Did he touch those kids, Sup Forums?

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I agree. I think he named the Jew and refused to bring in their shekels so they sold him out. When he walked away from the courtroom unscathed they sent a doctor to kill him with pharma.

I don't think so user. He was definitely abused as a child, but I don't think he was an abuser. Maybe it is cynical, but I think that is why they killed him. He had a ranch with a ferris wheel and used it to help kids with bad backgrounds, but wouldn't let the pedos into the ranch.

yes but that wasnt the real michael jackson. they replaced him after his head caught on fire during that commercial being tapped

the fake one is some hispanic guy. that guy was a kid diddler


No, he was a supporter of Whites and a Nazi sympathizer. The media attacked him because he was starting to speak out about Jews. Also, he was making it okay to be White, and to love White skin. White is beautiful.

I dunno, doubt it. I do believe Corey Feldman when he said Michael didn't do that to him


No Michael was a good boy

Fuckin kek

What about all the creepy/weird/pedo stuff they found in his home?

Dave Chappelle even says this in his most recent Netflix. He was trying to foster those kids. Chappelle felt like if he didn’t completely go rogue they would try to MJ him.

He was obviously abused as a child himself. Probably by Jewish music execs. This fucks people up. The whole skin bleaching thing was fucking insane. Dangling the baby in Germany one time, what the hell? And he said some super creepy shit on camera about sharing beds with kids. So I doubt he's blameless. However, the parents of those families knowingly exposed their kids to him in the hope of getting gibs (which they did) so they are scum too. And he seems to have understood how fucked Hollywood is, naming the Jew in one of his songs. That whole Neverland shit was about trying to provide innocent childhood enjoyment which seems to have been something he himself was robbed of. But there always seemed to be enough creepiness around him that it's hard to say he was purely a victim.

Middle aged man builds an amusement park in his front garden and invites kids to sleep over without parents.

Imagine if that was a situation in your neighbourhood, he's be fucking lynched.

You honestly think after an investigation and trial that almost ended his life he we would keep that shit lying around his home? The guy had doctors and maids and caretakers through there all the time, you really think he’d risk that?

Rule 1: Jews accuse others of doing what they themselves do.
Rule 2: Jews protect their own.
Rule 3: Jews temp others into doing what they do in order to blackmail them into cooperation.
Rule 4: Jews don't expose the blackmail material so long as there's money to be made from it.
>Jews abuse kids
>MJ got accused while he was still making heaps of money (none of which was going to the Jews)
>The kids at Nederland were all indistry kids other people had abused.
MJ was protecting the kids from the industry Jews who were actually abusing them.
If he'd actually touched those kids, he would have been protected by the media, not exposed.

I can’t imagine it because no parent in their right mind should ever let their child do that. You don’t think something is off about that?

Dead on

>If he'd actually touched those kids, he would have been protected by the media, not exposed.

This. Very well put, user.

One of the best "MJ" conspiracies I have heard, are the one where MJ's father castrated MJ when he was a kid, to preserve his prepubescent voice.

Yeah but did that middle-aged man write THRILLER??

I have no idea, people are crazy. So you are saying they forged all that stuff? That's difficult to do, don't you agree? Too much people involved, including the ones you mentioned (all his house staff)

That's what I'm saying, people are blinded by stardom, but when you strip back the glitz and the money what we have is a middle aged man throwing pyjama parties for unaccompanied minors.

That's clearly bizarre and would never happen without the money and fame.

>literally made a song confessing about how bad he was

michael was an honest person

No he got jewed

Yes but I still think his music is ok, just ok I dont like Jive that much I listen to Gary Glitter sometimes too.

They were hit by a smooth criminal.


Michael was a bit of a special case since his childhood was robbed and that he always was sheltered from the real world. Suddenly he became the most iconic figure in the entire world.

He had money. He wanted something he never had. Where there is money, there is the kike, and the kike will do kikery.

Michael named the Jew and was subsequently character assassinated by the kike.

Case closed.

Nothing uglier than an old infant, or dangerous.

Kiddy fiddler

He was actually trying to protect kids from pedos.

He was abused as a kid and developed a hatred of adults. He wanted to protect kids from adults.
He was doing such a good job at it that powerful pedo gangs tried to ruin him.

Pretty much every kid who visited his ranch vouched for him. They all said he was a good guy and never abused them.


Dat cash and dem NDA's tho


Michael had the Nazi aesthetic and he dindu nuffin

MJ was likely castrated


this. Also hated the way adults act so stayed a child mentally in a lot of ways.
cunts who think he was a pedo are dumb as fuck

I met the mom of the first accuser, she was living in a fuck motel in LA, and she was super unstable. Not saying he wasn’t a pedo but she seemed like a total huckster and mental patient.

Nah, he was demonized by msm.
People wanted to believe gossip.

i didn't use to think much about him, now i think he was a pretty cool guy. i hope he wasn't a kid fiddler.

>Knock at the door
>Middle aged man with well known mental illness wants your 7 year old son to stay at his place for the weekend
>Rightly enraged you get your shotgun and put the scumbag down


>Lawyer for multi millionaire entertainer with well documented mental illness knocks on your door
>Offers more money than you will ever earn in return for a weekend with your kid, plus perhaps a chance for kid to break into showbiz
>You sign NDA and pack little Joeys overnight bag

Believe me,the kind of money he had if he ever molested or violated children sexually you would have never known about it. He made the mistake of turning on the jew. Everyone who does dies or is destroyed. Funny enough Prince and Bowie both died fairly close together and both were well known critics of the kikes. You really believe those rapid declines in health where natural?

Acshual evidence of NDAs?

No, the kids touched him

I see you there kike.

That's the point of NDA's numbnuts

No. Jews went after him hard.

>Calls out jews
>The sexual harassment claims start


When did he name them?

>Prince and Bowie
I never really listenedd to their stuff, what songs/interviews do they name them in?

Big fucking shock right? It used to be a joke then i realized it really is always the jews. No wonder Hitler went insane. That and the meth disguised as medicine his (jew) doctor poisoned him with.

1000% no.

Ivanka Trump said he was one of the few people she actually trusted with her kids and Corey Feldman said you could never talk about sex or drugs or anything like that with him. He protected Macaulay Caulking from the Hollywood pedos and he got Jewed.

He also named them in they don't really care about us.

Was he eccentric? Yes. He had his child hood taken away by his piece of shit dad so he tried to find it again as an adult. His dad made him hate how he looked so he spent millions on surgery.

I don't think his kids are his. I don't even think he ever had sex.

Amazing music that he genuinely cares about.

Why had I never heard this before. It all makes sense.

Quite a few actually. Bowie has "Time will crawl" for one and Prince pretty much gave the Warner bros jews the middle finger for screwing him over.

Michael Jackson was such an Iconic figure in the world that when he died google crashed from the amount of people trying to confirm the news.
This whole "broke the internet" shit comes from when Michael Jacksons death overloaded the internet. The next time that happens is when First COntact with alien life is made.

Hello Schlomo.

Absolutely not. He named the Jew.

He was a paedophile, he was a nonce, he was a perv, he was a slot badger, he was a two pin din plug, he was a bush dodger, he was a small bean regarder, he was a unabummer, he was a nut administrator, he was a bent ref, he was the crazy world of Arthur Brown, he was a fence foal, he was a free willy, he was a chimney bottler, he was a bunty man, he was a shrub rocketeer

Their so easy to spot aren't they? Even on an anonymous message board with no identifying traits you can still clearly spot the kike.

Because the ((media)) don't want you to be exposed to the truth.

No he didn't. It was all prep work for the new and growing political system that was to be put into order. Do you think he would have helped our current race baiting SJW system of media and government? Or hurt it as a black gone white man beloved by both races and a symbol of success for all people? They had to drag him down then kill him. Had he stayed black they would have kept him alive.

Your trying too hard Mr Shecklestein.

Fucking auto corrected to shit. Sorry guys. Ivana Trump*

Idk but i do know they found a copy of the photo book Poo-chi supposedly covered in Jacksons bodily fluid so thats a little odd

Planted surely. The state he was in at the end they could have taken what they wanted and done whatever they wanted.

Fucking sad that he's Dead and that he had to die that way.

Fucking Kikes.

Kikes. Killing great men since Jesus.

I honestly believe it was planted too, he was character assassinated first then murdered because he was a liability to "their" whole money racket


He always had security around as well as his own kids and probably other staff as well. It wasn't like he was alone with random kids all the time.

I don't think he did anything, he was used repeatedly as a media distraction. Chapelle made numerous jokes about this like "Mike, as you know the war isn't going so well, and, there's no easy way to say this so I'll just say it.....we're gonna need you to suck of another kid, Mike. I'm sorry."

I firmly believe he actually wanted to protect them from pedowood elites.

If he would have than they wouldnt have settled for money outside the court.
He was probably touched himself as kid or at least knew about it and tried to do kids something good to somehow make up for it. Or maybe (((they))) tried to get him blackmailable by telling him to watch the pizzakids making him an aid in there, but he seemed to genuinly care for the kids. Since nothing worked and he still didnt shut up they killed him. Remember this nigga is so based he became white

He named the jew so they ruined him

Gee i wonder who's behind these?

I mean, if you really want to take a look at the real pedophiles, you just have to look a little around ((Hollywood)).

Kinda funny how the kikes protect their own for decades in Hollywood for exposing their pedophilia and rape against women, yet Michael was literally killed for naming the jew.

I don't think the world is ready from their satanic sacrifices of children yet

i'm scottish and protestant, you stupid fuck





oh gee like that's any better. Your no better than the filthy irish and protestants are all whores who worship the kike.

Would certainly explain a few things. And just a look at his dad is pretty much enough to know that's an evil man. I dunno though. all I know for sure is Jews are involved.

didn't Quincy Jones write Thriller?

Yeah his most recent special he alluded to pizzagate their shenanigans. It’s real famalam.

>MJ makes songs jews don't like
>increasingly counter-semitic
>MJ is defiant still
>jews proceed to start a plot to ruin his career and life
>fake kiddie diddling allegations (as if no one ever was falsely accused of molesting someone in attempt to ruin his standing, right?)
>just about everyone, me included, believes it at the time
>no evidence found, obviously
>MJ dies of (((overdose))) some time later
I only wish I could see back then, the machinations of the FUCKING JEW.

Exactly this. Exactly. If the media says he did it. He didn’t do it. Illuminati is real. Hollywood jews are fucking evil, and Michael was a being of light.

Only decadent capitalist society could produce such an obscene spectacle. Michael Jackson is what happens when you turn every part of someone into a commodity.

Whether he did it or not he will be remembered as a victim of liberal capitalism. Social media is the attempt to make everyone turn their identity into a commodity. Get ready for peak mental illness my fascist friends.

I think he might have been weird with children but to what extent I don't know. It's fucking weird no one cared about him. Fame is a curse.

Throw some good insults my way Sup Forums I feed of your rage, It warms my cold Marxist heart.
>mfw when the redpills are rejected by my ((degenerate)) body.

Sounds about right. Michael was too good for this world. Rest in peace, sweet prince.

shut up you kike nigger


Blanket might be his. The others aren’t. Paris thinks she is, and attacks trump on the daily. Hahahahaha. So lost.

I have no idea when he named the jew. Can someone pill me?


>pedo shit
>escape doors because at that point he was convinced (((Sony))) was trying to assassinate him over his ownship rights of their music catalog
>"pedo" magizines that happened to be some of the most popular magazines printed that year so litterally everyone owned one
MJ had a perfectly good reason to own all those secret passages and escape doors and everything else is paper thing bullshit

>His bedroom was decorated with frogs
what the fuck man

Wasn't he chemically castrated? That would explain all of his children friends.

I don't remember this. I must have been kinda young. I don't even remember this song.

Why the fuck didn't he want to hang out with Jonathan Brandis, answer this question

I doubt it. He seemed more sexually insecure/docile. He lived vicariously through the kids since he basically had no childhood.

The allegations of molestation, etc. were done for money.

We have our own coincidences, senpai


Jew me, sue me. Kick me, Kike me.