Jews have an exceptionally high IQ.
How come?
Jews have an exceptionally high IQ.
How come?
It's a myth. The average Jew is slightly less intelligent than the average white.
It's only Ashkenazi Jews who have IQs in the range of 110-115.
And even then, Ashkenazi Jews have lower spatial intelligence than whites.
whites killed all the dumb ones
Ashkenazi Jews have higher verbal IQ because they're literally descended from merchant clans that became experts at pilpul and haggling. That's why so many of them are bankers and lawyers.
I've never known a smart jew. Only half-smart jews
Jews are full of it
Maybe because they don't spend time watching kid's cartoon shows from a foreign country like you degenerates do.
thats a great explanation
Fuck you, Japan is based.
Because it's a distraction from exposing their hyper-connected tribalism. Subversion and nepotism is the game they're playing, and they're damn good at it.
They don't
Jews are a tight knit community and look out for each other, even if they have no personal relationship with each other. This results in favors and advantages being circulated more easily, which directly translates to success and success leads to higher IQ for the next generation because of better upbringing, schooling, etc.
Only the ones with European blood. The Jews in Israel have an IQ of about 90.
The smart ones with a survivor instinct are the ones who survived the camps
Hitler inadvertently created a super Jewish race
If this is true then how do the Jews have complete control over the docile goyim?
only the european jews do, desert jews are just arabs with sideburns.
Reminder that there are more white non-jews with >140 IQ than there are total Jews of any IQ.
Genetic bottleneck and keeping to their own. Or you could say, a historic bit of good fortune, and centuries of purposeful breeding afterwards.
They don't.
>Blames hitler for the jews eternal struggle to survive their own kikery
Most jews send their kids to the top universities in the u.s. and Europe Harvard Princeton MIT etc.
when you get educated at that level they score good on intelligence tests.
thats it.
The reason why so many banks are owned by Jews is because some Catholic pope thought it'd be a great idea to prohibit Catholics from giving out loans at an interest rate. Since Jews weren't affected by this law and they weren't allowed to be a craftsman or join guilds back then.
Ashkenazi Jews primarily lived in cities, and for a long time were pretty much only working in some industries, namely ones that need higher intelligence. Lawyers, doctors, moneylenders, merchants...
The City Jews who had more money, had more children that survived than the poorer Jews on the countryside. This, coupled with arranged marriage limited to their ethnic and economic circle gradually raised the Intelligence of the Ashkenazi people.
Artificial selection
It's called verbal IQ aka lying.
Way to go, asshole.
We jews have literal jew supremacy which means that by keeping our genes jewish we can keep the intelligence. Based white supremacists.
>Jews have an exceptionally high IQ.
they don't... they just cheat on the tests.
Because they are so tight nit, they do not push the retarded jews out. Thus, a false sense that they have intelligence. In reality, its just nothing more than herd mentality. They have a few, just like every other group. As a whole they are not superior or bright. The only group that has shown that are Asians. And that is due to the constant education the culture chases in hopes of high paying jobs. It's purely about money. If there was no money they would go back to smoking and squatting. Visit Vietnam. Thats all they do. Squat and smoke. Drive scooters into walls.
In 2009 anthropologists Cochran & Harpending wrote "The Ten Thousand Year Explosion." In chapter 7, they describe in some detail the best theories as to why the Ashkenazi Jews developed the 1SD higher intelligence, just over the past 200 years, as an example of how human evolution is ongoing in our modern world.
Basically, it's the obvious things, like an entire culture devoted to selective breeding in favor of kids who are extremely smart, and very specific selectivity toward people who pursue specific fields as careers.
Just like we killed of the most violent criminals (basically just men) of each generation for a couple of hundred year, that's we whites can behave in a civilized manner, while blacks chimp out and go on a rampage after being called a chimp
Natural selection. Only the ones clever enough to escape and their descendents are still around.
They invest in their kids' early development. It's sort of part of the religion/culture.
A good early start is very important.
To help your theory let me add that in the Jewish culture the rabbies or the smartest people also have the most children.
Eugenics is literally ingrained into talmudist Judaism
The Jews are literally turning themselves into Übermenschen, while we believe that everyone is the same and export millions of low IQ sandnigger and niggerniggers
Let's also not forget that both Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz and Barrack Hussein Obama received better degrees from Harvard Law School than Mr. Shapiro despite his privilege.
ive met a lot of jews in my life and i haven't been impressed by their 'intelligence'. mostly i see an ugly people with a penchant for stealing other people's ideas.
>if a destructive bird species is introduced into your state by some guy, you would blame the bird and not the guy who brought them there?
satan's blessing
BTW, did Ben ever address this fact?
extreme nepotism
I haven't seen a proper study of their IQ anywhere. None with proper sampling.
If they just worked with us, everything would be fine.
most US jews are ashkeNAZI
Those will be your new jews. but atleast no more liberals.
"American Jewish population rapidly becoming more Orthodox"
Take the upper half of almost any white country and they will have a higher IQ than Ashkinazi jews.
Only for rich jews was it worth their while to retain the religious identity so over time their numbers fell but their IQ rose. They shed their the lower half of the bell curve.
Notice they are very few in number.
God's. Chosen. People.
How is this hard?
Thank you based rat. I will be able to tell who to gas in the final days.
You'll only do what your told, Bitch.
Does not matter even if true, there are more high IQ white people then there are jews in this world.
Well, all major inventions have been made by white men.
Asians also have high IQ. And what?
Creativity is a key
> 1 post by this ID
Because they write the tests. Same with the Chinese, who even cheat on their own tests.