>The latest ISIS video
Jesus fucking christ
The latest ISIS video
Other urls found in this thread:
>the latest
>this one
This is older then you OP
What's the worst ISIS video? Is it the drowning one?
fucking old dude
Is that B Pep? I can’t believe dude is still alive if so.
>Jesus fucking christ
Instant painless death, oooooh noooooo!
Are you retarded? Go look at some of the cartel shit where they treat humans like they're at the deli store.
for me, its the burning one
B Pep confirmed
OP this video is as old as time itself
so being shot in the head with a shotgun basically just makes you retarded?
one would imagine so
i can't bring myself to watch this shit, ever.
someone give me the tl;dw
This. Hvem faen pr;ver du aa lure op.
stop being such a pussy and watch
some guy gets shot in the face, his head kind of balloons in slow motion
perfectly framed, great quality shots. absolute executionkino
Right before the gore pewdiepie appears. ITs SFW
You are weak and don't belong to this board. Please leave. You are not needed until you man up.
Fuck haven't seen an ISIS video in ages, they used to be top tier edge but they just can't compete with Mexican cartels.
How does ISIS have the software to edit this
Makes you dead, too
Dropping 6 men in a cage of a vat of acid
they probably pirate it, kek
they're using the sony vegas 30 day trial
are you retarded?
Was the shotgun loaded with British genetics?
you think they crack rocks together to get their internet connection as well?
>When you nut but she's still sucking.
Their editors probably got droned
This does not exist
fuck off
As far as gore shit goes headsplosions are relatively tame. Video games and film honestly exaggerate the fuck out of heads being blown up. I've personally never seen a human head explode like Gears of War (which I posit has the most satisfying headshots of any game ever, fucking Boltok was bae) and I've done my fair share of real life head popping.
not my proudest fap
Looks fake as shit.
Har har har. Not funny.
Nigga, headshots are really tame as far as ISIS goes.
hahaha lololol
I'm a little hard. Am I normal?
i like how you live the lie, finncuck
Definitely my proudest fap.
ISIS has a video where there is row after row of prisoners on meat hooks in a butchers warehouse and the guy goes along cutting throats and being a shithead.
I dont remember seeing that one
ofcourse you're not normal, you're a kike
It's not a tiny gene pool, it's a pure one. Ethnostates are good, am I right?
this is old as fuck you nigger
looks like their top two are:
>drowning in a shark cage with ~8 others
>daisy chaining detonation cord around ~8 dudes necks and blowing their heads off in unison
i haven't seen either, but do post if you can.
for a moment
they put a few people in a cage, then lit the ground on fire inside it. that's pretty rough.
>and I've done my fair share of real life head popping.
deer, cows or hajis?
The Nick Berg video. The one that started it all.
Video is at bottom. Very sad.
> barenakedislam.com
>Mossad: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS)
top fucking kek goy...
It's surprisingly surreal
that would explain your stupid question
supposedly the audio is fake
Well Poland is a fake country so you got that in common.
Dagestan is much worse than any ISIS shit because it's real people dying
Better then getting BBQ'd inside a fucking cage or drowning.
didn't like i saw this like months ago
hasn't isis made any other video since then?
>isnt one of the faces already a meme?
>What sort of propaganda would motivate other muslims into joining our militant group ?
>I know : snuff gore movies !
good question, ask hollywood.
videos i will never watch are mexicans cutting someones face off while they have him on a intrevenous drip for fluids, live chinese dog burnt with a flamethrower before cooking, ISIS men in cages being set on fire and lastly mangoworms.
i listen to people who say don't watch
Holy fucking shit
Muslims killing other Muslims.
> Dont care
Jesus, that’s a blast from the past...I’m getting fucking old.
well they want the baddest of the bad ones. also i doubt they care much about islam. some european journalist were captured by them years ago and escaped, supposedly no one had a quran and they didn't even pray.
I can honestly say that Sup Forums has made me a tougher person by making me accidentally watch gore vids. Now it doesn't bother me much at all. I just pray for the people then move on.
Well, at least they didn't fillet the chest and rip the heart out.
nah, this one is old and gay flag
not much excited have dropped from those goatfuckers in a long time now tbqh
They seriously killed people with sharks? That's like cartoonish villainy right there
top bants
So underrated
The worst video would be the good old low tech dropping a large rock on the head video. The amount of blood coming out of the guy's holes were awful.
there is a video where a guy is headshoted by a 50cal and his head explodes
Have you seen the cartel flaying vid? If you haven’t, and come across it, I would advise against it. Shit is not cash.
no, they put the guys in a shark cage and lowered iit into the water, with go pro's to film them dying better
yeah that rock one is the one that got me
nah, they just used this cage for various things. Setting people on fire, just drowning them etc
I've read the same thing and I've also read it's Shia propaganda to make ISIS look like apostates.
I dunno, I thought it was pretty funny.
>Tiny gene pool.
Yeah because the English nowadays aren't a mix of Normans, Romans, Vikings and Scots... And Anglos and Jutes...Celts as well.
>ISIS has a video where there is row after row of prisoners on meat hooks in a butchers warehouse and the guy goes along cutting throats and being a shithead.
That's the last I've seen from ISIS, don't think these anything else.
It was top brutality.
Whut. This is an old video, Hassan.
Brian seems to have found himself in a mess of trouble
Who else sees Steeve-O?