Women's rights movement is a joke that went too far.
Admit it, Sup Forums
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What makes you genially think that? Do you think that women don`t deserve right to property, employment nor any of the other rights and privileges that state apparatus grants to men?
This was my photoshopped right?
The initial joke was good, but now is like Casablanca 2.
the state doesn't let a man abort his child or divorce with more than half of his original assets. the state approves of the Duluth Model.
The state is inherently biassed towards women.
Well of course it is. They’ve never been able to do the same amount of work that men do, but they’re now in a position where they can bully people getting paid more due to experience and well earned bonuses into paycuts and boycotts.
They have that already. There’s no point to their movement now.
Legally speaking, there is no child before live-birth, only potential child in eyes of the law.
Marriage also grants advantages regarding taxes and assignment of financial assets so there need to deterring factors towards divorce.
The only reason why marriage exists is because now you won't get fucked too hard by the law if you break up with a girl.
And abortion is a complicated subject since the only good point from the pro-life is morals whereas the only good point from the pro-choice is muh buncha cells. Basically they're both retarded and none of them has any good arguments.
There is since even today there are factors were women are not considered as professional or experienced even if they hold same amount of professional experience and same educational background as their male colleges. Female professionals are not taken as seriously as men. These injustices need to be fixed.
That is unlikely being the fact that over 50% of all the graduates at university are female (even thought most of them have useless titles). Also, citation needed, I've never heard of a woman that was looked down at for being a woman in a workplace.
Also, most workplace differences between male and female have been proven to be caused by other reasons mostly demographics while not being caused directly by their gender.
>Women's rights movement is a joke that went too far.
No, it's a warfare strategy against us.
link to the best red-pills on misandry documentary ever made. few years old now, most oldfags have seen but a few noobs might not be aware of it.
>These injustices need to be fixed.
Can't fix biology, unless you chemically poison masculinity and reduce men to whimpering effeminate flesh tubesocks. Shit... nevermind.
Women are a joke that went too far.
Read and weep
a carefully planned (((joke)))
It was an important movement that had to be stopped because it threatened the status quo; facing it would be ineffective, so instead they decided to divert its attention towards polarizing subjects e.g. abortion.
Thanks for the hint little guy, here are 5$. Go outside and play with your friends for a few hours.
Feminism is a bio weapon
It’s been a joke since it’s inception. Instead of building something of their own, they went on a rampage, tearing down everything that wasn’t pandered to them and thus turning everything into shit. Turning women against men was the most dangerous and destructive form of identity politics this country has ever done.
The absolute state of feminists: