Why do fat people keep believing that being fat is ok?

Being fat should be considered a crime.
Getting rid of fat people would improve quality of life in every country.
Those fat fucks are only burden for society, metaphorically and literally.

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We use grain to fatten up cows for slaughter. Grain makes cows sick - and they're pure herbavords.
Then some Jewish fellow says that the health diet for American goys is .... grain! Breads, cereals and low fat stuff. He's Jewish so he must be smart and only antisemitism think Jews would lie to do you harm. People must be better at digesting grain than grass eating cows.

they all have binge eating disorders and need to be locked away for treatment just like we do with anorexics
or better yet we can burn their fat fuck bodies for fuel

These land whales are mentally ill.

Think about it, one pound of fat takes 3600 calories in excess of daily needs. So these people who are 100, 150, 200 pounds over weight? It didn't happen over night. It's not because they were fat as kids. It's because they eat more food than they need.

Why we continue to permit this delusion to continue is beyond me. You're a fat pig because you eat too much food, it's unhealthy and you need to stop.

>scorpions die and suffocate from hardwater
>this means humans will too

NAAfA- North American Association of FAt Asses?

Now you're talkin'!!!

They should pay additional tax for being fat, since they are eating more than they need and that food could be used for aid during natural disasters.

Eat wheat and die.
It's even biblical!
Able gives a sacrifice of lamb barbeque - God is pleased.
Cain give a sacrifice of grain - God is pissed.
Eat your pretzels, German user. They're good for you. I'll eat the Weinersnitchel

they seem to be getting rid of themselves, yo.

Why spend taxpayer funding doing to them what they are already doing to themselves?