What is Sup Forums's thoughts on the Rhodesian Bush War? Who was in the right, and who was in the wrong?
Rhodesian Bush War
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Any takers
Rhodies were civic nationalist cucks who apposed apartheid and segregation of races. The only reason Sup Forums likes them is because of their short shorts.
Whites built that country and the niggers around them thought that they could take over because they thought they were better. The niggers then destroyed Rhodesia and have begged for whites help. They deserve nothing now.
>the story about rifle sights
They are retards who went against Britain because they thought the inevitable could be kept off. Based Harold Wilson did nothing wrong
i need oil for work.
civic nationalism worked there dumbass
I feel like Rhodesia is just like Liberia. Both countries were colonized and ruled by a minority population; Rhodesia was ruled by Europeans and Liberia was ruled by American Blacks. Both the Europeans and American Blacks thought less of the majority indigenous populations and lead to their downfall.
Man stupid kkk style racism is why people do not wake up and flee from the SJWs. Tired of it
Clearly not. They had single digit percentage support of blacks.
Didn't they have racial segregation in Rhodesian?
that would be an ecumenical matter
No. And certainly not by law. They had freedom of association, but most Rhodies thought it would be extremely counterproductive to segregate. The reason they gave blacks free education, extremely cheap medical and rights to vote if they were educated or wealthy. You can't live with people in Africa unfortunately.
yes most of the nazi larpers and other "ethnostate" racists are just there to make sure that regular folks don't gravitate towards the right and their self preservations.
"You don't want to end up like that asshole, do you?" And people really don't. They don't want to hate their fellow citizens. That's exactly the choice (((they))) want to present you.
Either accept a bunch of foreigners or hate your fellow citizens.
The real choice is don't do either but so many retards here play right into (((their))) hands.
>the feel when you didn't keep them past the Zambezi
I'm talking about Rhodesia (and South Africa) specifically. African counties with tiny white populations, go ask those whites how they feel about civic nationalism and how it's working out for them there. There's a big difference between a few non whites in Europe and a few non blacks in Africa. Both get treated much different by their host countries.
they sure did kill niggers in a good way
kek seem to wills it, I'll post another
That's Congo IIRC
Niggers be niggers, who the fuck cares
There has to be more too this than just civic nationalism. Did Rhodies just hate blacks and just treated them not as well?
No. White Rhodeisians treated blacks better than any other group ever had. Ian Smith and his people envisioned a future where whites and blacks lived side by side as one nation and people. That's why they invested so much into educating them.
Is this from a movie?
I do not know, I found it on /k/ a few years ago from a post, which claimed it was from some documentary.
What about communist influence like China and the USSR? Also apparently there was some racial segregation and a minority group ruling the country instead of the majority. This just like Liberia in way.
If this is from a documentary, then that cameraman needs an awards.
the slip at 12
If the offer were there, how many of you would be willing to move back to a new Rhodeisa in return for providing Zimbabwe with excess food?
The communists will always want their gibs and currently they're desperate, someone might be able to negotiate a 'Let us return and run ourselves and we'll give you what you want' type deal with the guy that replaced Mugabe.
Africa Addio?
I'm confused by your posts maybe. You asking what influenced the blacks to turn on whites there?
.Mugabe and Nkomo rise on the platform of "ridding" Rhodesia of White citizens and Black supporters. They armed themselves with money and weapons from Communist China and Soviet Russia in exchange for mining rights. The two communist funded terrorists spend the next 20 years raping, pillaging, and ambushing civilians on their farms. In 1966 the Bush Wars begin as Mugabe and Nkomo lead the "Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army" (ZANU). They begin losing the physical war and resort to the UN, "reporting" oppression under White Rule. The 1968 United Nations enact sanctions wrongfully blaming Rhodesia of a "racist minority" rule.
1970 Portugal, Rhodesia, and South Africa become formal Allies in the "Border Wars" being fought in South Africa Angola. The Soviet Union starts pouring more aid to ZANU, applying pressure to Rhodesia. The communist backed forces start widespread battles crossing borders in Mozambique and Zambia. Rhodesian Light Infantry, Selous
Scouts, ect engage in far reaching counter insurgency and counter terrorist missions.
Yep. I wondering what influenced the blacks to turn on whites in Rhodesia.
Rhodesia wins every single engagement regardless of being outnumbered and out funded by China and Russia back
terrorists. ZANU is facing heavy losses from significantly smaller Rhodesian units. in 1974 Portugal starts to lose power in Mozambique, Angola political climate becomes unstable leading to civil war. By 1975, Portugal has lost control of Mozambique. South Africa pulls out to commit troops to Angola to secure its border in light of instability and
violent civil war. Rhodesia is now the last standing former colonial nation in Africa. 1960's England starts turning over colonial assets to indigenous people. Rhodesia points out how such an act will ruin their country (One of the most productive in Africa) if turned over to tribal leaders without preparation to a Black majority rule. In 1964 Rhodesia proclaim independence to prevent Britain from ruining them. Blacks and Whites living in country agree that a lower pace is needed along with expanded infrastructure. 1966-1976 Rhodesia continues parlaying with rebels in hopes of peace and slow transition to more racially equal
society as was intended. England has constantly called for complete, immediate transference of power to tribal leaders while Rhodesia is being pillaged by ZANU forces. 1978 70% of Rhodesian Army is black as well as 30 of its officers, all fighting to preserve their homes. 1979 Rhodesia opens political party to racially equal government in hopes of showing ZANU, England, and UN that they are serious in their calls for slow transference of power.
is not on the ballot and Bishop Muzorewa is democratically elected Rhodesia's Prime Minister. Rebel forces cry in outrage, claiming white minority rule is intact. UN forces re-vote with Mugabe on ballot. 1980,
Mugabe uses his forces to effectively garrison parts of Rhodesia and force votes to win the election. Selous Scouts are primed to assassinate him and force recount. Their mission isc ompromised and they are recalled. ZANU is now in control. 1980, Republic of Zimbabwe is formed. 1990's White Rhodesian landowners are stripped of farms and given to
Mugabe's officers as war prizes and to rid Rhodesia of "white rule". Farms given up are poorly managed and some left to ruin. Massive inflation cripples Zimbabwean dollar due to ineffective management and printing. 2008, inflation reaches peak at 79.6 billion percent. 2009 Zimbabwe abandoned their currency. 2014, mass starvation ("Starving season") that affects 2 million Zimbabweans. China wants their promised mineral rights as collateral for billions in economic aid and military support over the years.
One of the greatest economic and agricultural powers of Africa is destroyed. For two decades Rhodesia went alone and fought off a communist insurrection. They were an independent nation for 15 years. They won every single battle for 15 years, what they lost was the political war
Promises by communism. They were all promised houses, cars, good living if they got communism to rule. There were loads of forced brainwashing/propaganda by Mugabe on people. So it's not hard for those to fall for it.
Here's the whole movie Africa Addio on youtube