> Be Trump fan
>Tired of Russian investigation bullshit dragging on so long
> Watch Infowars. They're saying the Deep State is plotting a violent coup against Trump
>Based Nunes , one of Trump's closest allies , is writing a memo exposing the deep state
> Get hyped #releasethememo
>Memo gets releases
> its basically nothing
> I got completely rused by breitbart and infowars
Are you angry that the memo was a total letdown?
>The memo literally says the FBI spied on republicans on behalf of the democrats.
Shills are in overdrive for this, remember to sage.
There is literally no proof that the FBI is biased against Trump or that it did anything inapropriate in surveilling people who had been in contact with the Russian agents.
All the hype about the FBI planning a coup against Trump and going to assassinate him was just a ruse by Infowars.
Oh yea, I'm so let down that we are that much closer to king nigger being strung up.
Is this where I type
This. Also the Hill is running interference on the memo ssying things like the investigators "may have" disclosed that the dossier was paid for by political opponents although they mention that hillary or dnc was not named.
This will all drip out. The memo really raises questions to what the investagators knew, when they knew it? did they imform the court of all relevant facts? why did they conceal certain fact from the court? How high in the executive brach was this known? Who directed it? Did the chief executive have any knowledge? Was the court aware of all of these things?
Now there are calls to release the actual fisc filings.
For a timeline of this stuff up until the day before the memo was released listen to Dan bongino on the levin show.
> its basically nothing
Well to a idiot it would look like nothing
>unverified information
>circular reporting
>used to request FISA warrant
Keep in mind also that Comey lied when he told Trump there is no investigation into his campaign after the warrant was acquired and they were spying on him.
How stupid do you have to be to not see its significance?
>damage control
Kill yourself, shill.
Shill thread is shill
>Memo is a something streak
Shills in full shill mode.
>JoKe Kennedy level drool
Memo details that a fake dossier used for fisa application. Dossier builders leaked into to media, took media report with them to FBI as 'collaboration'
>Jail time will be coming
Talks of FBI and doj committing treason is in the air
I saw hardly any shills yesterday when the memo came out, now they've had some time to regroup
all they've got is "it's a nothingburger Mueller is coming for GLOMPH"
The best part is more is coming. Open wide bitch.
Someday I think we're going to find out where these Shills post from.
The fact that there were less of them on here during the shutdown makes me think they are a non essential that didn't come into work those days
digitis of truth. heads will roll from this info. how long will this shill influx last is the question.
Q. How do you fit 6 gorillion jews in a VW Beetle?
A. 1 in the driver's seat, 1 in the passenger set, 2 in the backseat, and the rest in the ashtray
The memo says very little that anyone who has been paying attention for the last year doesn't already know, I suppose in that sense it's a 'letdown'.
The FBI is corrupt to the core. There is alot of effort going into making this out to be a nothing burger and if you are undecided please pay close attention to that effort.
All three letter agencies are completely out of hand and are operating with no constraint in the realm of almost pure evil.
Sage, and you aren't winning the propaganda wars.
For the most part, but other things are still dumbfounding, like Steele anonymously leaking his dossier to fucking Yahoo and then having that article used as further evidence to corroborate his own dossier
It's hilarious for a second and then I remember how fucked everything is
Watch this.
Dan Bongino definately has a source feeding him what is going on. Listen to his pod cast he has been really accurate about what is going on. Listen to episode 647 before the memo is out he talks with high degree of specificity as to the content and meaning. He knows.
OP schill faggot.
Even without Steele's involvement, it's still so fucked up that a Yahoo news article was considered a valid source of evidence for a FISA warrant.
Lol righties have been saying this for almost a decade.
Stay mad cletus
>Narrative shift from constitutional crisis causing to it's nothing
If it was a dud then why did Schiff fight so hard against it's release?
You are a shill and a liberal and a buttsucking fag. It was not a letdown but superbonerific evidence of what everyone believed. If you are really this stupid kindly kill yourself so someone else \\ does not have to
They literally committed Sedition, which is punishable by death.
>Are you angry that the memo was a total letdown?
IT wasn't a letdown, it exposed criminal intent by the DNC and hillary.
Now we need to follow it up with some litigation.
>Are you angry that the memo was a total letdown?
I expected it to be a let down.
Shut up! I'm not that easily shafted hot dog.... Go shill & bot on t_d
Also, push for the bank records of fusion gps to be released.
Part of the memo described media reports being used to obtain fisa extension. Which "reporters" broke the stories? Were they paid by fusion gps?
>Also, push for the bank records of fusion gps to be released.
damn straight.
fpbp OP should KYS
Yep, this won't go away
this guy always plays down the significance of things so yes, this is huge.
hes also right 99% of the time.
It was literally nothing we haven't been saying for the past year. Total disappointment. Nunes is a fucking retard. He just lurked Sup Forums and wrote down his findings.
I was wondering how the Dems would spin this "it was nothing" seems to be their talking point now
I guess people laughed at the "think about integrity of FBI" spin
>it was a let down because the clintons didn't immediately turn themselves in to the police and democrats didn't dissolve their party, while kissing the ring of trump.
>it was a let down because the entire FBI wasn't arrested and trump didn't fire his entire DOJ staff
The memo is out in the open and you can't unring the bell, homo.
IT WASN'T A LETDOWN. It was a huge bombshell and everyone knows it. The Dems are fucking done for. Anyone saying the memo is "basically nothing" is a cucked faggot sperm gorger. Get fucked, shill fag.
>The fact that the fbi, dnc, etc. read it and felt they needed to throw such a shitfit over it proves it wasn’t a nothing burger.
>The fact that every major (((news))) outlet is try to downplay it with every report they release only enforces this thought.
Shills on Sup Forums basically seal the deal.
Wow did you willfully misinterpret that news?
Let me spell it out for you
Trump attacking the DOJ and FBI, undermining the rule of law and their long history of independence= a constitutional crisis
The information contained in the memo=unfounded allegations and partisan spin with no actual evidence of wrongdoing
Think of this way. If Nunes and those Republicans supporting the memo were so concerned about the FBI's abuse of power, why did he vote to expand the FBIs spying power a little while ago?
nunes knows the memo is lies and bullshit with no evidence
>> its basically nothing
It's basically nothing because we have been watching a lot more closely than normies.
What was interesting for me at least was;
>We know who signed off on the FISA requests, which is critically important for whats coming down the line
>The warrants were based in part on a fucking Yahoo news article (!), which was planted for the purposes of use in the FISA warrant
Be patient anons
Was hyped a little too much by some of the GOPs, but time will tell on that one
>things must happen within 24 hours or it won't ever happen
Let me spell it out for you
Trump attacking the DOJ and FBI, undermining the rule of law and their long history of independence= a constitutional crisis and something people criticise him for
The information contained in the memo=unfounded allegations with no actual evidence of wrongdoing
Nobody was actually throwing a "shitfit" over the memo itselff. They were criticising trump trying to use this memo to undermine the FBI to avoid the investigation.
How much Shareblue pays?
I'd like the memo a lot better if it said and proved that Hillary, the DNC, John McCain paid Steele and Fusion to push a fake dossier they invented and then bribed Comey, Rosenstein to take the dossier to thr FISA court who in turn bribed the FISA court judge to guce them a warrant. And the reason the warrant was denied the 1st time was because they didn't bribe him. But I'll settle for its confirmation that the culture of cutting corners for warrants, agents being allowed to politicize investigstions, weaponizing the FBI against political opponents is alive and well in the FBI and starts at the top and ingrained to the core of its culture.
Dont worry, the gears are in motion and the gallows are being built
“If I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses!"
Hillary Clinton
September 7, 2016
Maybe if you didn't want to face scrutiny you shouldn't have let yourself become a weapon to be wielded against your political opponents.
Obama is a traitor, the FBI and DOJ is filled with traitors, and you're a traitor too. You will face justice.
It was not significant. I support Trump and wanted this to be a huge blow to the enemy. It was not. If it was, we would not be hearing that there will be another memo from Nunes, and one from the Senate Judiciary. And then what, more and more memos? Crazy. they have all of the evidence, why not just lower the boom? That is what is needed now. If the memo were significant, it would have released information that the MSM could not slide. Instead it is mostly a re-hash of information that we already had, and without supporting documentation to show that the insinuations/allegations of the memo are proved. We know it, but the audience they were aiming at don't know it. Imo, this was a bad first impression on that audience for making the case that needs to be made. The first blow should have been decisive and indisputable so that the passive audience would sit up, take notice, and want to find out more. Instead, the deep state has successfully turned it into a soap opera shouting match. People watch dramatic soap operas. They turn political soap operas off. I hope the lesson is learned and the next memos are better. Or, better yet, dispense with the drip, drip approach and just do it. The evidence will speak for itself.
What about it was a letdown?
It shows proof that dems used their positions in government to attack their political opponents.
Trump should fire Mueller and Rosenstein now. There is no reason not to at this point. The investigation is a sham. Nothing that comes out of it can be used in a court because the information was all obtained illegally.
The FBI is not a constitutional entity.
They are not central to the nation.
There is no crisis beyond the dems using the government as a tool to keep out those they deem undesirable.
Except it did happen, you fucking kike.
The president kneecapping his own federal agency and justice department are exactly what the people need. The thousands of men and women that serve our country will have a much harder time now that half of us think they're corrupt.
Millions of Americans are now asking themselves "Can I trust the FBI? Can I trust the Justice Department? Can I trust Congress and the executive branch to govern?"
If the fbi and doj violated the law, as they did to get the fisa warrant, they should be ridiculed. Every agent and lawyer should be ashamed this went on.
This is only the first memo, stage one as Nunes says.
>try to release more proof
>don't release the proof, it would undermine national security
This is how you faggots will argue even though national security is already at risk with the threat of a secretive leftist shadow government controlling our justice system.
>their long history of independence
So you’re just trolling?
Nunes is clearly in over his head. He released a four-page memo with a bunch of summary conclusions that was easily dismissed by the left as a partisan document.
Actually, most of my fellow Burgers are thinking about footegg Superbowl right now. They couldn't give two fucks because they can't afford to give a fuck. #NormiesAreMajority
What the fuck does religion have to do with this? Fuck off, the adults are talking.
Nice larping
Flynn goes free now. They lied to get a warrant and so the information they used to trap Flynn is bullshit. The whole mueller thing will unravel in 3 weeks.
memo changes anything, if you disagree then you are a cuck, shill, jew, nigger
You may be right, but we're not electing any democrats any soon.
You forget the dems inflate their numbers
>be PoTUS
>most powerful person on earth
>constantly persecuted and helpless
Does this remind you of anyone? Someone in power that says they're victims? Crying out in pain as they strike you?
Think about it. Think really hard
imagibe bein a drumpf tard eating a nothing burger for breakfast lunch and dinner
As long as this is nothing, libs don't mind President Trump does this in 2020. Alls fair, right?
>Reddit spacing subversive kikery
Yes and No. the satisfaction of a shove up yer ass smoking gun memo would have been excellent. But there are serious things wrong with the FBI and it is probably better to do this soberly.
I liked Razor's take on the memo: youtube.com
>You forget the dems inflate their numbers
Trumpy is a dem?
conservashits are mad the govt is spying on politicians but don't give a shit when they do it to citizens.
go fuck yourselves hypocrites,
OP is a massive salty faggot, go suck stephen colberts dick. The DNC , the Clintons, and the corrupt machinations of the deep state have all been exposed.
>was expecting indictments
>got Trump saying "Congress will do what they do "
Fuck this, people need to go to jail. Traitors need to be outted from government. Communists need to be purged.
At this point, for the good of the Train, Devin Nunes just needs to go the fuck away. Trump cant keep shooting himself in the foot by trusting these retards who get us all hyped up for nothing.
Interesting attempt at damage control. You don't get to re-frame this, OP.
The real fun begins when an Obama appointee--Horowitz--drops his report. Thats when the hammer will drop. He will completely fuck the Dem's/Establishment world up
is that the inspector general at DOJ?
Good a hope so, but im losing the faith here, they hyped the shit out of that memo, what the fuck? Its getting to be like the goddamn Wall, shit aint built, the fucking illegals are all still here, and now hes offering 1.8 millions citizenship? I keep waiting for what he promised and getting fucking boned.
People keep telling me, "oh he cuts regulations and got Neil Gorsuch in there" Fuck that, any one of those GOP Establishment SHILLS could have done that. I voted Trump to take out the ESTABLISHMENT and DEEP STATE and keep this country white. How much fucking longer do I have to wait?
If it wasn't nothing we wouldn't see shill threads like this every other thread
Your undermining the American rule of law
Are you prepared for what that means shill?
Your asking us to raise up in arms
Stop this
Listen, if you're going to write a huge wall of text next time, can you at least have the decency to break it up into paragraphs so that others can actually read it? Thanks!
Just like the last "bombshell" the White House wrote for Nunes, it'll fade by Monday. "Guess what's in my hand" doesn't capture people's attention as well when you've revealed you're holding nothing.
Nice of them to undermine the dossier-is-key-to-all-of-this argument by admitting the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulos and not Steele though.
This would be the greatest moment in hundreds of years.
>How much fucking longer do I have to wait?
Just a little bit longer.
just the beginning mr commie. i was worried it was being hyped but i will admit it came in about how i expected. now we see the senate has a memo coming out and nunes has many more coming. this has ended rosenstinks' career.... hard to see him lasting through a few more of these memo releases.
It’s literally everything, retard.
> Be Trump fan
fan? what level of retardation is this on display?
Fuck the FBI, what exactly have they done for me ever? I'll give them a call when my kid gets kidnapped across state lines
>> its basically nothing
Yup, just lieing to a FISA court, colluding with a foreign agent, a candidate using the FBI and DOJ as a personal weapon against another candidate with the intent of interfering in a presidential election.
Yup just treason and sedition, nothing too big. Feeling sleepy.
Wow, Hannity posts on /pol? Hi Sean!
That's nuts, I've taken notice of 23s whenever I come across them for 7 years. Always thought they were sorta special.
>how far away am I from god?
this, hang op for being a shill
You clearly didn't read the memo.
I'm also going to assume that CNN "read the memo" for you.
Read the information for yourself.
Then come up with a conclusion.