/ptg/ - PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - Anti-Shark Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>The Memo

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC for Mar-A-Lago 2/2/18
>Pres Trump meets w/NoKo defectors @WH 2/2/18
>Pres Trump @CBP Roundtable on Immigration 2/2/18
>Devin Nunes on Fox 2/2/18
>Some Mooch interviews 2/2/18
youtu.be/mQgZAb-zaCw (KTLA)
youtu.be/xZBP5tWEhVs (Daily Wire)
>VP Pence Arrives in Pittsburgh PA 2/2/18
>SoS T-Rex Presser w/MEX+CAN FMs 2/2/18
>SoS T-Rex Q&A @UoT 2/2/18
>SoS T-Rex arrives in MEX 2/2/18
>UnderDefSec Shanahan Nuclear Posture Review 2/2/18
>UnderSoS Shannon on Nuclear Posture Review 2/2/18
>UnderSoS Shannon @Duke U 2/2/18
>UN Amb Haley @Congressional Inst 2/2/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Burma 2/2/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on NoKo 2/2/18
>This Week @State 2/2/18
>HHSDep Video: Officer Ryan Holets 2/2/18
>IntDep Video: Promises Kept 2/2/18
>Pres Trump @RNC meet (cutoff) 2/1/18
>Pres Trump @GOP retreat 2/1/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


>got 15 orders just this morning and already made 18,000$ today

Was there even any doubt that Jeff Sessions is /ourguy/?


I just jacked off the entire saturday morning till afternoon
Now Im going to sleep

Oyasumi /ptg/

Drumpf is racist

How much danger is Nunes in of losing re-election? He represents a red district in Commiefornia.

I thought ive read every translated mother son dojo on sad panda, but I dont remember this one.



>Democrats have a long investigation that lasts a year purely to smear Trump for Russian connections during the election
>Democrats don't deny having a British Spy ON PAY ROLL OF THE FBI AND DOJ to spy on Trump

How is this fucking okay and why is no one talking about this?

Kek, as discussed in the previous thread I knew CNN had an agenda when they released that 20 second clip from CNN of Sessions talking about Rosenstein. I won't provide comment, just the words said

> Thank you all for being here and thank you Rachel for your kind words and more importantly for your strong leadership as the third and commander in the department.
> Those two Rod and Rachel, are Harvard graduates they are experienced lawyers, Rod has 27 years in the department, Rachel had a number of years in the department previously, so they both represent the kind of quality and leadership that we want in the department.
> We are focused and proud really of the work that has been done over a number of years, maybe over the last 10 years, we have seen an increased focus on fighting human trafficking and I want to thank all of you that have been important leaders in making this a reality

That's the extent of what was said in the video clip [1]

> HEADLINE: Sessions: Rosenstein is leadership we want
> BYLINE: Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein represents the "kind of quality and leadership that we want in the department."
> Source: CNN

[1] edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/02/02/sessions-rachel-brand-rod-rosenstein-quality-of-leadership-sot.cnn

>In 2002 Nunes ran for the Republican nomination in the 21st congressional district, a new district created through reapportionment after the 2000 United States census. His principal opponents in the crowded seven-way primary were former Fresno mayor Jim Patterson and state Assemblyman Mike Briggs. Nunes was the only major candidate from Tulare County; Patterson and Briggs were both from Fresno. This was critical, as 58% of the district's population was in Tulare County.[16] Patterson and Briggs split the vote in Fresno County, allowing Nunes to win by a four-point margin over Patterson, his nearest competitor. Nunes won 46.5% of the vote in Tulare County and 28.1% of the vote in Fresno County. Nunes was also helped by a strong showing in the rural part of the district.[17] He won the endorsements of the California Farm Bureau and the Fresno Bee.[16] The district is solidly Republican, and Nunes coasted to victory in November. He has been reelected seven times against only nominal Democratic opposition.[18][19] He ran unopposed in the 2010 general election.

Nunes's district was renumbered the 22nd after the 2010 census. It lost most of eastern Tulare County to the neighboring 23rd District, and now has a small plurality of Hispanic voters. Despite these changes, it is no less Republican than its predecessor. Nunes was reelected with 62% of the vote in 2012, 72% in 2014, and 68% in 2016.[20][21][22]

H-Hey guys, stop the anti-sharkism

What red districts are left in CA are very red


I am nearby. He is a hero for farmers in Fresno county be never underestimate liberals in California.

Holy fuck you're ignorant.

Nah. He’s out of alignment on this one. Papawhosafuck was honeypotted and his handler told him the Russians had Clinton’s missing emails. In reference to the 33k she deleted. Had nothing to do with the DNC or Podesta leaks.


About it being a compliment, It is a compliment user. It is not "standing up" for them in the context of the memo.
The "off script" part is in the tweet Joe is retweeting, by Mark Levine
> Atty Gen Jeff Sessions went off script at human trafficking event this morn to praise Deputy Atty Gen Rod Rosenstein, a reported target of Nunes memo.

I'm not disputing it's a compliment, I'm disputing it has anything to do with the memo and, given the context (of being a remark given to thank Rachel the compliment she herself gave him in the introduction) it's a cutesy at most

Got a job interview on the 13th guys. I will be out of retail soon

I just want a comfy colonial game where i dont have rebellions every month because i conquered one province

stop being lewd! and goodnight!

Daily reminder that the stock market went down because the economy is too good.

It's gerrymandered to fuck and with the Cali jungle promary system the Dem candidates will be split between 6-7 wings of the party playing tribal/racial games (no coherence). Nunes will run unopposed

Then you haven't read them all :^)

>tfw Vicky3 will suck
>tfw reddit will eventually hijack the good mod and ruin it like 3 different times

How about you supply us with a source to this image please.

What u selling?

good luck friend! Don't quit your current job unless you get it!

Blah blah nothing burger blah blah conspiracy theory blah

Huh? WSJ is on Trump's side? Since when?


>defending a Jew

Joe is Joe

So worried about the Blue Tsunami...

Because people are stupid and don't care, and no one involved will go to jail or receive criminal charges.
Sessions being a big part of the problem here. If he wasnt a plant he would unrecuse himself any fucking day now, since he has the power to do so.

Mueller is obviously /theirguy/ so what does he do now to get attention back?

Nice. We should help Dems throw more money at his opponent.

Can someone to explain to me why the DOW is going down? I'm not that into macroeconomics

>*filed under personal expenses*

What Blue Tsunami? It's starting to look like Republicans may blow them out this year

There's going to be a vicky 3?

I've been thinking. If libbies want to complain about muh poc in Europe in games why not make a game taking place in the time when the Hungarians weren't depressed and more suicidal than the Japs but instead bloodthirsty raiders? They can't complain since Spain and Portugal were dealing with moors then.

So, as usual, we're dealing either with unabashed shills or blackpilled retards who gobble up fake news as eagerly as any other #NeverTrumper



The editorial page is.

fucking kek

M8 I wish, but no way
Democrats are going to turn out in record numbers, only massive R turnout can hope to withstand this

Historically, WSJ is considered a bit "conservative." Trump's only friendly media outlets are Fox, Daily Caller, and Washington Examiner

>economy too much on fire
>bond investors afraid that Fed will raise rates 4 times this year, not 3
>massive sell-off in the 10 year causing yields to jump 2%
>stock market notices this as well, triggering mass selling by automated computer trading

All because they're afraid the Fed will raise rates an extra time to prevent runaway inflation from a roaring economy. It's pretty stupid but typical for the market.

Higher bond yields.

digits for career ending illness and severe debilitating pain

The deal she made with Satan is coning due.

profit-taking combined with the bitcoin-tier new investors who jump in late during boom times and panic when they see downturns of any size

So it's now a Trump economy starting February 2nd? Amazing just last month it was an Obama policy economy.

People are getting scared of inflation after that 5.4% Q1 growth report came out.

have the big one

someone post the latest trump tweet


The memo is only the beginning.

Laptops. friend came by and bought a bunch of them in bulk who has a shop in the town.
I see. It will go right back up when they don't?

Humanist plus trade companies are good in the east. I usually get fucked by a hungry neighbor or retarded ally in my comfy colonial games.

>It didn't skyrocket because of him, but he owns the downturn

How can someone say that with a straight face

Could this be hijacked to direct them towards border patrols?

Alex on a pretty funny rant in this video from last night, boys


I never played any, what's good about it?


Just google the image

Not like I want.

Watch this be some big honeypot

No the shitskins have to be wise and powerful sages the pc goes to for advice. Not some faceless npcs you kill by the millions.

Because the Fed raised rates. Because wages are increasing and they’re worried about inflation so they want to slow the supply of money. Increased interest rates makes short term bonds more attractive again. Investors are “profit taking” and cashing out some of their stock investments to buy bonds. We’ll have to see how it all plays out. But, the market is up 38% since election, instead of 40%. One week of limit sells isn’t a panic.

The answer to that is on Papadopoulos indictment [1], Assange is being his usual uninformed retard here.

The only reason Papadopolous (one that by his own admission really tried to help Russia to get closer to Trump) is mentioned in the memo is because ****the DOJ/FBI used his ongoing case as evidence for the request for surveillance on Carter Page****, a person Papadopolous didn't have any contact at all in this context.
That's why Nunes brought it up

[1] assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4163402/Papadopoulos-Statement-Offense.pdf

What do you think Trump's plans are today at The Winter White House?

wtf is this

You are now trying to downplay the significance of the compliment given the current circumstances.

A. It was a deliberate compliment and not in passing because he deliberately brought up Rosenstein when talking about Rachel when he could have left Rosenstein out of it.
B. It relates to the memo in that the memo shows that Rosenstein's character is now in question, while Sessions went on to pay Rosenstein a compliment saying that he represents the kind of leadership one wants in the DoJ
C. So back to this conundrum

>X is the leadership we want
>X represents the kind of leadership we want

You'd first have to explain how X can represent the leadership one wants while, at the same time, not being the leadership one wants. You'd have to explain how Rosenstein represents what one wants, but isn't what one wants.

Second, even if you just take the second statement, you'd have to accept that Sessions is okay with what Rosenstein represents. In the context of the memo, showing Rosenstein's abuses of his position, what does Rosenstein represent, and is Sessions signing off on that?

Sessions is offering praise to someone who is abusing his position for his own personal gain. Does this not set off a red flag to you?

This is a new Jew level.

>muh bots
And these people have the nerve to call US crazy conspiracy theorists

Yeah Trump got suckered by Sessions. Gave him AG just because he was the first Senator to “support” him. Sad.


Added decisions, flavor, and events. There was genocide stuff but reddit took it out and /gsg/ gets into a shitfight every so often and starts over.

I'm not sure if it will right away, this is a side-effect of Obama keeping interest rates super low to keep the stock market propped up. The end to free money will probably kill off unprofitable companies like Twitter and like but overall the market should move higher if the economy is good and profits are higher. Q2-Q3 will show the real gains once the full effects of the tax cuts start being felt. I play the long game so it doesn't concern me much

The Fed likely will raise 4 times if inflation starts to accelerate. It's going to be the dirty word of 2018. This is what happens when the global economy/central banks "solve" the problem of a great recession by printing money for 10 years.

rural retards should stay in their place, at a farm of something, instead of ruining cherished constitutional norms

Nigga just raid.

CNN is the trash-feed meant to fatten up retards.

> Fox
Hah! With the exception of F&F, Hannity and Tucker the whole rest of the pundits would drive their knifes on him in an "ides of march" situation

They should just burn the money they get, that would make QE money disappear.

I thought he gave him the position because he'd be the only "law enforcer" he could trust with immigration. Sessions is loyal and all, but I think he's just not smart nor energetic enough to be in such a powerful position. Kobach would've been a great AG

Is this even legal? Isn't conspiring to help people commit a crime, a crime in it of itself? NSA/ICE can just datamine the shit out of it anyways.

Here you go, binland Have some (You)s to soothe the pain of failure

reasons to use your muscles as stated by my second favorite American at an Icelandic health symposium.
20;00 mark

thank me later


>Is this even legal?
Why is that important? Everything you fucking mutts do is fucking illegal. How 'bout fuck you

One poll trending slightly towards Republicans does not evaporate the blue tsunami

>With the exception of F&F, Hannity and Tucker
Listen to yourself, you are citing the three most watched news shows in America. Hannity is just an hour of Trump propaganda, which is fine, but Fox, as a whole, is very Trump friendly.

>Using crowdsourced data from users

They spent the last decade trying to hit 2% but apparently retarded monetary policy won't fix retarded fiscal policy. Now we get to see what QE actually does.

It's basically the only reason the Dow/S&P500 went up under Obama. There was pretty much no real growth to back up the numbers.