No fap meme

No fap doesn't make sense. If you were a successful male you would be shooting your jizz in women every night. According to no fappers Genghis Khan must have had low testosterone and too much dopamine from busting a nut every day. Everything about the physiological effects of no fap is just post-rationalisation.

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>shooting your jizz in your wife every night
You're a K type.
Only nogs are loser r types

Day 58 here

The only reason I'm abstaining is because I can't moderate my behaviour. I'm either retaining my semen for months on end or I'm a dead eyed porn addict jerking 3-4 times a day.

My goal is to try and hit 90 days and see how I feel. I might then buy a fleshlight and try and limit the usage to 1-2 times a week. Spending time on Sup Forums is making me unbearably horny, I might have to leave soon before I end up relapsing

Also, NoFap Reddit is a pathetic cult inhabited by underage aspies and Pajeets. I hate the NoFap "community" with a passion

I only fap once a while but instead of using by hands I use a white wimin's vegana

That's like bragging that you've gone 58 days without exercising.
There isn't a single part of your body that doesn't get worse if you don't use it.
Not your brain, and not your penis.

Good for you Pajeet. I'm sure they're attracted to the manly way you squat to shit in the street.

Nofap is a meme. No(((porn))) is the real path.

yea yea, still no one belives you

Managed 2 weeks without fapping, it's difficult, there's porn everywhere!

Keep your cum away from flies, might get your sister pregnant!


If Cameron Diaz was pretty.

its more about self control and achieving a state where you are in power/control of your own feelings. people who are in control are generally less anxious and happier than those who arn't

secondly, its porn that is the real threat, not casual masturbation.

>secondly, its porn that is the real threat, not casual masturbation
This. Many seem to conflate nofap with noporn like the two are mutually inclusive. One is (arguably) natural, one is completely artificial
>t. user who hasn't watched porn in 5 months

Fap if you must
Porn is cuckod tier though

>5 months

please share the wisdom

why are you so upset by the idea of people no masturbating

Why would you want to shoot jizz in a women every night, that would mean you're just addicted to women?

You could, you know, just try having sex.


Frienly remnder there are literally JIDF jews shilling against no-fap!
Pic related!

Good luck, Anons! Go 90 days without fapping then do it 1-2 times per two weeks, depending on your genetics!

Having casual sex is worse than masturbating.



The only guys who can no fap for any decent period of time already have low testosterone anyways. I been beating it 5 times a day since I was 10 even WITH pussy.
It's because they don't need to beat off that often anyways. They got limp noodles half the time as it is.
Pretty sure the whole thing is a troll notion anyways. Tell a bunch of virgins guys not to jerk off. Hahahaha.

Your image isn't anti-no fap it's anti-porn. This is the crux of the issue: the conflation of fapping with porn.

>Watching porn
>Not watching hentai

I no-fapped for a month. When I finally came, some shit like yellow toothpaste came out of my dick. That can't be healthy.

>HURRRR the vitamins, minerals and hormones you lose in semen is not important
>just cum with your hand fucking goyim!!!
No! We will keep our Zinc supplies high by fapping only 1 time per 2 weeks!


Because its that easy when you're an incel

Get that checked at the doctor, user. But yeah I still don't think people are supposed to go more than a week without busting.

there are studies showing the biochemical response from fapping orgasm vs sexual intercourse is very different

thats hardly conclusive, but its enough to suggest that no, fapping =/= simulation of busting your nut into a nubile woman every day.

So you should only be having sex with your woman once every 2 weeks?

you're assuming that the physiological effects of fapping and having sex are the same, because both involve orgasm/ejaculation. this is very reductionist viewpoint. it's like the difference between cutting yourself and getting in a street fight - both can make you bleed, but the rest of the body is doing something different, the emotional state (and therefore hormones and neurotransmitters) are different, and everything in the body is interconnected

If you need a visual aid, reading hentai is preferable to watching (((porn))).

I'd be interested in more info on this if you have it.

Nofap is just as bad as Allfap. After a certain amount of time without wanking your body will stop producing as much testosterone and your libido will die. Still, you reach peak testosterone after 7 days of nofap. In moderation masturbation is good.

it was dead sperm that was sitting in my nuts for a month. you have to clean the pipes now and then.

Even when you're not fapping, those vitamins and minerals are still going into producing semen indefinitely. Dumbass.

It isn't relevant on its own, but if you can achieve it and combine it with the reduction or elimination of other vices, you'll start engaging in activities that bring long-term fulfillment and prosperity, as sources of pleasure.

If you seek pleasure as an end in itself, divorced from higher values, you can't be counted on to tackle the problems of our time. Nihilism is what's causing them. Degeneracy is a symptom.

also fapping is inherently narcissistic, and its little wonder men with chronic porn habits have excessive difficulty getting a relationship or understanding sex as intimacy, usually along with a host of other issues that speak to being emotionally stunted.

>sex with your woman once every 2 weeks
Your wife is only fertile 3 out of 30 days.
Biologically? Yes! Only cum 3 days per month.

We live in slut, THOT days though.
80% of men are seen as ugly (see pic).

So men dont have "wives". We must not fap more than once per two weeks in the absence of whores a.k.a. women.

>theres no difference in jerking off to weird fetishized porn compared to a woman!

unironically kys

>doesn’t understand chapter 14 of think and grow rich

So your position is sex for the sole purpose of procreation?

I dont have the studies on hand sorry, but it shouldn't be hard to find if you start searching.

love of shilling against no fap lately hmmm

who could it be hmm

No fap is like the Dark Souls of virginity.

Never understood this either
Fapping daily is bad according to no fap, but so is having sex daily?


its about the process that gets you to orgasm, cumming into a womans wet willing vagina is different then gripping your cock and busting your 3rd nut of the day to your fetishized fantasy

Normal people. You do realize girls masturbate too?

So go shoot your jizz into women you lazy fuck. Get a wife and pound her full of baby serum daily. You morons really need Jesus

>knight salute
lol @ jews using ancient European salute of knightly respect.

A race known in ALL corners of the earth to be lying, cheating...JEWS! The word jew is an insult in all languages!

Genghis Khan wasn't jacking off in front of a flickering screen 3 times a day, the man was probably very busy conquering the world to have sex constantly.

He wouldn't have even stepped outside of his house if he could release his competitive aggressive energy in online gaming and release his biological urges in his fx1337 game chair.

So it's strictly a psychological thing?

> girls
> on Sup Forums


neck yourself

It's a reward center thing, if you just fap to porn all the time you won't have as much motivation to seek the real thing than if you abstained from pornography and worked hard for the real deal, which is conducive to making babies, a family and the white population.

Fuck me, man. I've just been spending lots of time with the normies. I guess that makes me a Chad around these parts. Lol.

> implying we all watch the same fucked up porn as you do

I myself have only seriously been attempting NoFap because it's the only seriously sinful thing I've ever done that I KNEW was sinful prior to doing it. I think of any lustful act it's probably the least sinful, but I've never had the opportunity to really work on a sin I knew was bad and stop it. So even if God doesn't care and says "Lol you didn't have to do that", I think he would at least be proud I tried to stop something that was sinful.

Men need Testosterone in order to produce sperm, if you ejaculate often you need to replenish sperm often, diverting testosterone away from other things like developing musculature and building a dominant masculine mind set.

Now, when you fuck a woman you are exposed to many pheromones and hormones that are known to boost testosterone production beyond the levels that are required to refill your balls with population paint.

If you ejaculate without a woman you just waste sperm and therefore testosterone is being constantly spent on replenishing sperm in order to fuel your porn habit, rather than being used by the body to make you more masculine.

Wanking regularly will have a clear impact upon many aspects of your masculinity, the longer you maintain this habit the more obvious those effects will be.

I said weird not fucked up, you can be pretty vanilla but take your vanilla preferences to extremes you stupid swiss fuck, which always happens when your seeking more dopamine hits

Is there a way to keep your testosterone high without having sexual urges? I don't want to be a soyboy but at the same time I want to stay pure.

To me no fap looks like a secularised Christian puritanism. The origin of this part of Christianity is semitic as Jews also have a neurotic relationship to sex and masturbation.

I know our pagan ancestors denied themselves before battle but they seemed to have a more balanced attitude.

Almost touching 2 months here. Was kinda hard the first few weeks, i did have the flash thought of watching porn some times. But after that it became a lot easier. But i still have "craves". I just wont ruin it now obv

this study is only looking at one hormone, so it's really just scratching the surface, but they found a 400% difference in fap vs. fuck

You're asking if there's a way to not be a man. Sexual urges come with the territory, man up or be a girl (male)

I think there are physical effects. Nutting three times in the day likely has effects on your horomonal balance. But the real damage is psychological. The "low testosterone meme" is probably pushed along side porn so that there's plausible deniability for the REAL subversive psych repercussions. That's what I would do if I was evil.

I've never masturbated in my life. I don't feel repressed or anything. I was just taught not to be a degenerate. However I am also a virgin, so I don't really no what it feels like.

I knew a guy at the gym who fucked his wife regularly and masturbated thrice as much. He had porn everywhere on his phone. He told me that he's always hot and bothered, the guy cums three times a day. And you know what? He's a super strong and fit mutt.

from what i hear when you fuck a woman you close the energy loop or something

theres some supernatural shit to it
when i started nofap my hair stopped falling out and got thicker but even when i started having sex every night my hair diid not start falling out again

Thanks my dude.

Something tells me >she has a penis

W*men have sex with men because taking our semen gives them power/steals our life force. That's why men die sooner than women. If women don't have sex with men, they die in their 30s. Remember this next time you sex a girl or even masturbate (that's the jews stealing your life force)

kek, no
hentai develops extremely degenerate fetishes at a rate at least 20x regular pornography

>this one exception means its ok

you wouldnt be jerking to loli hentai if you were normal and had a healthy hold on your sexual habits and sex life

Are you gay or something?

if he's getting regular sex then it's very possible he maintains testosterone credit despite masturbating.

Also most damage is done at a young age, once you are fully formed then you can wank away without worrying about becoming less manly.

If you have good health, active lifestyle and diet and get regular sex from a young age, you will become and shall remain a chad

Forgot the link that scientifically proves my hypothesis.
Keep your fuck for yourself

Check'd and kek'd

>This one exception doesn't completely disprove the testosterone level bullshit
And legal lolis are beautiful.

>Genghis Khan
You know you're more retarded than half the people here. It was his son that was responsible for busting nuts whilst Genghis was busy getting shit done.

>>This one exception doesn't completely disprove the testosterone level bullshit

logical fallacy to the highest extreme

>hurr durr if I eat cardboard I'm still emulating eating so why am I hungry?

Not exactly. For a K type male there is zero evolutionary downside to impregnating out-group females if possible.

IE King has a queen who produces his heir + children with concubines and slaves (bastards)

> Muh isolate psychology from physiology muh muh

Are you really that stupid? When you get emotionally distressed you cry, when you get anxious certain hormones in your body are heightened, when you are in a dangerous situation your adrenaline spikes, and when you trick yourself into ejaculating on pixel women your brain can't tell the difference real from false so it triggers the same circuits rewarding you for what is essentially completely useless behaviour.

That's not accounting for all the nutrients that semen has which are important for your brain and nervous system.

The reason why we hunt is because we are hungry, after you get your meal you can stop hunting, but what if you keep getting that meal... Is hunting still necessary?

What about the vast amount of variability in mates that internet sex brings? Male and female rats put into a cage for an extend period of time lose sexual interest in each other, this interest is re-awakened when one rat is taken away and a new one is put in its place, the sex picks up again until the cycle repeats.

So what you have essentially is young guys depleting their novelty meters by browsing porn which can in the long run induce ED, this is not physically induced ED but PSYCHOLOGICAL people simply aren't as turned on anymore.

There are many many more things to talk about but stupid fucking idiots who write off nofap as bs are one dimensional pea brained MORONS.

>Implying bro science is logical
Holy fucking kek. XD

Almonds activated.

>r/K selection
Das rayssis

>You know you're more retarded than half the people here.
If I have average intelligence that is literally correct.

>food analogy

NoFap is a cult.

>depletion of dopamine
>abuse of the reward system in the brain
>erectile dysfunction
>increased social anxiety
>lethargy and fatigue
>gateway to weirder shit

Good post, user. Sad that it has to be said, but still.

Bro science bullshit as always.

I bet you do

>>food analogy
The need for sex is a psychological hunger

Ate any of you actual doctors or know shit about biology. Countless studies have shown long term abstinence loweres testosterone. Your body is a “use it or lose” it machine.

What abstinence does unscrease is your chance of getting prostate cancer. So have fun with your swallon prostrates all for the sake of being “pure.”

your desperate attempt at normalizing it shows how far gone you are, remember the jews invented it, and considering how far deep you are with the loli and hentai you are the poster child for them