HOLY SHIT. Were Jews behind the black plague?

Sup Forums... I was joking about Jews being behind everything after recently being red-pilled, and someone told me to go die in the plague.

So I joked and said "Jews were behind the plague". Then I looked it up, and holy fuck the Jews were blamed for the plague too?

This is too surreal. Are Jews really behind everything bad throughout history?

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Yes.....They are behind pretty much every controversy in human history from 10000 ago till today.

Doesn't this perfectly justify the holocaust though? Like they're gonna poison the well of the communities that let them in, they're better off dead aren't they? No different from cockroaches/pests.

It was actually mind blowing to find this when I was just joking.

Yes. Think of humanity as one large organism. The jews are a cancer making it sick. There are 3 outcomes. Death, Surgery (cut it out), or Chemo therapy (radiating awareness to the masses so its impossible for jews to gain power because of social stigma and they lose control).

Maybe. I'll trust your research. It would explain why the Polish were able to avoid the plague by outsmarting them. The Poles know Jewish tricks.

Jewish tricks like basic sanitation? Wew lad

people dont get continuously blamed, for nothing, kikepedia isnt telling us everything

i bet there was real evidence of the jews dumping dead infected bodies in the water

Yet they all flood here and are the biggest cancer residing In this country right now. Fuck off back your shithole as that's what the jews don't want you to do. Chop chop.

Is anyone really surprised at this point?

Just open the history books. Look at the world today.

((brainwashed goy))

They washed their hands, per their religion. They tried to warn the rest.

>His blood be upon us and on our children

Jews are cast away from God forever, for killing Christ on purpose. All Jews will be wanderers, vipers and demons until the end of days. Put no act of evil past these sons of the devil, anything is possible

Considering how hell bent they are on destroying whites today - is it that much of a stretch to believe that they were behind the black death as well?

The grudge they have against us is not something that just appeared out of nowhere in modern times. The jews even have special holidays where they celebrate murder and revenge, they never grasped the concept of forgiveness since they rejected the prophets.

The real reason why jews hate whites is because of events such as the destruction of the second temple which of course was done by romans who were white, but ultimately it was God who punished them then. They had their warnings, they even have them today, but they persist in their ways and wont change until it is to late.

Not everything, but they're ahead of the curve by a wide margin.

they are trying to meme themselves into being 'the meek', so they can inherit the earth

WWII is over. The "goldy locks" fag nazis got their shit pushed in by the more intelligent jew. Now they own america. Deal with it.


I have to imagine that Jews purposefully poisoned water supplies in Christian areas. I can't imagine that they would have chose not to, given the choice.



Someone on here put forward the idea that Jews brought with them Copper pots and salted meats.

Cooking with copper causes your intestines to stop getting as many nutrients, combine that with the unfresh low quality nutrition of the the salted meats and it causes the masses to succumb to anything and everything going around at that time.

Hounding them out and reverting to previous cooking methods would cause people to recover

>Jews were behind the plague
The Jews are a plague, the only cure is to cleanse with fire and wrath.

This. The real redpill is realizing that Jews are still mad about the second temple and blames whites. They also rejected Jesus and worship Satan.

Poland avoided the plague because we've had the best ruler in our history when it started. He forced the towns to open camps for traders etc. to wait for 7 days before entering the places - if they fell ill in that period they wouldn't be able to enter. The plague incubates for a week, so there was no way they could've entered if they were ill.

I'll just leave this nugget here:

A Rothschild studied fleas for his career, backed by his enormously wealthy family.


Banks were just starting to become establishment in those times. Also the original bankers were mostly Flemish.

They have been kicked out of a lot of civilisations in the past. Wonder why.

Oh wait it is antisemitic to wonder why jews were hated

Pretty much every bad thing that ever happened can be traced back to jews

>newfag detected


The absolute state of pol. Since jews are behind the black plague, explain to me exactly how they created it, spread it and avoided it. Surley the plague couldn't tell the difference between a jew and a non jew...
Probably the average IQ here is around room temperature.

Also bad genetics come from jews and shitskins.

Jesus had to look it up but it's true. And not just Miriam, who was a leading authority on fleas; her father catalogued 500 species before she was born.

>Thought calling kikes well-poisoners was a joke

Ladies and gentleman....I give you....THE MASTER RACE!

Unfortunately their blue eyes and blinde hair don't hold up so well against fire bombings.

It wasn't the jews, but it was used as a weapon that got out of hand

Mormons believe it stems from Judah vs. Joseph. Joseph's son Ephraim got the birthright of prophet and his children are white and blue eyed.

So it seems prior to the ark. Pharisee Jews still see it as Israel (10 tribes) vs. judah. They have no authority so they made up rabbis which is the origin of our modern school systems.

The Mormon belief is God loves all his children and whites were ready to be restored so he brought it back.

you don't "create" pathogens. You cultivate them.

Ghettos and Poland, which avoided it.

You're that pole diaspora living in Sweden shilling for Poland in every thread. If Poland knows the Jewish tricks, why did Poland bring more Jews into Europe than any other country and give them complete rights? It was Russia who ended your Jewish cock sucking. Fuck I can't stand poles, what lying pieces of shit you are.

They even confessed to it.

Jews haven't been banished/exiled from 300+ civilizations for no reason goy....

The notes in that are amusing.
> On Friday, the 10th of the month of October, at Châtel, in the castle thereof, there occurred the judicial inquiry which was made by order of the court of the illustrious Prince, our lord, Amadeus, Count of Savoy, and his subjects against the Jews of both sexes who were there imprisoned, each one separately. [Jews were sometimes imprisoned separately to prevent suicide.]
> Jews were sometimes imprisoned separately to prevent suicide
> separately to prevent suicide
Because when your fellow Jew kills you, it’s a suicide.

>The first account that follows is a translation from the Latin of a confession made under torture by Agimet, a Jew, who was arrested at Chatel, on Lake Geneva. It is typical of the confessions extorted and forwarded to other towns.

this isn't the first time I've seen you post this.

>dat qt asian

how do we end polish posters? they all seem semi retarded

your country has been a jewish vassal state for 1000 years, your leaders were jews, the flemish bankers were jewish too.

You have a problem with testimony and evidence being posted?
> Nevertheless they tortured a number of Jews in Berne and Zofingen [Switzerland] who then admitted that they had put poison into many wells, and they also found the poison in the wells.
> and they also found the poison in the wells.

they look like they had a blast

Isn't it just human nature to blame those who are more fortunate than you?
Whites blame Jews
Blacks blame whites etc...

Honest games of fortune have equal chances and thus, over time, tend to have equal outcomes. When one player gets caught rigging the game hundreds of times, you start to suspect that the outcomes are not the result of chance but of chicanery, and you stop wanting to play with him.

Jews consider dishonesty and exploitation to better themselves a compliment, they arent capable of human emotions.

When white ppl come to our country there is no problem, we share one culture. When ppl from outside our culture come here, we have a problem as communities fracture. War beckons

Yep, look at who's running your country. It's ZOG everywhere. Theresa May, Churchill too

It's okay to be scared , jew.

Yes. They were accused of poisoning water supplies. It is confirmed they also poisoned water supplies of the Palestinians when they returned to Israel.

that's a Jesuit university

>plague transmitted by rats
>kikes are rats
It checks out

>he didn't know about poisoning the wells

Oh user, you have a long way to go.

To be precise, I was talking about the Jews during a game, and he told me that "people like me should have died in the plague 800 years ago."

Then I told him "Jews were behind the plague too," which turned out to be fucking real.

Maybe he was a Jew?

I guess well-poisoner is a well-earned title in so many ways.

the rats that brought the plague to europe arrive on (((merchant))) ships

i want to fuck her eyes round

The plague is spread by fleas. I don't think they would have been capable of that level of biological warfare back then. However, God may have spread the plague in Christian lands as punishment for allowing Jews to live there.

You never asked yourself who the international merchants that brought the plague from china to europe were?
Fun fact, the jew hat with the hair thing was created in Venice and forced on jews to make people recognise them and avoid them after the plague was linked to their presence.

It's a well-known fact that the plague spread along (((merchant))) routes.


Babeh pill, they also orchestrated the Armenian genocide , and also we're responsible for the destruction of Atlantis , wake up

Also the Jews might actually not be Jews , and be pretending to be the chosen people , Jesus was actually of white man, hence why the seek to genocide and replace the white man

Further back
Jews followed Roman conquest and traded the slaves et much more. No more war meant
Jews who traded with the Germanic tribes, encouraged them, tore that Rome shit down in revenge for the 2nd temple.

A tent would suffice as a temple ffs.

>"As the plague swept across Europe in the mid-14th century, annihilating nearly half the population, Jews were taken as scapegoats, likely because they were affected less than other people."
This article doesn't sound biased or anything.

>deranged peasants blaming them for a problem with no proof
>it must be true and this justifies the holocaust


Do more research 2 find out the number of BD victims dropped after they push the Jews out of their communities.

They still use the same MO today in Palestine, throwing shit-filled diapers into water wells.

Don't even get started on the demonic blood libel sacrifices they were doing

Also didn't some documents recently come to light that the Jews had attempted to poison Germanys water as revenge for the Holocaust.

>Maybe he was a Jew?
Possibly since they're a plague anyways. He was just looking out his relative

>He forced the towns to open camps for traders etc. to wait for 7 days before entering the places - if they fell ill in that period they wouldn't be able to enter. The plague incubates for a week, so there was no way they could've entered if they were ill.

Polish death camps for Jews. Proudly since Middle Ages.
This is how you save your country.

When you will learn?

Black plague came from China though

>Have Jews in your town that you hate
>Don't let them own land or livestock
>They become bankers and loaners
>You borrow money from them
>They charge you interest
>Thing going around killing everyone
>Tell the authorities that you saw the Jewish people poisoning wells.
>They start arresting Jews

>Be a Jew
>Be where the plague hit
>See the people are killing Jews since they thing we're poisoning the wells
>Leave to a different town with all my fellow Jews
>Some of them have the plague
>Plague spread to new city.

>Big nosed merchants come to your village to trade
>Now you plague
>Then they go to your neighbours
>Now they have plague too

of course they were
listen to this audio of a jew being investigated by FBI for potential well poisoning


it didnt come on its own

the holocaust didn't happen fag.

jews were put in workcamps to fix them, like napoleon tried.

The notion of Jews poisoning Wells was a medieval “myth”.

Just disregard the Jews caught poisoning Palestinian aqueducts with typhoid in 1948. Nothing to see here goy.

You mean like taking over Europe's banking industry by selling them a religion that restricts banking to Jews only?

wow, its almost like rats spread through the commercial routes from asia

maybe they poisoned the wells of anyone who didn't buy their products/loans?


ever heard of the term "Poisoning the well" ?

Wow calling jews rats? Anti-semite

Are they just naturally evil? Or a peusdo-hivemind collective?

I think it's more of a cultural thing, Jews have the least "spend" cultures there are, thus in foreign countries they tend to be more rich. White culture is very similar up until the wave of modernism and the crazy spending of boomers. Then black culture that was pretty shit as it was, then got hit with modernism and the hedonistic way of life.
I donnu user, I'm not Jewish myself (despite my flag). I do think it's more of a cultural and how people were raised.

Mongols using dead bodies as terror weapon and spreading diseases. Jews werent related with the black plague

so the jews are now from china? are you american by chance?

It's mostly that jews are taught to not spend a dime unless it ends into another jewish pocket.

It's almost like jews controlled the silk road

They dont see it as evil, they look at us like we look at chickens, we eat chicken eggs, keep them in pens, buy and sell them all the time and then eventually kill+eat them.
Thats not to say the relationship is correct from their perspective, chickens have never brutally decimated humans in an uprising the way we've done to jews many times.

That is a myth

With good reason , that's Jew mental gymnastics

This had to do with cleanliness. Jewish religious texts commanded them to clean themselves after things like sex or when near dead bodies and sickness while this wasn't true for Christianity. You have to remember at this time Christian cities literally poured their excrement into the same rivers they drank from.

listen, you should wash your dick after you put it inside a female

>>His blood be upon us and on our children
This quote was added later on by Romans who hated Jews. You realize that the name Barabbas (the name of the supposed criminal the Jews had freed instead of Jesus) means "Son of the Father". The Jews cried for Jesus to be released but the Romans completely ignored them, but when the Romans changed to Christianity this passage made them look bad so they changed it.