Dominicans are the most filthiest and the most disgusting """""people""""" I have ever met. Their shithole as known as the Dominican Republic shows that two invasions aren't enough for them to stop shitting on everything and ruin it like it's nothing. I FUCKING HATE THEM! I want them dead, I want to see dead Domininiggers because the world hate them! They are parasites, they are leeches.
Dominican Hate Thread
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I think you meant Haitian hate thread. Dominicans are Mestizos while Haitians are true niggers.
You're Haitian aren't you?
Look at the other side of the island.
Dominicans aren't bad. I've dated two and they're crazy but also really fun.
t. floridian
Dominicans aren't metizos, they are not even human.
I'm Puerto Rican.
I was literally just thinking "is there an ethnic group that's less than its sum parts?" and this thread manifested
>mfw niggers can't even unify one tiny island
Dominicans are generally hypocritically racist, shallow, materialistic, narcissistic personality-disordered, negative crazy people. The men are generally unabashed rapists and the women are vain neurotic attention whores.
The book: The Short and Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao gives a good depiction of how messed up the typical dominican family is.
Source: am dominican.
get fucked Puerto rican shit. you You think you are so much better than Dominicans because you get fat welfare checks from the US. We should tell Puerto Rico to fuck off.
Domincans are friendly as fuck. You Puerto Ricans are arrogant assholes.
Everyone hates them.
Wait until you cross the border towards Haiti.
Puerto Ricans and Cubans are the best Caribbeaners.
t. Haitian
That's why Domininiggers need to be exterminate. They are nothing but trouble.
Fuck off m8.
t. Buttmad Dumbininigger
Wouldnt mind if you nuke the whole caribbean, im absolutely fucking si k of that degenerate beats of Regeton... fucking sick music for illiterate apes.
If we nuke the whole region, the fallout will spread depends what's the wind's direction.
Do you see the flag you mentally deficient Amerimongrel?
You're still a dumb Domininigger. KYS
Almost sure you are haItian!
Portoricans/cubans/dominicans are all bros,
they dont hate each other.
But haitians cannot stand dominicans, because they are richer, whiter, more succesful as a country than Haiti. The poorest country in the western world, and one of the poorest woldwide.
Waaaahhh no proof whatsever.
Stop bitching you whiney puto.
Dumbininigger detected
Or we can just remove the population and turn it into Amsterdam
My father is Dominican.
When I was a kid growing up 20 years ago, no one had ever heard of a Dominican. Occasionally, somebody would ask me where my surname comes from "Where do you get that name?" When I explained, they had blank faces.
Even hispanic people (Salvadorans, Mexicans, etc) had never heard of the Dominican Republic. This is part of the reason that I've never called myself "hispanic" or "latino". I never fit in with them.
It's nice to see that today it's better known, even if most of the attention is negative. People at least have heard of the country.
Not exclusive to Dominicans, assravaged lisping maricon.
Mutt go home.
at least it's being made look much better than it actually is, thanks to being next to a true shithole
Nice cherrypick.
>Dominican Republic
You're in denial. That's as Dominican as instability.
Yes, the Dominican Republic is an actual country. That's much more than you can say about Puerto Rico.
Puerto Ricans are in no position to talk shit about anybody.
D.R >>>>> Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is a welfare island filled with shiftless lazy people that do nothing. In 500 years they have never done anything. They don't even want to be independent. What kind of pathetic shit is that?
The D.R is poor, but it is a sovereign independent nation that takes care of itself.
Puerto Rico was a country until both Yanquimutts and Domininiggers raped and looted PR.
>>Puerto Rico was a country until both Yanquimutts and Domininiggers raped and looted PR.
No it has never been a country. Before P.R was annexed by U.S.A, it was a poor Spanish colony filled with bumpkin campesino hicks.
They owe anything they have to the United States.
That's a nigger flag dude.
I wish I had not seen that. Fucking Leaf.
>They owe anything they have to the United States
The Yanquimutts, along with Domininiggers, owns everything to the glorious Boricua.
Tourist banana republic with actually nothing to offer.
And so am I you fucking faggot. The Dominicans are fucking next to shithole Haiti. Eat a whole dick.
>t. Domininigger
Rafael Trujillo should have exterminated all these Haitian cockroaches.
Come on dude, Puerto Rico under the Spaniards was kind of okay...
It was not Cuba, but it was better than all that surrounded it.
Also, they were somewhat loyal.
>Rafael Trujillo
Trujillo is a CIA nigger. Same goes with his soyboy grandson, Ramfis.
Who cares, faggot? The parsley massacre is the only policy I liked from Trujillo. I'm from the Cibao region, so most of my family members hated this southern nigger Trujillo. But at least he killed 40,000 Haitian cockroaches, so he did something right.
San Francisco de macoris klk palomo en lata
>he killed 40,000 Haitian cockroaches
A crime against humanity. You Domininiggers need to be nuked.
shut up nigger
how is this not good though? dead nigger = good
No. A good Domininigger is a dead Domininigger.
Puerto Rico was a insignificant backwater shithole full of inbred mongrels for most of it's history. A complete worthless colony the Spaniards practically gave away. When the US government came there they sterilized about half the population and did medical experiments on them as they saw Puerto Ricans where sub-human.
Hey, Dominicans aren't all bad. A Dominican won the Capcom Cup last summer, beating out the Japs.
This is how we deal with Haitian niggers.
>being this triggered over a country
i see your envy puertonigger
Lol they run it better that the quarantine zone known as Haiti. But I'm not the first person in the bread to say so.
>ITT:butthurt Puerto Ricans
Pic related; get off that welfare first, canto cabrones
Quisqueya was always the most productive island in the caribbean for the spaniards
Good Domininigger = Dead Domininigger
Wow they must have been salted about that.
Better than Haiti
> Sage
try to become independend first instead of depending on daddy US first before shitting on other countries PR.
Maybe then people would take you serious.
>Better than Haiti
For what?
the irony
And it is still the most productive island in the Caribbean, with the most fertile land and largest gold mine in the entire Western Hemisphere. The Central Cibao alone is more valuable and productive than the whole island of Puerto Rico.
We are. Stop trying to suck Yanquimutts' cut dicks and start talk with me.
Check this out, nigger.
>please send more aid US for the hurricane. We can't do shit on our own
way to prove your point
come back once you're a real country
This is every Domininigger loves to said.
>Por favor, SeƱor Trump, please rape us in my ass.
What is? the GDP Per Capita or Chad Dominican civil works vs Virgin Haitian mud cookie centralized industrial complex.
you are in denial
>resorting to childish insults once you lose the argument
not even worth a (you)
Virgin Qu*squeya
>loves getting raped by every country ever
>can't survive without cummies
Chad Ayiti
>Rapes France, USA, and Qu*squeya multiple times
>Made slavery illegal as their independence
thanks for outing yourself dumb haitian.
It was build by Haitians. Dominican Republic is Haiti's rightful clay.
Did you know that Haitians were one of the major reasons why poor whites fought for the slave owners in the south
forgot to add this
Haitians and Poles lives together peacefully. Domininiggers, however, love being racist and kill innocent Haitians as a sport.