I haven’t seen one of these in a while.
Nigger hate thread
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because mods are niggers themself and keep deleting it
jesus christ leaf is that real? I've been in a nigger hate thread before but FUCK
These fine fellows are probably practicing law in Frankfurt right now
As bad as racemixing can be it is important to note that in this case the mother does have some odd facial features herself that didn't do her child much good either.
Furthermore she is Slavic so please don't pretend that she is white by any means.
while all that may be true that child is a fucking abomination and your defense of such is sickening kys
I don't know to be honest, but they have a lot of kids
i just looked at that ISIS video of people getting shot in the head and this made me feel worse :(
sexualised early
Awful mother. Awful person
who pays? society, in more ways than one
How was that a good idea?
Its okay to be black
Just another day in Malmö
Jiggaboo jiggaboo were are you. Better come out here you filthy Nigger. I'm gonna give yous you're favorite tree in a minute right heraa
I'm almost out, I'll throw in a red pill on how they think
What in the fuck was the retarded nog expecting to happen?!?!
South Africa has some of the most atrocious crimes I've ever read about. I suspect this is because a lot of incidents in mainland Africa do not get reported internationally
>It is estimated that 500,000 women are raped in South Africa every year with the average woman more likely to be raped than complete secondary school. A 2009 survey found one in four South African men admitted to raping someone and another survey found one in three women out of 4000 surveyed women said they had been raped in the past year. Rapes are also perpetrated by children (some as young as ten). Child and baby rape incidences are some of the highest in the world, largely as a result of the virgin cleansing myth, and a number of high-profile cases (sometimes as young as eight months) have outraged the nation.
Welfare should be contingent upon sterilization. I've thought this long before I became a full-fledged Sup Forumstard
I remember this story that was a black man they killed who helped them
(((media))) would rather be reporting on how trump flossed his teeth
Reverse Benjamin Button
last from me
Doesn't make it any less niggery.
>there has been 1 school shooting every 3 days in 2018
Hyper Fighting the best CPS1 game. Been maining Guile in that game since the 90's.
I'm a Zangief main in ST though. ST for life.
Ah the good old days
The world sucks now.
ST as in Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Atari ST is cool though, I had a 2600 myself. No idea why since I was born in 1989 and it was already old as fuck by the time I was born.
All those ST fags ITT. Back the fuck up.
>I haven’t seen one of these in a while.
wonder why?
faggot mods and janitors nuke these as soon as they start
KEK omg this is the best one yet!