>germany lost WW1 because jews stabbed them in the back
>100,000 jews fought for germany
Well, Sup Forums?
>germany lost WW1 because jews stabbed them in the back
>100,000 jews fought for germany
Well, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
typhus killed the "holocaust" victims it was britains fault for cutting the supplies
100,000 out of 6 gorillion.
Why were Jews under represented in the army but over represented in government ?
Most of them were supply clerks or REMFs.
(((Socialist))) politicians, (((financiers))) and (((court flunkies))) took down Germany just as they were on the point of winning the war.
gas yourself
-not mutually exclusive.
The perception was that many of the jews (and socialists) in question stopped fighting by request of their bolshevik buddies in the east, leading to an abrupt end of the war.
germany lost because they chose to fight on 2 fronts, while underestimating both primary opponents, provoking a third, equally as powerful one and relying on a dumb, outdated plan as their main strategy. the fact that 2 of their main allies (austria-hungary and the ottoman empire) were completely unable to achieve even basic strategic goals didnt help either.
actually no it is because the Brits make a deal with the bankers (Rothschilds) to get Palestine under the Balfour agreement to form Israel and for doing it they would bring the US into the war to defeat Germany learn what you are talking about before spreading garbage please, you are helping the kikes when you speak about things you don't know about. Not trying to be mean but when you speak on topics you aren't sure about say "from my understanding so far" or based on my research it seems like". Most people here are borderline retarded and will parrot whatever they hear. It is truth that kills the kike we win by exposing it so don't help them by spreading misinfo
Oh my these shill threads are getting dumber every day
I know there are tons of idiot kids this that think is a place to shitpost and act like an idiot and the vast majority of the rest are useful idiot droolers and that is fine it used to be but we are at war and this place a valuable outlet of information that needs to be utilized and people just drowning out information with nonsense is big problem here that needs to be cleaned up. We all want to hear opinions but make sure you are clear about your limited understating we are trying to change this board culture to make it more intellectual and make it much easier to spot and ignore the kike shills. If everyone acts as stupid and childish as the shills see how that creates a problem? (not implying you are acting stupid or childish but you get my drift) often times half the posts in a thread are shills or idiots and this drastically reduces the effectiveness of using this as a outlet for the exchange of information and ideas in an free and intellectual environment. Just my two cents fwiw
see this is a lot of nonsene also
They were actually overrepresented in the army, when comparing to the actual germans
"But in spite of their super-patriotism, the Jews in Germany were subject to accusations of disloyalty. In 1916, the German General Staff ordered a census of all Jewish soldiers in the army to determine how many actually served on the front line. The fabricated census was publicized with great fanfare, intimating that the Jews were shirking their duty. The actual results showed that 80% of all Jewish soldiers served on the front lines, far higher than the general population"
German jews were based. They were patriotic, integrated into society, smart.
One of the founding members of the SS was a Jew and Hitler's personal friend and driver. You all have to realize the Reich had no problem with Jews the Illuminati are not Jews, they claim to be Jews but they are not by blood or religion and they use the Jews as useful idiots and shields and their own personal army. They had to be put in camps the same way the US did Japanese because they were at war and couldn't take any risks,not like they wanted to do it, it was cautionary measure any person not an idiot would do
how is it nonsense exactly?
>You all have to realize the Reich had no problem with Jews
Have you ever actually read Mein Kampf? Literally half the book is a rant about the jews
>A higher percentage of German Jews fought in World War I than of any other ethnic, religious or political group in Germany; some 12,000 died for their country.
The Jewish population of Germany wasn't that big, most of the six million was from eastern European countries.
Well this is trick question because you may have good sources to back it up from the (((mainstream))) but I will just tell you there are two levels of reality in this world one is exoteric where 99.99999% of people live and know and there is the esoteric where .001% of people are. Nothing the exoteric side believes is true and hasn't been for 1000's of years, but most of the exoteric population all believe the same thing because they have the same (((sources))) but very little of it is true. I can show you the truth about everything if you want but you can never go back and you will never be the same
>One of the founding members of the SS was a Jew and Hitler's personal friend and driver.
Only because he was able to hide his jewish ancestry. Hitler definitely had a problem with jews. Just read Mein Kampf
So I was a bit unfair in my response and apologize, it wasn't nonsense it just isn't true but it isn't your fault because you don't have access to true sources or even know there is such thing for the most part, they have been closely guarded for 1000's of years and finding the truth takes years, decades, sometimes lifetimes for people
Yes I have your point?
Sup Forums does the same thing but you think this guy is on some conspiracy? He is just a shmuck like the rest of us being played
if you think you have all the answers nothing I can do for you other than tell you, you don't. Up to you what you do with that info. I will put it this way, you know how you call people "normies" and think you are "red pilled". You got no idea what a real red pill is and multiply normie by 1000 and that is what you are to the initiated nothing you believe is true and you would not understand the truth without a lot of training and research
>Reich has no problems with the jews
>half of Mein Kampf is a rant about how the jews are responsible for all the evil in Germany
You don't see the contradiction here?
so what actually happened in the war then?
Can't tell you much more you would understand or believe already gave you links to help you
Jewish communists i.e. The Spartacus League started strikes and uprisings when the war was still going on. It certainly didn't help.
After the war they started a literal communist revolution. I'm amazed at how ignorant some people are of basic history.
What do you know about Das Vril projekt? Atlantis Inner earth? The Vril society, Thule, The Black Sun? The Aryan Empire, the classical golden age? Saturnian cults the Aryan Vedas?
everyone got very sleepy and went home
hey doesnt that sound like a good idea right now? lets go take a nap
>Jewish communists i.e. The Spartacus League started strikes and uprisings when the war was still going on.
What, you mean the German sailors who refused to go into suicide missions?
answer my question please
nice meme
Germaniye was totally about to win the war goys, just one more offensive.
Have you ever seen Indiana Jones? It isn't the whole story but it isn't fiction. Put it like this as I said the exoteric world lives in a complete illusion, oblivious to the true reality of this world, they don't even speak the same language as the initiated because they don't even know what words really mean, they don't know what anything means and their entire world view, history, religion, politics, is all a fabrication.
I did answer mine. Do you know anything about those things? That is what the war was really about. If you want to understand I will help you I made this channel specifically for people like you but this is not something you can learn quickly it takes years for most
I would start with the playlists.
I'm reading The Lightning and The Sun, please continue...
No the riots in cities all over the country
Ironically the US and Britain banned labor riots during the war and the US jailed people who were against the war.
Like I said it didn't help. America and Britain would have never allowed labor riots.
Great book you should read the secret doctrine next. What questions specifically do you have?
Also Sorrano, NOS the book of Resurrection
Here start with this
Really just looking for more book recommendations or sources covering the same topics. I haven't gotten very far into Devi yet but so far is excellent, you can feel something vibrating from the pages.
Cool, I'll check it out, thank you.
start with this if you want to know just how spot on what you said is "vibrating"
When you finish that everything you are looking for is on that channel
yw, you are why we are here
>100.000 fought for germany
while 10 took over the gov, and introduced the wiemer culture where they exploited the german people
>yfw pedofila was ok, and you could fuck a 10 year old slav girl in berlin, going to a jewish owned brothel
>yfw jews were promoting transvities and multicuralism, encouraging men to take cocks in their ass and thinking about chopping their own penis
>yfw jews controled the media and this was pushed down the german people throat
>yfw jews controled the banks and people were borrowing like crazy as in 5 years a bread that cost 5 marks would cost 5 trilion marks
>yfw german people blamed france and britan too for cucking them for a war they kinda won, looking at Britan/France and even the USA who were controled by Jewish zionist
any questions?
>yfw history repeats itself, and this time we will destory the whole world because JEWS CAN"T STOP FUCKING SHIT UP FOR FUCKING PROFIT
>yfw religious jewish are happy to burn the whole world, and bring the end times to force the hand of GOD to send the Messiah and save them
>yfw most don't really give a fuck, as they are brainwashed for being "chosen people" and they will be spread
>implying that they will
>implying god gives two fucks
>implying god didn't give mankind the keys to the car, and he will only judge us if we crash it with no survivers
>prove me wrong
pro tip you can't
some of them becace traitors and joined the red revolution in Germany
the one's who stayed loyal became members of the nsdap
there were over 150,000 jews serving in the Wehrmacht and Hitler had many Jewish frens like his chauffer and I think Reinhard Heydrich was also a jew.
Wasn't hitler's doctor Jewish too? He was declared an honorary aryan I think
Honestly the Weimar Republic was a better alternative to the Bolshevik revolutionaries like Karl Liebknecht, Karl Radek, and Rosa Luxemburg.
My mistake, Hitler called him a 'noble jew'
Yes Morell the meth king lol he was half Jewish
Sure surrounded himself with a lot Jews in high places to be so anti jew didn't he? Seems like there was a particular kind of Jew he didn't like not "Jews"
>Germany and Hitler wanted to whipe out all the jews
>Germany and Hitler actually had plans to relocated jews to Palllestine and Madagascar
pick one...
Hitler was 1/16 jew, they hate jews, yet german people went to war to stop jewish bolshevism, not to whipe out jews
>hur hur muh holocaus
because feeding jews for 6 years keeping them in camps with wire fences that you could look and see whats going on and also year in the middle of open fields is totally a way to exterminate them
while also allowing them to keep their diamonds, golds, and expensive cloths which some survivers ADMIT they traded way to outside people for food or other stuff.
Because camps having Brothels and allowing jewish women to sell their bodies either to jewish men inside the camp or people outside... totally a way to "whipe them out"
Hitler didn't hate the jews until he went to war and joined the Bavarian squad who were nationalist.
HItler hated Jews that own and control Germany, even thought in minority what right do jews have to make policicies for the german people, when they clearly don't and are in minority.
Did you read it?
The Nazis honored the Jews that fought in WWI by the way
This is for OP nice he used 100,000 at least he didn't bullshit about that
The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine.
But at what cost?
Do you like whats going on in the USA? Would you rather have your son be brainwash by your TVs, what he reads and his school that is ok if he wants to be a girl, as the school and everybody pressures you into choping his dick off giving him hormone threatment and wanting to fuck him in the ass as you watch?
I donno man, communism is good on paper, Lenin had the best intentions if you read what he imagined... BUT PEOPLE are not ants, people are competitive, and need to be competitive and break each other heads, people need to think they can cheat and try to get ahead. Thats how things get better and improved, as we push away the shitty people and most behave.
Communism on paper is good
Communism in real life, breaks nations, breaks people and just creates shitty, sad, fucked up places that end up abused by shitty, sad, uneducated people.
But i guess you'll rather have your son a drag queen and gets fucked in the ass... i really hope he won't kill himself.
BTW stop using the word the word Nazi, AshkeNAZI, use the word Reich in its place
I wrote this article
Jews profit off of host nations even if it means the desctruction of that nation.
They can get away with it, since nobody betrays them in temple where they do business
Even jesus whiped jewish ass for doing fucking business in temple... but guess what doing business there means no genitle ears can hear you and everybody there is trustworthy not to ruin your plans to colapse nations for profit
There were jews in the WW2 German officer corps and even Jewish generals
Oh and there were black soldiers in the Africa Korps and Indian soldiers recruited to fight the British in India and asians (obviously). And don't forget the Arabs they allied with in an attempt to stop the British and French control of the Middle East.
None of this is remotely a surprise. I mean it was a "world war" after all.
>German jews were based. They were patriotic, integrated into society, smart.
Lol, Jews are pathologically incapable of patriotism or integration.
The Bolshevik communists were even more degenerate than Wiemar, look at what Trotsky and Lenin wanted they were all about sharing wives and communal child "ownership".
The USSR only became socially "conservative" after Stalin took over and Trotsky got an ice pick in the brain.
>Indian soldiers
Indians are Aryan, again most understand this, look into the Sioux Aryans and Tibetan Aryans
Jews always play two (or more) sides, so that there are Jews in control no matter what happens.
No, Germany was defeated on Western Front.
That's why they signed armistice.
It had literally nothing to do with strikes, revolutions and other shit you imagined.
First "revolution" was a revolt of sailors who refused to sail on a suicide mission to "save honor".
Spartacist revolt was in 1919.
You really have to be illiterate or incredibly malicious to say that Jews or socialists had anything to do with Germany losing the war. Since 1916 Hindenburg and Ludendorff were practically dictators.
They lost the war. And then tried to scapegoat socialists and Jews to salvage their reputation.
Here is the thing guys I will lay it out, the movie the matrix was based on a true story literally and figuratively yours, you live in a matrix within a matrix. Also you think reality is like an episode of the Sopranos when in reality it is more like lord of the rings or Hell Boy, there are demons, elementals and dark Atlantean wizards that walk this earth and used to be giants and thins you will never believe
Fact is that German Jews fought for Germany in WW1, the same way ordinary Germans did.
Seeing as jews are wealthy and you could buy your way out of the draft, i question this number
>jews betrayed germany during ww1
This is a fact: the communist revolution of 1918 was led by jews. All of the leaders of that revolution save 2 (of the 11 i believe) were of direct jewish decent, same as for the russian revolution of 1917
oh yes they are
>one digit away from quints
As for why Germany lost, it was because Kaiser Wilhelm was a blithering retard who did not and could not understand how to run a state.
Some jews fought for the fatherland, some stabbed it in the back. Contrary to what many on /pol think, jews don't all have the same beliefs, let alone some grand conspiracy to dominate non-jews.
>I question this number
Based on what?
Are you arguing German war records were falsified?
>all save 2
Liebknecht wasn't a Jew by the way.
And that was in 1919. WW1 ended in 1918.
How could something from 1919 make German army lose the battles in 1918?
we're way past that point, just get a load of some of the shit posted itt
Basically most people's frame of reference for their constructed reality stretches back to Rome at the farthest maybe a touch of Egypt, this is done by design, for the initiated our frame of reference goes back millions of years and almost nothing you believe is true and this is done by design
>labor strikes and riots don't affect the war effort
Then why did America and Britain ban labor strikes and riots during the war?
>Spartacist revolt was in 1919.
The Spartacus League was pushing for strikes and revolts during the entire war in hopes of creating a revolution just as the Bolsheviks had in Russia. They succeeded in January 1918 while the war was still raging. There were millions of strikers.
They didn't succeed igniting armed revolution until after the war was over though.
It doesn't really matter when almost all the major communists agitating for the overthrow of the government were jewish
>that source
I dug a little deeper, and a lot of the numbers seem to come from a recent book (2006), named "Eisernes Kreuz und Davidstern. Die Geschichte jüdischer Soldaten in deutschen Armeen", by the Jew Michael Berger (de.wikipedia.org
And after WW1 the Jewish-led socialist civil war was waged in 1918-1919, which the Spiegel article funnily enough does not mention.
2/3 founders of the spartacus league were non-jewish
I don't even know if I should be telling you this, I don't know if it will help you but at least you will be somewhat informed you are supposed to solve these puzzles yourself this is the object of the "game" but this is my karma, for now anyway
>jews don't all have the same beliefs, let alone some grand conspiracy to dominate non-jews
What does the Talmud, the most widespread branch of Judaism today, say about the goyim/non-Jews, the Jews, etc.? And is the quote in pic-related false or true?
Hiter was an idiot, Claus von Stauffenberg and many in his own military conspired to assonate him. He was a great artist and figure head, but he had no business actually handling logistics.
You low IQ White Nationalist need to sort yourself out, figure out where YOUR RACE ( or at least the race you are claiming ) went wrong, not where "The Jews" went wrong.
Israel still less military power than the 3rd reich, yet we are not just surviving, we are thriving.
Do you really love your people? Do you really want to see them survive? Or are you just LARPing and angry because of your personal failures? Clinging to a group to distract from personal failing is no better than ANTFA or Communism.
NATIONAL SOCALISM is about loving the group you cling to, fighting to the death for them, lying, cheating, stealing, becoming the scum of the earth, doing ANYTHING for them. What are you willing to do Low IQ White Nationalist?
What labor strikes and riots?
Show me those massive labor strikes and riots in 1917 or 1918.
January one was crushed in a few days, it had no fucking effect at all.
To argue that people striked because of "Jews" and not the fact millions died and they were eating sawdust bread is absolutely moronic.
Furthermore, German army was BEATEN on the field.
They also ran out of manpower to feed into the meatgrinder.
They didn't suffer from lack of shells or guns, they were simply beaten on the field.
Why is this so hard to understand?
"Stab in the back" myth was a pure invention that served to salvage the reputation of Hindenburg and Ludendorff and German military class in general.
But reality is they were DEFEATED, on the battlefield, and Hindenburg and Ludendorff themselves told the government they can't resist anymore and that they should sign peace.
Correction: Talmud, the central text of Rabbinical Judaism, the most widespread branch of Judaism today
>how could labor strikes and rioting that shut down production effect the war effort in Jan 1918 effect the war effort that lasted until Nov 1918
It's a mystery
Karl Radek, Rosa Luxemburg, Emil Eichorn, Kurt EIsney, Paul Levi, Leo Jogiches, Emil Barth, Gustav Laudner, Eugene Levine, Ernst TOller all jewish. Many weren't even German jews many were from the Russian Empire who immigrated specifically so they could enact a communist revolution in Germany much as Emma Goldman wanted to start an anarchist revolution in the US.
Your entire argument hinges on the idea that none of these people existed and that every jewish communist that ever existed is all just a figment of some evil Nazi's imagination.
Duh. People disillusioned by the war usually turn to political radicalism. Particularly when the German society collapsed after the ceasefire.
You keep repeating yourself while failing to connect things.
What the fuck does a FAILED strike have to do with the failure of Spring Offensive and collapse of German front in the following Entente offensive?
Did Jewish saboteurs run around killing German soldiers?
Did Jews control Ludendorff?
Because unless you can show me the direct military impact of a failed strike in January on operations months later, you don't have a fucking point.
>well SOME of them were jewish
you know whats actually important? ALL of them, EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE was a marxist
thats what mattered to them, thats what drove their actions, thats the ideology they followed
The Jews in the USA switched the public opinion with a hate campaign in the media they owned unprecedented in history. Without that, the allies would have had to make peace in 1916. In exchange the Jews got the Balfour declaration.
Hitler was too soft on the Jews.
There were literally hundreds of strikes in 1917 and 1918
>hurr durr strikes, uprisings and riots have no affect if they are eventually crushed
ever heard of 1848? lol
>have to do with the failure of Spring Offensive
You mean besides the decrease in moral or the decrease in productive capacity?
The USSR literally banned strikes when it came to power btw, lol
And Marx was a jew and jews were disproportionately Marxists, communists, anarchists, etc
That's the reason why America and Canada refused to take more jews before WW2 they knew it would mean more leftist radicals trying to overthrow the government.
Germans being whiny bitches as always.
was the hate campaign called "the zimmermann telegram"?
what a load of shit.
you actually expect me to believe JEWS were loyal to germany and were willing and able to "fight on the front lines" and then post a piece of literal jewish propaganda as evidence.
is this that sense of humor jews are purported to have?
they still did what they because they were marxists, not because they were jews
The wwi was a consequence of the Schlieffen plan in imperial Germany and once set in motion could not be stopped.
The end of the wwi was the Germans had exhausted their resources and the only sane move was to end it.
The winners however instead of embracing Germany after the war punished Germany with to hard terms and thus involuntarily causing an insane Austrian to start the wwii.
After the wwii Germany was embraced in Europe and both the UN and the EU was created. Germany is the even the engine of Europe now and many countries relies upon the Germans.
We hope the Europeans wars has for good now, in fact Europe has been at war since medieval times up until the wwii.
interesting comments for posting that pic, you talk like you are clueless but seem to try and imply you aren't with that pic what gives here? Who are you?
First off, 3/4ths of the shit in those "Talmud Quotes" doesn't actually exist. The other 1/4th is there, but its not much worse than you're old testament, and is followed about as often i.e. when is the last time you guys killed some gays?
Second, if Whites were hunted to near extinction, pagan white dominated organizations like the Free Masons would become the religious center of whiteness. Albert Pike, the founder of the Scottish Right of Free Masonry hated Jews / Niggers / etc.. and wrote about it frequently.
I'd wager 100% of the people in this thread have never read a single book by Albert Pike, thats the same % of Jews in this thread who have never read a talmud.
You guys need to stop your LARP, and sort yourselves out.
What about the many strikes before that? I do not know which impact or which events and actions happened during WW1 in Germany, but there definitely were considerable strikes and other activity. See also archive.is
Also, Putin claimed that the first government of the Soviet Union were Jewish: archive.is
>decrease in morale
Yeah that had nothing to do with 3 years of bloodshed and then failure to defeat the enemies, before millions of Americans deployed.
Again, German army was not defeated due to lack of shells or guns. You don't have a point, sorry.