Apologise right ficking now
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wow that fart was hot and it stank BAD
Fuck Shitler and fuck the Nazis
The British should have conquered Germany and used every Teutonic pig as a slave in Welsh coal mines, Germans are so stupid unlike us they couldn't even do a genocide correctly
How can it be a genocide if there are survivors?
>oy vey shut it down
>my grandparents survived 6 gassings and the dreaded masturbation machine
This is only the beginning. Wait till we have Muslims on our side.
>tfw inherited holocaust trauma
>slash pol
every time
These kikes got heir back stabbing ways from Europeans, these kikes didn't come from the desert they're Europeans who converted, this is the typical behaviour of a European. They always claim to be a victim of the Anglo and will cry about how they're the master race not Anglos (even though all of Europe combined didn't accomplish half as much as England alone) honestly the way you euro homos see niggers and pakis and stuff is how we Anglos see you, you're parasites who leech off us and come to our countries and don't assimilate
>too much racism
This is only the beginning kike
Hooknose kikess " it was just jokes right, *gasp* there aren't really bad goys are there?!"
Goddamn these people can't see the bullet coming for them
She should afraid.
I smell fear, and it smells good.
Sup Forums is a board of peace. You can't discriminate against all Sup Forumsacks when a tiny minority of radical shitposters who aren't TRUE Sup Forumsacks do something wrong. If you read the FAQ and global rules, racism and such hate speech is banned. Anything else is purely satire and misinterpreted.
if only she knew how spergy the average Sup Forums user is she wouldnt be scared
>mentions Sup Forums
Eh, this seems fake to me.
>thinks the 14 words are anti female
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
>anti female
i wut
Spergs are easier to unhinged than content men, spergs are more prone to planned big violence. If you don't think there's basement dwelling kazinckiyites here your being naive.
is that a joke is it actually something they're trying to push
It's real
>I really don't feel like it's a joke any more.
It's all fun and games until someone ends up in an oven.
Yes, Jewess. Our collective identity, our pride, our honor, our children - it's all a joke.
Now, close your eyes and go back to JewTube..
Johnathan Bowden used to say that Holocaust revisionism would come back eventually through the Muslim community
You sound like an anti-semite
be right back, starting my car in my garage
>told to just look it up more
It is just joke. Now continue to this shower. Few drops of Zyklo- i mean fresh water will make you better. Welcome to our Camps of Friendship, love and tolerance. Here you can have all diversity you ever dream about.
Zero awareness that they create this
Just google “memo” to see that controlled narrative about it being nothing, or lies, or a last ditch effort of a guilty man from every result for page and page. This is why we hate the Jews
I guess Alt-Leftism isn't the answer either
How will satirefags ever recover?
That study was so shit. It compared the DNA to jews that were not connected to the holocaust and found that the two groups had different DNA. Isn't it weird that a random sample of Jews not affected by the holocaust had DNA different from a FAMILY of Jews? Also the researchers came to the conclusion that the DNA differences must be correlated to some sort of trauma genes. Those 30 or so people.
Also they weren't testing for RACIAL Jews but for RELIGIOUS Jews.
The jews tried to fuck over the goyim and planted the seeds of resentment AGAIN and will fucking reap the whirlwind AGAIN. Why can't these subversive rat-like fuckers learn?
Do what the ultra Zionists want, give in to the paranoia and move to Israel.
>spend decades actively attempting to harm western civilization
>people notice and tell them to knock it off
There is no such thing as a racial Jew. That is a false narrative the kikes try to push to make themselves different.
>giant hook noses and curly black hair isn't genetic
ok user, whatever you say
Oy vey
She needs to relax, it's just a meme!
>I'm Jewish and a woman
Shoah drops are the best
>any more
it's "anymore" you dumb jewish cunt
I am Christian and a man. My grand grandfather was a concentration camp manager. I am also really worried.
The way things are going I see myself doing my grandfathers job in 5-10 years.
And all I ever wanted was play video games and become video game developer.
But you made me do it.
>muh inherited ptsd gib shekels goyim
as if the kikes weren't neurotic af before the holohoax
>First ten seconds of vid related
A few of these, and one will catch in the MSM, then you can expect some sort of "Precedent" to be set. More than likely a "Precedent" that turns into law.. like everything else
so when are the kikes going to pay Russians and Eastern Europeans for the inherited trauma caused by Jewish bolshevism?
I'd bet you 50 shekels of silver she pounds her puss to fantasies of big bad nazis
>>Implying he can even still physically "Rape" a real"Man" after all those estrogen mimikers Ze's ingested,
all i'm feeling is how hard she needs my goy cock and cum down her throat
jewesses are legendary whores
they can never get enough
absolutely based.
She's a Jew and a women, and she's paranoid. That's a Jewish women's natural setting.
Zionists killing people who have lived in an area and claiming they have some right because of a book written thousands of years ago need an apology?
How the fuck that midget managed to build a cult of personality is beyond me.
another turbowhore thirsting for my cum
get a jewish slut anons, they're deliciously clingy
>Fuck Racism
>Punch Nazis
>Eat shit for your mistress
ok leaf:)
if you say so:)
1488 gas the kikes
race war now
Dems are Triggered by the Light!
Possible False Flag!
>get a jewish slut anons
And create more of the matrilinear scum?
Poor Jewish girl. I think we should let all the non feminist Marxist Jewish girls off the hook?
>I've been stirring up this hornet's nest so dilligently and now I can see that the hornets are starting to get angry and swarming.
and extremely wet
i've got a final solution to their problem
My mum was a bipolar heroin addict who used to tell me every day how much she hates me and that she's going to kill herself. Where's my special treatment?
Get fucked you disgusting kikes, always playing the victim. Everyone has problems.
Spergs are the ones who shoot up schools, now we're forming a collective of spergs, what do you think happens next?
>so when are the kikes going to pay Russians and Eastern Europeans for the inherited trauma caused by Jewish bolshevism?
I'm waiting for my reparations moshe.
Ruined a fine nation and killed the royals.
>im a jew
>mentions pol
seems legit
I'm working with shiites from Hezbollah, they are pretty nice guys.
I also want to build bridges with Syrian Social Nationalist Party but I can't overcome the language barrier yet.
(((Wahhabi))) scum must die.
>joke like on Sup Forums
Are you motherfuckers fucking with me?
If being white means being attacked then I live with being attacked.
Which means I will defend myself.
Better still, I will find other whites who are interested in defending themselves.
I will help them.
Call me a racist.
I don't care.
I'm tired of being attacked when I
have done nothing but try to be good.
I don't want violence.
I want to be left alone.
Leave me be and I will harm no one.
Come at me and I will make it clear that I wanted to be left alone.
>just a prank bro
JEws are evil. Their "muh victim" is just a shield they use.
No girl knows what Sup Forums is.
Fake and gay.
>Punching a guy who was completely off guard with all your might
>Cant even knock him him down
This is who we're fighting. They normally only win when they group up on you like a bunch of ants on a spider
She wont have to worry, this time around the ovens will be all inclusive.
Bitch needs to look into it more.
Keep pushing Moishe
They are not laughing anymore.
she should've looked into it
>faggot that created the problem is now worried about the peoples natural reaction to that problem
>YT ppl pls halp
No, fuck you, you traitorous scum, you deserve it.
Every action has an equal or greater reaction. Better start warming up them ovens. Moloch still needs his 6 million jew sacrifice.
Why dont these people ever seem to take any kind of responsibility in relationship or pull any of their weight regarding that. They claim the world is their oyster yet someone who is not pulling their end of responsibility in relationship is not a fair or innocent person. I have seen many white people do this.. i have never seen a black, hispanic or jew do this.. most women also believe the world is their oyster. Without some kind of pushback (which we are not allowed to do) and discipline there is no way these people could be educated to get along or be somewhat civilized. We have literally been brainwashed and coerced into believing and accepting that necessary actions and behaviour in life are morally wrong. They are not, a fully moral person would do those things and feel the necessity of them deeply. Absolutely disgusting. These people have likely never had to do this (spoiled brats). Being responsible in this manner is very difficult and is far from priviledge or having it easy, infact most people who havent had to done that have had life on easy mode as having to do that is one of the most daunting, austere, unrewarding necessary difficulties in life. These people are terrible people, they are literally theives. My parents were crummy people but i disowned their ways (it wasnt hard, nor did it involve ANY type of priviledge or leisure as the minorities claim). These people are simply scumbags committing a crime of opportunity. Im affraid the complete truth is as simple as that. Every time i put deep thought into all this i realize that.
That "trauma", is just his conscience (whatever is left of it) reminding him that he has yet to be punished for millions of deaths that his communist ancestors caused.
You may need autism pills
Gee I wonder who's behind this post
you lied abut history kikes, what did you think would happen?
they found the gene for kvetching?
I made that mistake, the pussy ain't worth the rest of the women and with jews you date the WHOLE family too. ugh.
>talking about the alt-right and politics in a game plebbit
why tho?
>Said the leaf.
I have inherited trauma from my ancestors who survived the Black Death. Where can I get some gibs?