What does Sup Forums think of starship troopers?

What does Sup Forums think of starship troopers?
I'm also looking for something to read that gives a positive or at least objective spin on nazi germany.

One of the best sci-fi bookw in existence. Going to read it to my kids when they get a bit older.

Starship troopers is what we should strive for.

Forever War is better.

Heinlein was a degenerate. That or he had a stroke and his degenerate wife released works under his name.

Why, whatd he do?

His non-juvenile books take a very open view of sexuality.

uh. top of my head mind you.
Friday. female character was bi
Number of the beasts the female"s dad admitted to trying gay sex for no apparent reason.
Glory Road had a part that sounded like he was trying to tip toe around age of consent laws
another one that I forget the name of wanted to discuss incest. Basically if they could do away with the problems with inbreeding that it would be OK.
One character Lazarus wanted to marry his mother and they were trying to get him to try like a clone female version of himself(sex change)
All this shit was written in the 80s or earlier. Just another subversive whether he knew it or not. Star Ship Troopers was alright and I'm sure some of his other earlier works as well but I'd be careful about recommending them without reading them for yourself first.

Forever War
> Guy goes to space Vietnam, the enemy is very far away everyone is degenerate and they have orgies all the time on their way to the front.
> They get to the front and the war is an absurd farce. No one has any idea what's going on or what to do. Protagonist leaves a cat to die as they retreat.
> They come back from tour and time has passed more slowly for them then people on earth, everyone on earth is now gay to control population. Main character's mom has even had a lesbian lover.
All you need to know about the Forever War.

Oh shit! We better throw out one of the few famous red pilled sci fi books because some of the authors other books had titties and pussies and stuff in them.

Well, that sure does sound like the 70s

>red pilled
Really? Females make the best starship pilots? Red pilled? Better go reread that shit with your Sup Forums goggles on.

The book is (subtle) satire. He's a former soldier and writes with obvious love for the life, but the point of the book is that soldiers make poor administrators of a society.

You forgot the bullshit ending
>everyone is now clones
>the war is over because lel clones

Shut the fuck up you sensitive little snowflake
>WAH WAH, mommy, men aren't the best at everything in this book, make them change it

the only reason it isn't redpilled is

Based book. Only veterans should get franchise.

Couldn't you argue that the book portrays soldiers as great rulers because humanity has risen into a space-faring society and has a shot at winning a galactic scale war with a hivemind race?

If anything, it's satire because you could draw parallels between the bugs (hivemind race with no sense of self) and the humans because they are all just a small cog in a massive warmachine

Made me wish for camaraderie of fellow men striving towards same goal.

Who are you calling snowflake? The statement you just made was an emotive whine of a SJW White Knight beta fagot orbiter snowflake if ever there was one. Fuck off, Wesley
>waaaaaaa wimen are stronk and can be anything want to be except janitors and miners because that dirty stinky gross work. Wage Gap is real!!11!

That was the movie. The book was about leadership and taking responsibility.

Only combat veterans should be allowed to vote or hold office. The most red pilled demographic ever to exist.

99 percent pissed at government for fighting the wrong wars.

Race realists after slaying brown bug people in combat.

Firm belief in the inferiority of women.

Universal hate of hive minded societies who we constantly war with.

You can't prove me wrong.

If anything it portrays soldiers as redundant leaders, as the rich (as in Rico's family) were still the ones who made the society work, and in essence, ran it. Also, all the branches of the military except the POI are shown as arrogant snobs that do very little for the war effort.

It is about that, but not about warmongering, fascism or the joys of military dictatorship.

I hated the movie when I first saw it because I thought it was extremely cheesy in a soap opera kind of way with too much emphasis on romance and love triangles.

Greatly enjoyed the book. Had a kind of Boy Scouts or Hardy Boys in Space kind of vibe.

>were still the ones who made the society work, and in essence, ran it.
His family were civilians not vets. Only vets could hold office or vote. They didn't run anything accept possibly through bribes and ass kissing.

You sound fucking pathetic
>this book sucks because women make good pilots in it
>If you think that this book is good you are automatically a gay, third wave feminist

maybe you just need to grow up before reading Heinlein

> Protagonist joins underground rural farming cult to escape degenerate fags.
> Finally decides to travel forwards in time with waifu to a less degenerate future.
> Create heterosexual monogamous utopia.

The bugs are commies.
The solders are specifically banned from leading in the book.

Forever war is garbage.

The proposed reason why females were better pilots was because the shape of their hips made them more resistant to passing out when G forces drive blood out of the brain. At least he had some pseudo basis for it.

You'd need far higher IQ standards for service. As it stands most who serve are borderline retarded.