin dies deep down people know nothing of value was lost, infact a shitskin gains value when dead because it's no longer a burden to people of value, still willing plague chan to work it's magic on africa


Is everyone educated yet?

>It's just a hair colour.
And Communism is just a dream. Turns out people put a lot of value on things they find important.

probably just wanted to kill a white person thinking he will get away with it, being a cop

You wont do shit wh*te boi. Youll just keep on taking it and taking it til your incompetent race is extinct.

roastie deserved it

it's true.
of course the article basically goes on championing how great he is

>Does being blonde make her life more valuable?

Pic related is me and my white slave.

Both facts are relevant, this poor innocent White princess was murdered by some pedophile worshipping shitskin. That’s what’s (((sparking the hate))), the fact that some sandnigger kills an innocent person, and then has people like you defending him because he’s brown. Just fucking kill yourself bro

beat me to it
