For men only.
Should there be mandatory national military service?
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Hell no.
You wouldn't believe the losers we got in JROTC because of some idiots belief that JROTC would make them a better person.
No, they're still a pile of shit but now they know how to use a weapon.
So why did it used to work for us and why does it work for the Norks today?
Nope. You'll waste tons of valuable resources on producing a substandard zerg rush military.
t. former conscript
No. Why would you trust the state to further indoctrinate young men? They've proven over and over again they can't handle anything. Even the military is cucking out.
Why would you have mandatory military service in the most peaceful time in human history?
I'm talking about the ideal state. It would be a moral army. I think national service can offer a lot of positives to young men. Men are too effeminate now. Every good man should be prepared to defend his country.
Because look at how cucked we've become without it. Our men would rather play nintendo than be prepared to defend their country.
>men only
These are good because they accurately depict the emasculation of the western man since we stopped national service.
Have you seen the state of our military? Might as well just send them to women's studies with a rifle so they can learn to shoot at the white european men they'll inevitably end up being told to kill.
Maybe I should've been clearer, but I'm talking about in the ideal state, should there be mandatory national service.
Those infantry look like they'd be extraordinarily ineffective for any sort of modern conventional warfare
Yes and no.
Can I defend my country and then play nintendo?
I think there should be mandatory service for men and women. Men go into military training and conscription for 3 years. Women go into civil service training and learn how to be proper women and mothers for 3 years. If you're unfit for service you cannot vote and pay a stupid tax the rest of your life. If you shirk out you cannot vote and you do community service for 3 years.
>yes and no
It really depends on whether there are external threats. You aren't really a warrior if you don't fight to some degree. Service that just amounts to mopping flaws and ironing is of limited value.
This is the one thing that can save western civilization andalso weed out fags and mental rejects and force them into mental hospitals
In the Ideal state where every citizen has an outstanding amount of national pride and nationalism and is willing to give everything of him for his country and/or it's leader, Yes, there should be mandatory Military service for able bodied man.
At which age they should be conscripted is debatable, the younger they are the easier they can be influenced in a psychological way, though letting them develop their own personality and pursue further education to the age of ~21 is not unfavourable either.
Minumun Time of Service is three years.
No, but if you want to die for Greater Israel then go on.
I'd also say that in an ideal state you wouldn't need conscription of any sort because people would naturally desire the honour of protecting their people or at least preparing to do so.
>ideal state
>moral army
Look at him and laugh.
>where every citizen has an outstanding amount of national pride and nationalism and is willing to give everything
Why would you need it in that scenario? Would they not seek it of their own accord. Ideally you'd be in the position of having to turn people away.
Maybe a civil service of sorts, too many people are just not fit for military life, physically and/or mentally. A broken 18 years old is damaged good, he's already too old to fix with a few weeks in a bootcamp.
If you want to make an impact on future generations, cut child benefits for single mothers, make it unsustainable and you'll have a lot less pussies around.
No. If people need to be forced by the state to defend their country, then I guess the people don't really consider their country worth defending.
Yeah that sounds like a good idea.
Let's push people through military training and if they underperfom we will blame it on them and threaten to put them into psychiatric hospitals, so instead they'll suffer through their compulsory military service and now you have a bunch of people who are mentally unstable with a deep hatred for the state and nationalism in general who received basic and eventually advanced military training.
Do you even think before you post?
>used to work
You had entire geberations dependent on the state even more than now
>mandatory wars for Israel
Well if the state is in a position to turn people away you don't need compulsory military service.
As much as I don't trust the Brits he is right on this one
No, we shouldn't give the government more ability to control our lives like this.
So that is 'no'.
You could filter out those unfit for service, maybe even allow them to opt out but there would be incentives to do your time, like not allowing people that didn't into civil service jobs or getting gibs like free education and whatnot.
Both men and women should be conscripted.
Equal numbers in combat arms.
No more pussy pass.
Of course. There could be a screening process to see how people react to guns and if they seem like a "private Pyle" type. Also a good opportunity to teach civics to the young.
I wish we had a system like in Switzerland where you get to keep your gun and gear after mandatory service.
sure as long as we have the exclusive right to vote.
Yes my dude, we got it, and we love it.
That's the problem of considering the "ideal" I suppose.
I think we could agree it's perfectly acceptable, in times of extreme necessity, to force a few extra men out of civilian life. In general though I think it probably suggests something isn't ideal if they aren't readily offering themselves.
You already have powerful enough professional army that is more than capable of defending your country, it's controlled by your government.
Then you would also have pretty good conscript army to defend your country as well, it would also be controlled by your govenrment.
I don't see what is the point of giving them more soldiers to control to do absolutely nothing. You feel manly for wearing a uniform and holding a gun while everything stays the same?
With exceptions.
You wouldn't want a military service per se, nobody likes to see conscript die, they're worthless as soldiers and a huge burden on the military. You could send them to a military bootcamp and allow them to serve as firemen or work as cheap labor for local communities though.
In countries serving Jews? Fuck you.
Definitely not. Instead, there should be mandatory national service for everyone, and military service should be one option for fit males. This way, people who object to the current military campaign on moral grounds can opt out, and still serve their country in other ways. Also, women will be able to serve their country. Examples of other forms of service could be caring for the elderly or disabled, working as a national park ranger, or any sort of entry-level position that a nation considers to serve the moral good.
Agreed 100%
Kinda. Mandatory military service with the aim of entry level training in their desired field of work. If you cant figure one out then one is allotted to you.
just physical training and exercise with discipline and the career training is coupled with that instead of the focus on military.
And what would the penalization be for people who do not want to aid their community nor join the armed forces?
>for people who do not want to aid their community nor join the armed forces
Exile desu.
There should be the national army and all of it's various branches (marines, paratroopers etc), a reserve army, and then in case of unexpected war a large population of somewhat fit, somewhat young and somewhat militarily capable males ready to defend their country. This also has positive effects on the morale and wellbeing of men.
No gibs
I generally agree with what you say but I think three years minimum is too much.
only for people looking to enter political positions,
Here it used to be equal time in prison, now I guess it's either prison time or house-arrest wearing a tracking band, but you are still allowed to go into local store to get basic stuff and maybe even work somewhere? The biggest problem in that is getting a criminal record, not the punishment.
Women are not the defenders of nations. An army with women on its frontline is an army of a dead nation.
That's cool.
I would say the same penalty that exists today for failure to register for the draft. A quick google search got me this:
>Penalties for Failing to Register. Failing to register or comply with the Military Selective Service Act is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 or a prison term of up to five years, or a combination of both.
Of course, some exceptions would need to be made if people really are incapable of doing the service, e.g. if you are mentally disabled to an extent that you can't do any work.
Conscripts make for shit soldiers. Focus on making your country good enough that people want to volunteer to defend it
Le afraid goblino
Seems hardly sustainable in any other form of government than an ultranationalist or totalitarian state.
Found this, look at non-military service. Do many people choose that option?
You don`t gen an criminal record if you choose to go for house-arrest nor to prison anymore.
i was in afjrotc and we werent taught anything about real guns we even had a retired colonel and msgt as our instructors
Thucydides was just a lazy neet who didn’t wanna conscript
Less than hundred people yearly. if I can recall in 2016(when I served my mandatory minimum service) there were 46 people in the whole country.
not necessarily conscription, but make every school one of those military cadet schools where you learn army stuff on the side. + discipline.
Well I think that even enlisted personnel should have a relatively high standard of education and that you shouldn't press someone through basic training in 6 months and send him off to deployment. Guess it depends on the circumstances of the necessity of well educated personell.
Fuck I meant that people who choice the prison sentence is usually under 100 ppl anally. non-military service is also quite uncommon but if I recall there are almost 500 people who choose it annually.
Wow, close to 30.000 conscripts annualy and few hundred choose non miltary service. Why do they even keep it going?
I see
There are other factors, since if you do civilian service it effectively accounts for same as working as nurse etc. It counts as employment and you can put it based on your tasks to your CV. Lot of male nurses for example choose civilian service over military one due to this reason.
and form strategic point of view there still needs to be reserve labor units, females alone do not fit to all roles during war time when service either in military or via employment is necessary.
Put children of unfit mothers in military school like they did back in the day.
>he dint volunteer just to fire a carl gustav
Yes. It puts everyone in the nation on the same page initially and gives shared experiences to all.
Its a good thing.
Yes, and women shouldn't have the option to join either.
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