>saviour of the white race
Top Zozzle
>1in 4 of the half a million polish women living in the uk have a child with a African or Indian/paki father
>saviour of the white race
Top Zozzle
>1in 4 of the half a million polish women living in the uk have a child with a African or Indian/paki father
on a side note, seeing a nigger dressed in western human clothing is always funny. Without fail, it's like at the circus when they used to have the little monkey with a tophat and coat on.
No one cares. The only thing that matters is that they can't go back to Poland with something like that.
That’s Britain’s fault not Poland
You mean 1 in 4 of the women who have had a baby in the UK from the one million.
t.not a polak
>most were born to polish fathers
>but OF THE REST 23% had african or asian fathers
a minority of a minority isn't equal to 25% of all of them you dumb cunt, learn to read
so poland dumps it's trash on the UK? sounds bretty gud to be honest, you're just salty that you can't get laid by dumb polish bimbos who choose mahmed over you in bong land
Poland is poor, weak, irrelevant, degenerate
They all look clean, healthy, happy and well dressed. Guy on the right looks like a Hugo Boss model
>Guy on the right looks like a Hugo Boss model
a nigger Hugo Boss model, weak ass banter
Also I must have seen this same thread at least a dozen of times. Probably a shill. Saged.
>most of the children had polish fathers, but of the rest, 23% had African or Asian fathers
>of the rest
The rest is gonna be like 10-20%, so mixing rate would be like 2.3-4.6%.
Dumb nigger.
2019. Remember the date.
Polshits have one year more to leech then back they go to vodkanigger slavholes they crawled out from. 2004-2018 was the golden age of Slav wining and dining on the white mans dime but the gibs stops in a years time and it's back to surviving on roadkill and krokodil for whitenigger eastern european mongloids
based melbourne
I agree. How will you solve the rest of your problems, though? I prefer Polacks to Pakis.
Dno about u, doe.
>Be bong
>Be too stupid to understand your own language
Kek, no wonder you empire crumbled.
Ahahaha you won't do anything stupid cunt.
Rofl. You realise nobody is going to be sent back? All that will happen is we will get less coming here at best. Tinpot brexiters like you are utterly delusional.
Once they go black, they aren't polish and wont be accepted in poland...EVER
the sad part is you probably believe that. face it bong your country isn't your own anymore it belongs to muslims hoards and other shit foreigners because you bongs would rather drink and beat off than do anything about saving it
Ofc any white immigrant is better then shitskins but eastern euros are exclusively low-class chav stock. We don't need more white niggers in uk, we have a whole region of locals that is only whitenigger inhabited. It starts from Birmingham and goes north
What does it take for you poles to understand how much we hate you?
We voted brexit, spit on you on the streets, beat and kill you and bully your kids to suicide and you stil don't want to leave, in fact even more of you come
We don't want to be colonised by you or pakis, LEAVE US ALONE.
all slavs are fucking white niggers anyway.
What does it take for you westcucks to understand how much everyone hates you that comes to your country for education/work/tourism?
>in the U.K.
>the U.K.
There not polish if they go to a rat infested country you moron, their subhumans like the rest of you eurofags
What are the people in your picture doing wrong user? Being ugly?
>100 IQ
>High economic growth
>Christian country with good morals
>Few abortions
>Few fag parades
>So relevant that Kikes go apeshit over a law and gets BTFO
>On off the bravest militaries in the world
>Defeated communism twice
>Defeated Nazis
>Defeated Russians and is the only country in Europe who managed to conquer Moscow
>Multiple Nobel Prize laureats
>Contributed greatly to both Litterature, Classical music, Science, Athletics and Social issues.
>Beautiful women
>Beautiful nature
>Beautiful architecture
kys kike
Slav women are sluts and whores
Stares in Czech.
every adequate Pole living in UK should learn Welsh :)
UK is melting pot for subhumans and shitskins, whar are you trying to say here?
>all women are sluts and whores
fixed it for u based naivebro
po co Polacy w ogóle przyjeżają do tego miejsca?
>literally needs to rely on big brother us to even sustain itself
>lost its own colonies
>ugly women
>trash liberal literature
>stolen architecture
>military surrenders when they hear gunshot
>should be nuked
How is that reading comprehension going for you?
Mongrel-Theism = \
Blaspheme the Holy Spirit...
Blaspheme God...
Fabrication of Chimera is prohibited.
>el abominacion has no saying in any civilized subjects
>staying with his pregnant girlfriend
>walking around with his kid in a stroller
Nothing nigger about this pic. Are you mad that the man isn't a cuck like you?
Money, are you retarted or what? London is Europe's New Babylon where all degeneracy is but also big money. People who dont care about morals go to London to make blood money.
>couldn't even take Mogadishu
>talks about British colonies
Muttposting is the best.
moglibym robić swój bizness w Rosji czy na Białorusi.
The nigger on the right is dressing sharp, I'll give him that.
>mfw that's literally us except with "big brother china"
Oh yeah, thanks for taking them from us
And get paid with what? Wodka and promises?
i was almost guilty of this, thank fuck i got redpilled and convinced her to get an abortion.
Planning on doing my patriotic duty and leaving the country as soon as i can get a job abroad after i grad
Our countries are so fucking lost. How can your race ever survive when your women are the most traitorous slags on the planet? Start fighting for your civilization before our own women permanently fuck our genome in the ass in the name of tolerance and feelings
>Big Money
A retard
Sounds like mexicans own your country then mr le 56%
>23% of (X-most of X)
That's village idiot level retarded.
I agree Pooland couldn't save shit though.
Gee I wonder where they learned this behaviour? British women are all vile roastie slags who were the pioneers of coalburning, fucking hell m8 thousands of your women even fucking fly to get filled with diseased nigger dick and in the process leave their cuck husbands and children behind.... the absolute state
Isn't a nigger dressed in a suit a cultural appropriation?
>polish women go to Britain
>get corrupted
The West is a land of degeneracy and decadence.
> Implying they are coming back to Poland with their mutt babies.
No you cucked anglosaxon they will stay with their negro friends in your Londynistan so its not problem for Greater Poland.
So, UK is getting more and more blacked every day?
Right now he is pride citizen of Londynistan and we are sending more ahaha.
It's a test, only the strongest survive the indoctrination, if you lose , you're thrown in the gas chamber
>tfw when you were never moral in the first place
why aren't you doing the same thing to pakis, africans, arabs etc then?
The difference, the father is still there.
And they dont abuse and abadon their children.
I am not a slav fan, but its reality
Heads up, OP is a pretty old bait and misleading info
Little Pakistan is a more desirable location than Eastern Europe.
What does that tell you about Slavs?
Poles who move abroad are all trash. There's a reason why Poland is so safe and homogenous, it's because all the criminals and racemixers moved to western europe
Hello darkness my old friend...
Also, most of them are white/slav trash chavs. Worst of the worst. Them and their genes are of no value anyway, it's actually a good thing they sort themselves out, therefore making Poland a better place.
They obviously will never take these mutts back to Poland, because they know everybody would consider them whores.
They'll be the first to go, personally i don't have a problem with poles aslong as they aren't bringing their black husbands with them.
This is why for every killed slav in British Caliphate we should kill at least 10 english expats and tourists. This is how cucked anglosaxons are saying thank you for our pilots fighting and dying in WW2 for London.
>african or asian fathers
>asian fathers
Gee, I wonder how that happened...
>we should kill at least 10 english expats and tourists
>They'll be the first to go
Keep dreaming boi.
I heard that crime went down with 30% when Poland entered the Eu and got rid of their trash. Not only does the UK bring in MENA-trash they also love to take care of the european trash. Got to love that british tolerance, understanding and sacrifice for the greater good of the European continent.
>Implying you're not replying to a fucking mudslime
What are you even doing with your life user kek
That you are clearly cuck enjoying muslim cocks in your butt.