Trump is winning on all fronts and Germany will need to pay for it.
Mark my words, Germany will buy 120 F-35s
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Hopefully we dont.
If we buy shit that dosent work it might as well be german shit that dosent work.
Isn' the F-35 project a big failure or eierlegende Wollmilchsau?
Its a giant scam to get foreign nations to prep up Lockheed.
>Isn' the F-35 project a big failure or eierlegende Wollmilchsau?
lets be honest F-35 as a fighter plane is a flop, but as a plane to kill some sand-niggers is perfect. Not a single military can not be without such planes to compliment other type of air superiority warfare.
in the latest tests and israhells usage above Syria it show decent ant radar balities, at the same time it shown ruski radars detecting it even with full stealth mode, but detecting it too late to shoot it down, so NOT complete failure. There are none real alternatives to such aircraft, so buy and cry
The pilots claim to love it.
>The pilots claim to love it.
as that is, what they can fly or... ride a bicycle
>Germany will buy 120 F-35s
For what fucking purpose?
Muuuuuhhhhhh Russia doesn't count.
We could fend those losers off with literally a couple of broomsticks.
To appease Trump.
we should buy A-10 for solving some problems in inner cities when the welfare state runs dry
Meanwhile the US navy is planning on reintroducing the Grumman Tomcat, instead of the f35, becuase it's a hyped up piece of shit.
The purpose of the f-35 is to bomb ground targets or swarm traditional fighter jets like the "su 35". Germany is going to want f-35 for cooperation in NATO with the US to deter adversaries like Russia and china.
At least thats how i view it.
>but detecting it too late to shoot it down
How do you know that they tried?
A Israeli F-35 got hit by a >60 year old Syrian S-200. The Israelis denied it and said "lol, it was just hit by a bird" which is just bullshit.
The last time when someone claimed
>look at this stealth jet, if someone detects it, it will be too late to shot it down
it got downed by some serbs.
The F-35 can be detected but not targeted which makes it a multi purpose fighter. NATO plans to produce thousands of them and swarm targets like a cluster of bees. Dogfighting is dead as the Russian new fighter might be able to pick off a F- 35 solo but in a real conflict of attrition and economics their fast jet is useless.
Germoney, if you do buy F-35's, could you pass your other jets down to us? We're in the process of unfucking our air force.
Please no, the project is a financial nightmare and the modern battlefield (99% insurgents and towel heads doing gorilla warfare) doesn't need a plane like that. Germany isn't gonna go to war with Russia or China.
Invest in something more cost effective and tailored towards what our Army is actually doing.
A bunch of pic related are a fraction of the cost of an F-35 and does the job just as well of dropping bombs on brown people. Has a higher loiter time too.
>swarm the enemy with the most expensive and faulty jet in history, as a strategy in war of attrition and economic race during the war time
You couldn't fend off Eskimos with tanks. Your military is a joke.
also : if you want to swarm the enemy why wont you just use the predator drones instead baka
I prefer the Pucará, but the Tucano is delicious as well.
Of course the weakness of the F-35 is said to be if the enemy disables the technology you are now flying an inferior plane. If the plane could be hacked then the Russian and chinese fighters could reverse the scenario turning your aggressive bee formation into a pack of scared minnows. Minnows that their jets would pick off like a shark on a school of fish.
Fighter jets do not swarm, they dogfight. Only the f-35 connected to other F-35s can cluster without crashing into each other.
Because the F-35 is a drone..
>our quality is shit, so we just produce more to balance it out with quantity
Just that the F-35 is expensive as fuck and you could do this more efficiently with other jets.
There's no other 5th gen attack fighter for sale. So either they buy the F-35 or the pay more for a 4th gen.
I've been eyeing this thing lately. Seems pretty capable from what I've seen.
It's around 90 million each right now.
>buy helicopters for sea rescue missions
realise afterwards they aren't registered to fly over open waters
>jsut another few millions wasted
Honestlly? I just stoped caring. With all the billions already wasted in the past 4 years, and few more won't make that much difference.
>F-35s can cluster without crashing into each other
That's pretty nice, so one rocket could down 5 of them at once with its shrapnel.
Sounds really smart to do this with the most expensive shit you could create — use it as an quantity > quality weapon.
The military leaders seem to think not many F-35s will be shot down which is why they are going for this critical mass strategy. And they have to. The west does not have the man power to dogfight and build traditional fighter jets against china.
Hell they are even going hard on implementing AI on the plane because man power is so low.
they are cheaper now?
Actually the west has far more fighters than China.
Never understood why the superpowers fell for the turbinical jew so easily when they're only at war with 3rd world nations. Propeller aircraft is much more effective for said purpose.
They have been about 90 million each for years bro, you still reading dated material?
Gotta love 'low-tech' warplanes. Poland, pls sell Orliks.
looks shit, why does it have old wheels in 2018
Our army is literally doing nothing and wasting money.
The F-35 would be the perfect plane.
They’re getting even cheaper than 90 mill, they’re nearly equivalent to buying a Block 60+ F-16 in cost.
In a war of attrition when we are training and losing pilots we wont have the advantage. Germany in WW2 had the most pilots vs Britain and they lost against the wests mass production machine.
So you can bomb Muslim together with USA, it's tthe only way you will get get enough refugees.
No army in Europe is really doing anything significant right now.
Everyone is just wasting money.
They're literally the future when it comes to air support. I'm not even joking. They're extremely efficient, can stay in the air for like an entire day or some shit and can carry huge amounts of ordnance with precision guidance. The running and purchasing cost of them is trivial compared to jet powered alternatives.
The west already has far more pilots than China. You don't get it. The west can also produce engines faster and better engines. Right now Chinese made jet engines are good for about 100 hours before they have to be gutted.
The west holds a technology and numerical advantage at this point.
F-35 can carry more and have more loiter time. Sorry.
Prop attack planes are for countries too poor to afford drones.
I dont know if you want to underestimate china these days. Russia will provide them with the tech as they provide the manpower.
1/3rd operational isn't that bad. it's the low stockpile that matters. a few squadrons of f-35 would definitely be a good purchase but more typhoons would probably be a better buy
But especially because China is a country of quantity and masses, it sounds unreasonable to counter them with numbers instead of quality.
I think that the F-35 is good for bombing sandniggers. It's good for protecting yourself when you invade some completely outdated country.
But against China and Russia, it just doesn't sound so smart.
If you would prepare for a war against them, everything would be about rockets. Russia and China are developing low-attitude cruise missiles for exactly that reason.
Like most of the US population is living near the coast. So the Russians developed some hypersonic missiles that can fly 6m above the water and that can be hidden in some ordinary container.
With simple attitude + speed combination, they make it pretty much impossible to counter them, because when you see it, it is already too late and it will reach you before any defensive rocket could even leave its missile silo.
This is what you are going to fight in a war against Russia or China.
China and Russia are putting all their money into rockets.
Chinese tech is already better than Russia's. Remember, Russia hasn't progressed since the 1980s.
The F-35 is already better than anything China has in the air, and the west is able to produce fighters faster than China. You don't quite get it, China and Russia have problems making modern jet engines.
>F-35 can carry more and have more loiter time. Sorry.
Yeah, no. Simply no.
The SU 35 is superb man. Its cheap and easy to fly, perfect for millions of chinaman who learn how to operate a task fairly quickly.
>So the Russians developed some hypersonic missiles that can fly 6m above the water and that can be hidden in some ordinary container.
They're not containers and nobody has purchased them, not even the Russians because of the obvious problem it causes.
Fuck, a smart kraut finally. You will be permitted to breed, Wolfgang.
Also, fuel is cheaper.
>In 2007 an IA-58 of the Argentine Air Force was converted to carry a modified engine operating on soy-derived bio-jet fuel. The project, financed and directed by the Argentine Government (Secretaría de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación), made Argentina the second nation in the world to propel an aircraft with biojet fuel. The project intends to make the FAA less reliant on fossil fuels
>warplane that runs on soy
Sorry I'm not wrong. Max payload on an F-35 is 16k lbs. On a prop plane?
Then why are there less than 50 in the world?
The key difference is that Germany is not allowed to do anything.
Bundeswehr is only there to protect the borders.
But the only neighbouring country we actually have a non EU border is Switzerland.
Every mission of the Bundeswehr outside of Germany is highly illegal and they have to jump some hoops to make it happen.
They said before the deployment of German troops to Afghanistan, that Germany is now defended at the Hindukusch.
Our President Köhler had to resign after he suggested to use the Bundeswehr to secure trade routes of Germany and its NATO allies.
The German military may not talk about their real purpose.
Yeah, but who needs pilots?
This is sexy as fuck.
It's only the most expensive jet in history because for the first time ever they planned the expenses of a plane for the ENTIRE lifetime of production, operation, and maintenance
the only thing keeping the USA alive is the AIM-120. if we didn't have the best AA missile than we'd look like total cunts
Are we in war time? Picture china turning all their manufacturing to war then mass producing jets Russia was forced to invent that are cheap and easy to build.
AIM-120 plus stealth = total air supremacy.
Not only that but the F-35 has virtually unlimited ordinance as it can fire missiles off ships and other aircraft at enemy aircraft as if they were their own.
Bruv, it isn't about if they can produce them in numbers if needed. They can't. China and Russia can't mass produce quality jet engines. Period.
mig-23 is a a decent fighter. with the r-77 than it is a definite match for anything nato can field. russia has a huge stock of them
None of that sounds remotely important.
Getting suckered into Afghanistan is not a big deal. At least you didn't pull an Italy, and buy off Taliban members to claim peace.
Until an EU army actually forms, there is little reason for member states to have armies at all. When that happens, you should be developing your own weapons instead of buying American.
I doubt it's gonna be that many.
What Germany needs is a capable land force to deter Europe's common enemy which is Russia who is visibly itching to get into a Baltic state or Poland or even Norway.
The Germans would never do that even if the F-35 were an objectively superior fighter in every way.
They're too butthurt about America.
>not paying your nato bill
>not paying your share of the U.N.
nice scam you've been playing
The mig-23 isn't good at anything, especially when an F-35 can see it hundreds of miles before it can see the F-35.
> got hit by a >60 year old Syrian S-200
How retarded do you have to be to believe this? An S-200 missile weighs around 7 tons, if it hits an aircraft it's going down.
To enrich American corporations.
I dont know Russia recently mastered thrust vectoring. They think they are the king of the skys now with their su 57s buzzing all sorts of US surveillance in black sea and fighter jets over Syria.
>eierlegende Wollmilchsau
egg laying wool milk sow
such a vibrant and beautiful culture...
They have one Kalibr cruise missile that can hide in a container and fly at 6m above the water and carry nuclear warheads.
And they have one 4,600mph Zircon hypersonic missile that can bypass every single missile defense in the world, can travel 600 miles and one single rocket can destroy an whole aircraft carrier.
So the logical next step will be to merge the two platforms.
The USA has nothing to counter them.
The USA has no equivalent.
This is how the Russians would fight an conventional war against the USA. At the mean time the USA would attack with F-35.
And Russia already developed the S-400 that can down them.
For me it seems like the USA has more interests into building weapons that make invading of sandnigger countries easier.
But they don't have any interest into developing anything that would be useful against Russia or China.
You know it's literally muh Russia. Fuck NATO, and fuck the EU rulers.
f-35 can't see shit. russians also have excellent AWACS and if we were ever to goto war with russia and china than they'd play their cards close. where we'd be forced to either engage detected by ground radar or try to attrit by high alt bombardment. either way 100 f-35s versus thousands of mig-23s (current stocks) isn't much of a contest. we'd get swarmed if it weren't for our older fighter bombers at least giving us half parity and the excellent aim-120
God damn, I'm sorry about what the Jews did to your country.
Selling an enemy one of our most deadly tactical air advantages is a tragic mistake. The EU (Germany) is rushing to build a large military force. It's not a stretch to believe we will one day fight Europe. Why help them with aircraft that have no heat signature and no radar signature?
Are you aware that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about?
>>but detecting it too late to shoot it down
>How do you know that they tried?
>A Israeli F-35 got hit by a >60 year old Syrian S-200. The Israelis denied it and said "lol, it was just hit by a bird" which is just bullshit.
>The last time when someone claimed
>>look at this stealth jet, if someone detects it, it will be too late to shot it down
>it got downed by some serbs.
you are confused as what radar detection is and what targeting is
simple (outdated) heatseeking missiles could lock up, but IR and ASRA locking system missiles don't work to target them... until F-35 opens its bays- then it's stealth gone and caboom- how F-117 got shot down
The A-10 is an honorary Aryan weapon. It's the type of aircraft the Luftwaffe would have built if the Germans had won WW II.
>Muuuuuhhhhhh Russia doesn't count.
So deterring the country that poses the biggest threat and can literally drag us into a war in Europe doesn't count?
You should've stayed in Kazakhstan, Ivan.
30-60 minutes loiter time vs 8 hours, it's not even a contest
>Lets be honest F-35 as a fighter plane is a flop, but as a plane to kill some sand-niggers is perfect.
You can kill sand niggers with fucking turbo-props. They're also cheaper, have better loiter times and don't need a fuckhuge state of the art airbase and support personnel either.
That's why we should test all of our new weapons on Serbia before deploying them.
Because pork barrels wont pay for themselves!
Yeah lets start a war again to deny Germany their self determination, ally Russians and chinese thus killing not millions but billions of people this time.
Come on thats not happening.
Either Germany buys a lot of F35 or they go to Poland for the cheap, with the explicit purpose of them using it to get more Kraut clay. Hell, we'll even throw in firebombs for free. And all refugees who (continue to) come in to Germany gets one.
It's a good idea that ends up being turned down because it doesn't waste enough money.
F-35 as a system stops working if it doesn't have connection to servers in US. US would do fine against EU armed with burger weapons
>you are confused as what radar detection is and what targeting is
>simple (outdated) heatseeking missiles could lock up, but IR and ASRA locking system missiles don't work to target them... until F-35 opens its bays- then it's stealth gone and caboom- how F-117 got shot down
also heat seeking only works up to 5 mile range and is unreliable... so F-35 has a chance to hit and run and even older technology- deploy flares
My suggestion is to get few, but they need to work in combination with other interconnected aircraft to win any air to air battle
Thrust vectoring doesn't matter. I'm talking about quality of fan blades and internals. Russia and China can't even produce commercial jet engines in quantity.
>Germany isn't gonna go to war with Russia or China.
How are my fellow countrymen so fucking dumb?
Si vis pacem, para bellum!
>is a Latin adage translated as, "If you want peace, prepare for war"
This is basic stuff you libshits.
>swarm traditional fighter jets like the "su 35"
>When your jets are so much of a shit, that the only valuable use for them is fuking swarm tactics
What exactly does your army do?
Lol how cucked you guys are, you should have just given the east to poland and the west to austria, france, belgium and the netherlands.
This way you'd at least live in a real country.