My fellow Americans, the time to annex Canada is now.
My fellow Americans, the time to annex Canada is now
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>Canada gives up on it's military
But who will protect all of their muslims?
Isn't there still a law that says if Canada applies to join the United States, they'll be accepted instantly?
How would you carve up Canada, Sup Forums
Britain has dibs on reclaiming Labrador and Newfoundland
before or after the mass genocide on the day of the rake?
we would need a final solution for the Quebec problem
Britain isn't getting anything until you do something about absolute state of it
The joining offer expired
And I'm making sure that no union jack flies if this country does get annexed
Masonic Jew German Queen STAY OUT
She's already your Queen you wanker.
go have a wobbly that your queen is a shitskin jew somewhere else.
At least we never voted in a Nigger as our leader.
Good point, but both times we didn't have very good alternatives either since Ron Paul was subverted from succeeding.
And as a response we elected trump
I'm a Croat diaspora that was brought here by parents who were shunned by fucking complications that cunting queen had to make by pushing WW2.
Funny enough english bombers raised the city they were born near, no soldiers in it but just for fun. I got no respect for Lizardbreath and her Khazar bloodline
Lets be honest your standing military force of less than 70k was just a pathetic show Canada.
We wouldn't let someone invade you.
Fuck that, why would we want a second California? May as well clone all the faggots in Seattle and place a copy in every city.
Besides, America has enough chinks faggots and muslims.
This, Britbong here - i don't trust my country with shit.
I pray for a day, a chosen one will rise in this weak land of mine, and pilgrim to every last colony Britain held, on a grand campaign to reignite what was lost.
To show each of them they are the right leader.
And when they return home, the pathetic circus of modern day Democracy will be set ablaze to mark the new age.
>bush island
>killin iq
Why would we want more niggers or fat fucks. There is no way we could help finance all your mobility scooters.
should we meme this place as an all women town
to india?
I would begin the Great Muttening instantly
Take everything east of Quebec as a new dominion, nuke Quebec and Ontario, everything west goes to the states.
How can Canadians have tthis much pride, that they don't believe in nature's bite? War is inevitable, right? Or are the post-modernist ideologues so sure of themselves in this modernized world that nothing bad will happen? Or are they all just simply cucks who will fold at any given invaders? What use is it to defend your values, when somewhere down the timeline someone may totally upend it, therefore making them hypocrites. This may sound like extrapolation, but go back in history thousands of years and wars rise time and time again. Hell, wars are even going on in contemporary times!!
Enjoy freezing to death, mutty.
Kys cuck
>Don't forget 1812
>Anybody bragging about a war that was basically a draw
Why would we want to annex that shithole?
The U.S. could easily invade Canada and win
Why annex Canada? I was under the impression we were trying to get rid of blacks, muslims, and trannies.
>this thread again
I'll keep saging you faggots until you stop taking Scott Gilmore's cuckold opinions as fact.
Have you seen what happens when the US invades a country? By the time we're done the only civilian left will be JT in his diversity bunker.
Either we'll annex Canada or pic related.
Tick tock (((Anglosphere)))
The British do not need guns. Especially after electing a Jewish Prime Minister in the late 1800's. Good lord, absolutely vile.
we're in 2018, we had a black president 2 years ago
The Eternal Anglo has always been behind gun control.
I want the land, but not the Canadians. Can we rake it before we landscape it?
No, not true. We even have laws against Chinese testifying against Americans in court.
Canadians are muttier than Americans.
It'd be too cucked and they'd all vote for more gibs. Canada is on its own.
We need someone to change the date and name too. To something like 2/4/18 and heading it would be Washington Post then spam the shit out of it on tweeter FB to fuck with folk
You can have quebec.
K but what if it’s a canadian that shares your views wholeheartedly.
You mean how you were a colony and the only units that did any fighting were regiments shipped over from the island and not any "Canadians"?