America's most powerful weapon is
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>America's most powerful weapon is
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Funny but true.
Europoors are triggered by superior American cuisine
This but unironiclly. Mcdonalds are every where in the world. You laugh at the USA for being addicted to it but soon you will be just like them. Fat greedy burger loving pigs
Where are you getting these?
Burger thread?
Wendy's makes a proper burger
would be better with just 2 or 3 patties
>Square patties
Did someone say Burger King?
>when you find the one mcdonalds who actually prepares their shit right
This shit isn't half bad if the people making it actually give a fuck.
i just laughed,
i just lost
Crisp, cold veggies on a very hot Patty, ice cold coke. Nothing more American than that.
Gotta admit - that looks pretty fucking delicious.
>haven't had burgers in forever
Fuck off. McDonalds don't come close to Wendy's perfection sweety.
That's not even his final form!
Black bean burger for the veggie bros.
How do they eat with no arms?
I'm glad no other nation has learned to perfect the technology. We'd lose our grip on the world within the hour of another nation gaining the power.
>Daddy isn’t around anymore to give me special mayo for the burger
can’t even enjoy it anymore :(
That’s a very personal subject it’s not polite to just ask someone that.
Apache superior burger arriving
I am eating a medium size double quarter pounder meal right now
I only go to McDicks for this.
FUcccccccccccck I am so hungry right now I could eat 4 of those.
They’re opening a new McDonald’s in my town, just about less than 2 miles away from the other nearest McDonald’s, in the town just next to mine, and a couple hundred yards away from the new Burger King that just opened in my town.
America stop colonising us pls
Looks like America's most powerful weapon has met its match. Wh*tes BTFO
>not mcpizza
Honestly I have no hatred for you people at all, just pity.
I'll allow it.
this was actually good
isnt it always after 4 pm
Shit, you just gave me an idea for lunch
wtf is this pic
They don't have those
it's weaponized food
eugenics against stupid people
globalist poison
11 ingredient french fries
kills off important gut bacteria on purpose
literally weaponized food
all i had to do is warn you. what you do now is your own fault
...its jewish community
the scat video she did after this was amazing
Teeth, it’s what estonians eat.
Yes, when the nuclear winter comes, americans will be able to sustain themselves for months only on fat reserves.
who the hell eats the fries when going to mcdonalds. they are so fucking disgusting every single time
Fucking baconator
Not here in US europoor
a burger to surpass metal gear
Bet you cucks wish you had a Cheeky Nando’s.
dude i live a 15 minute drive from belgium, dont try and tell me what good fries are
instant headache
Good fried are in North America, Eurocuck. Suck an arabniggers cock, wet it up, so he can rape your mother easier
they’re alright
US fries are god like. I go and only order fries
>soggy raw mcdonalds fries
What the hell is wrong with you they’re called FRENCH fries why would the best be in America or Belgium?
They used to be so good but now the quality went down hill every since the owners daughter got control.
>i shove things into my mouth without even knowing what i'm eating and i'm proud of that
11 ingredients
>FRENCH frie
only americans call them french. btw does anyone have an actual picture of american mcdonalds fries? i want to see the difference
how do you even eat that?
if you have an iq above 25 you dont
Probably the same but you said your big complaint was the sogginess so they were probably just old. When they’re fresh they’re nice.
tastier than yours, Mohammad
they are, damn you
That is fucking fantastic.
french fries originated from belgium...
no fucking chance pedro, if there's one thing we're truly good at other than stealing it's food
>thin overcooked patties
The chinese are now creating a monopoly on our fries. Fucking chinks man
throw yourself in a river
Did someone actually pay money for that piece of shit?
Food for niggers without any proper meat.
Come at me, faggots
Quarter Pounder> Whopper> 1/3 Pounder from Hardees= Baconator> Big Mac
Yankee shit-filth wouldn’t know a good burget if it bit him on the ass
this is how we will rule over the whole world
Five guys is better than Whatawhoburger
nigga please this is not /leftypol/
Anyone who gets the quarter pounder instead of the double quarter pounder is a colossal pussy. They only keep the single on the menu so they can find out who the faggots are.
I will show you true power
Anyone that actually enjoys a modern "whimper" is a faggot.
p-post the link friend...
Its like you have to buy 2 whoppers to even get one. Its a rip off. I expected more from BK
I bought a double whopper with cheese, medium Coca-Cola, and fries, also an order of chiken nuggies, shit was lit senpai
Ever since I saw a roach head in my fries I've never eaten there again, not in 16 years.