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this guy literally looks like a soy bean

>says the phytoestrogens bind with estrogen receptors in the body
>implying there aren't more estrogen receptors available for the body's natural estrogen

guy think's he's a soy genius, but just a retard

Okay after watching more than 10 mins of this 30 min video i can already see this yes, beta male & soy boy is memetastic nonsense
thanks alot Sup Forums
you fucking faggots
never trusting you again
i have to go to my fucking mom the shit i told her was nonsense now

>Explaining yourself to a women
That's why you aren't blessed with digits.

im hoping im rewarded with tendies thats all

>doesn't change the concentration of T
>doesn't change the concentration of E
>why are the called Phytoestrogens if they don't change T and E?

Stopped right there.
This moron doesn't even understand the terms or basic Physiology, nothing.
Phytoestrogens are estrogen mimickers and yes they won't make your gonads small or produce LOWER levels of T but they WILL COMPETE AT THE RECTOR LEVEL YOU BRAINLET MMMOOOOOOOORONS!!!
The will make your more feminine.
You see the estrogen are like sending a message so the cells behave in a certain way, like giving you D cups, it's like and indirect change, the estrogen itself doesn't do the change but the cells with the given instructions do.

>Stopped right there.

if you're so sure they work that way. Why are the studies inconclusive?

>Why are the studies inconclusive?
Ohhh I see.
Well some organisms/bodies will react differently to mimickers, meaning THEY WON'T SEE THEM AS MIMICKERS, that's why the studies are inconclusive.
Also because competing at the receptor level T might win in men with very high T.
But just asking me that questions shows how stupid you really are.