WHaT iS tHe DeAl WiTh TrAnS pEoPLe?
mind control
they're not transformers, and they're not people!
Fuck off shill
How do they get the schlong out of there, and where do they throw it away?
A mix of slight metnal illness and attention seeking.
If the social media we know nowadays didn't exist, they wouldn't either. At least not in such huge numbers.
What's the deal with the tranny's. They look like 90% like they have a penis, but they actually 100% have a penis still!
I think you meant SPBP.
They're not well.
>At least not in such huge numbers.
there are no trans people anywhere
I filter nameniggers
I mean a men and women are both people, so a trans person didn’t transform at all! Now if they’re hooking into V8s maybe they could be a passable trans am
Trans women are women too!
Mentally ill individuals that wouldnt have survived to adulthood 100 years ago.
Time to start euthanizing them.
I mean, they want to be a woman but... they are a man! *laugh track* I mean what's the deal with that?
I'm telling ya Jerry her tits were as supple as fresh honeydew melons. I thought I was in for it Jerry, IN FOR IT!
Never thing I know she takes off her pants, turns around, 9 inch dick slaps me right in the face. Lawyer says it's society's fault for what I did to her after that but what do I know. Nothing makes sense anymore.
slide and shilling is in overdrive this morning
sage and move on
>implying I'm a shill.
>paranoid mucho?