Lost History

I dont believe the story of the origin of our people is right, about the start of our civilizations, and the age of our species. When you just look at how much (((they))) lie about what was 70 years ago (WW2), how much do they lie about things that are 100 years ago? 500 years? 2 millenia? 10 millenia? a million years? or 100 million?

>In June 2002, a 270 million-year-old “hidden words stone” was discovered in Guizhou, China. A crack that formed 500 years ago in a large stone revealed six clearly discernible Chinese characters; the characters represent “The Chinese Communist Party Collapses [Zhong Guo Gong Chan Dang Wang].”


There are fossilized footprints of humans that are 290 million years old

Pic related, allegedly they overlayered 2 different symbols with parts of the rock breaking away.
But non of the writings mentioned here
show their names like they supposedly were according to the (((debunk))) accuratly

Furthermore the egyptians (or who ever actually build the pyramids) were absolutely precise about everything in their monuments, probably wouldnt just make such poor work. Im not buying it. So I wonder is it depicting the past or the future?

TL;DR: Humans have been around a lot earlier than we are told and were a lot more advanced than previously thought

Other urls found in this thread:

gematrix.org/?word=new york

>Seven years after the nuclear tests in Alamogordo, New Mexico, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer [...] was lecturing at a college when a student asked if it was the first atomic test conducted.
>“Yes, in modern times,” he replied.

>Many scientists have sought to explain the dispersion of large glass rocks in the deserts of Libya, the Sahara, Mojave, and many other places in the world, as products of gigantic meteorite impacts. However, due to the absence of accompanying craters in the desert, the theory doesn’t hold up. Neither satellite imagery nor sonar has been able to find any holes.

>Furthermore, the glass rocks found in the Libyan Desert present a grade of transparency and purity (99 percent) that is not typical in the fusions of fallen meteorites, in which iron and other materials are mixed in with the cast silicon after the impact.

This gives another connection to the bible
>The Hebrew word translated as salt in this passage is melach, which does indeed mean salt. However, the root of melach is malach, which means to vanish away, or dissipate, as salt does when mixed into water. Given that Hebrew writing omits vowels, it's easy to see why malach may have been mistranslated as melach.
If this is true it means Lots wife didnt turn into salt, but simply vanished, when turning back to sodom/gomorrah, like when you get hit by a nuke.

So god possibly actually nuked fags and degenerates.

There are also Hindu scripts talking about weapons which appear to be quite similar to nukes or at least powerfull bombs
>The weapon was also believed to cause severe collateral damage. The land where the weapon was used became barren, and all life in and around that area ceased to exist. Both men and women became infertile. There was also a severe decrease in rainfall with the land developing cracks, as in a drought.

Pic related is the Oronce Fine Map from 1531, it depicts antarctica even though it officially was only discovered 1820.

>Terra Australis (Latin for South Land) is a hypothetical continent first posited in antiquity and which appeared on maps between the 15th and 18th centuries. The existence of Terra Australis was not based on any survey or direct observation, but rather on the idea that continental land in the Northern Hemisphere should be balanced by land in the south.
this is their excuse on why antarctica is seen on maps before its discovery (there are multiple around). furthermore they mostly show south america down to the southest part, but then suddenly werent able to discover antarctica which is just just next door?

also take a look at the northpole of this map, and compare it with...

...this one of hyperborrea

German bro
I see you posting this topic plenty of times. I always continue to find something new in them. Great work, don't ever stop

glad you like it. i have a couple of threads i cycle through from time to time, and try to provide some good stuff. weirdly people always get butthurt because i post the threads on multiple occasions while the people never seem to have a problem with the same nigger hate thread being posted daily, all the different generals that are up of which half are just bullshit and what else there is posted everyday. either way you may want to look into one of these

nazi UFO
(this is a lot of additional info but the least on the actual nazi UFO stuff as this is an early thread)
(more info on the general subject, but less info to boardering subjects)

Government Symbolisms

NASA faking shit

And me doing some biblethumping which is kind of similar to this thread, but more centered around the bible

Dinosaurs lived during the same time as humans did. The bible does talk about them, just calls them "behemoth".
And I think this is how it really was. here some not so old mentions of dinosaurlike creatures.

This is described to look like a longneck dinosaur, and was allegedly seen africa.

There are rocks showing humans and dinosaurs together
It is claimed they are faked, but the explenation is that ONE guy faked all of the over 16 thousand of those discovered stones while also new ones are discovered all the time.

Marco Polos description of dragons
>"Leaving the city of Yachi, and traveling ten days in a westerly direction, you reach the province of Karazan, which is also the name of the chief city....Here are seen huge serpents, ten paces in length (about 30 feet), and ten spans (about 8 feet) girt of the body. At the fore part, near the head, they have two short legs, having three claws like those of a tiger, with eyes larger than a forepenny loaf (pane da quattro denari) and very glaring."
>The jaws are wide enough to swallow a man, the teeth are large and sharp, and their whole appearance is so formidable, that neither man, nor any kind of animal can approach them without terror. Others are met with of a smaller size, being eight, six, or 5 paces long; and the following method is used for taking them. In the day-time, by reason of great heat, they lurk in caverns, from whence, at night, they issue to seek their food, and whatever beast they meet with and can lay hold of, whether tiger, wolf, or any other, they devour;

All signs humans were living during the same time as dinosaurs. What do you think they did when it was said some heroes slayed a dragon?

>The most common method of fossilization is called permineralization, or petrification. After an organism's soft tissues decay in sediment, the hard parts — particularly the bones — are left behind.
>Water seeps into the remains, and minerals dissolved in the water seep into the spaces within the remains, where they form crystals. These crystallized minerals cause the remains to harden along with the encasing sedimentary rock.
>In another fossilization process, called replacement, the minerals in groundwater replace the minerals that make up the bodily remains after the water completely dissolves the original hard parts of the organism.

So basically they get buried by some mud which is under water. Assuming a great flood hit them like the one in the bible or the countless other floodmyths across the world, wouldnt that meet the conditions?

>11In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.
>fountains of the great deep
Now what are the chances that thousands of years later there is a discovery making it possible those fountain of the great deep actually exist

soft dinosaur tissue discovered on dinosaur bones

pic related was recently discovered
65 million years my ass

cultures all around the world talk about a huge flood, the hopi indians have one, according to the aztec the world gets destroyed repeatedly with the last time it being destroyed being by a huge flood, the bible of course has the flood in it too. just look at this list

when everybody independently says the same I tend to believe them.

according to graham hancock the pyramids align with the orions belt in their positions 12500 years ago which is the same point of time the constillation of draco alignes with angkor wat perfectly (also according to graham hancock) making me think the last great cataclysm which probably was the flood shortly after those 2 were built (or in case of angkor wat they were build not that long ago but on older remains which are probably from that time).

Some other interesting stuff showing ancients knowing a lot they shouldnt according to Mainstream History. (From the fallen angels?)
This one is partly about modern monuments and their meanings too, but at around 1:10:00 he starts talking about the pyramids, and how they encode the size of the earth in relation to the moon, as well as the speed of light with over 99% accuaricy

this video talks about how different monuments, from the pyramids, to stonehenge, to stuff in south america encode mathematical knowledge as well as functioning as a GPS telling people where they are currently if they know how to read the monuments, again showing that those "cavemen" were far more sophisticated than we care to admit as well as showing that there was some kind of global communication going on (not like the internet, but information where exchanged through traveling, trade or whatever despite southamerica not being discovered officially until thousands years later) since they all use the same system

I too Im afraid that current scientists boycott any discobery that goes against their dogmas



I love the lightbulb one. Archeology fags don't even try and explain why theres no soot from torches on the roofs of the pyramids. Even as a little kid I coils tell they were full of it.

Really enjoy your threads man.


"History is bunk." -- Henry Ford




its pretty much the case.
remember the first guy was/is in charge of excavations in egypt, and pretty much blocks every attempt of any study and appearently never even heard about göbekli tepe

in one of hancocks documentaries, quest for the lost civilization he has a talk with zahi hawass where you see again that he pretty much denies any alternative theory without even considering it

star wars is real you must look at it from a philosophical point it explains reality in a metaphysical way

the good and the bad side

god is real and also the devil

the apocalpyse is happening right now

things will be unvealed

ive met once a old men who called himself a nazarene.

think about it. just a possibility 1/3 of the angels rebelled with lucifer. thats a lot or?

where are all these fallen angels now?

what if earth is a place like a quarantine ? to filter the true ones who really want to know the truth

what would mean we all have been sinned once in heaven against the will of our father and our memory has been deleted. and we have been sent to earth to suffer and learn

in eternity there will be no marriage and no sex right?

angels were also called the sons of god.


regarding the fallen angels
pic related. my theory it depicts knowledge, as those people are the keeper of knowledge, or bringer of that.
the mayan/aztec one seems to depicts quatzacoatl i assume which is said to have brought that for the aztecs.

göbekli tepe apparently talks about a comet bringing civilization.

in case of the sumerian i suppose it is enki
>Enki (/ˈɛŋki/; Sumerian: dEN.KI(G)𒂗𒆠) is the ancient Sumerian god of water, knowledge (gestú, literally "ear"), mischief, crafts (gašam), and creation (Nudimmud: nu, likeness, dim mud, make beer)

Same role Quetzacoatl took, bringing knowledge, or Satan with the apple. Prometheus who brought the fire very well could be the same enthity, Lucifer. The Kabba in Mecca supposedly contains a meteorite, which might be the one Göbekli Tepe speaks of or Satan that was thrown to earth
but i assume there is more to it

Now the FALLEN angels are said to have brought the knowledge for witchcraft and warcraft. Ironsmithing is one of these skills used for warcraft. Turns out the ancient egyptians used iron used from meteorites aka FALLEN in example for this dagger

I basically think that where ever animal like creatures were seen as gods, with human sacrifices they actually worshipped the fallen angels LARPing as gods like the mayans, aztec, sumerian. possibly egypt.
The others, like the greek or nordic mythology seems pretty similar (at least the bit i know) the bible story making me thing those are a distorted version of this making God just the highest among many gods and the angels the lower gods.





It was Portugal that discovered Australia

its like when people deny the theory of expanding earth without even trying to think or explaining why the ocean floor is the youngest terrain
they say everything came from the big bang, than the stars go supernova and that the universe is expanding but if you talk about expanding earth it's like you said you fap to babies

Everything has been occulted. The truth is there and in plain sight, but ypu need to unravel it and disillusion yourself.

If you dont know how, swing by a used bookstore and purchase `a course in miracles` read the student part, the workbook, and the teacher part simultaneously. If one part doesnt speak to you, let it go.

If you finish the workbook, you will be released.


I believe a lot of the truth to our history is carefully hidden in todays fiction. I could just be crazy though


It's a bit of more recent history, but I firmly believe that Anne Frank was related to Queen Elizabeth II.



regarding the big bang
To understand the Bible you first have to understand that besides being historical records and guidelines it also is an occult text describing metaphysical properties, and uses symbolism, metaphores and parables to explain those as certain concepts just didnt exist in the language back then.

The bibles genesis in example talks in some sense about what we call Big Bang. Both underlie a similar principle which is the easiest explainable in the realm of math. In the beginning there was nothing but God (consciousness) and everything was created out of nothing, 0. Out of this you can make something by creating opposites. +1 and -1. You now have something out of nothing, which when put together will be again nothing. In the world of physics you have the Big Bang, out of nothing pops up matter and anti matter, energy and dark energy, protons and electrons or +1s and -1s out of 0.
In the bible you have god creating heaven and earth, seperating the day from the night, taking the female from the male (adams rib creating eve), creating duality out of nothing, same principle. How did they know about that thousands of years ago?

Also the 4th day is where the physical universe is completed and only living creatures are missing.
if you go into the egyptian creation myth, the ogdoad, you also have the 4 primordial forces coming together (of which kek was one) creating this world. in alchemi there are 4 elements making up the material realm, with the spirit being above it.
now look what you get when you overlay the symbols for the 4 elements (hint, you all know the symbol)
All talk about the same eternal truth of a certain principle and thus encode the same number for the same things, the 4

also when you stand with your arms and legs stretched from one another, you basically form the pentagram too, with your head/spirit above the other four, making me wonder wether or not our arms and legs have each a connection to one of the elements.

The easiest thing to acknowledge is that carbon dating is all wrong. It's assumed that carbon decays at a static rate but there's literally no reason to believe that. It definitely decays at an exponential rate, which is why things don't really make sense age wise once you move into pre-history

well these knowledge giving fallen angels were only 200 can read about that in the book of enoch

there are far more fallen angels than 200 ....

the question is where is the rest

the 200 got bound in the tatarus until the day of judgement






how did a bunch of cavemen stack these megalith onto each other?
will trumps wall be able to compete?

these are in the shoria mountains, russia

Pre-Neolithic man had a worldwide unified pre-civilization culture. Evidence is all around in grand old civilizations that came much later but much of their sites are built on the base of these super ancient civilizations.

Earth rises and falls with humans many times.
(((They))) don't want you to know that the Illuminati knows this and used the Thule/Vril Society to collect every single trace record of these cultures and their tech to reverse engineer interdimensional and space faring tech.

Thule/Vrill escaped the fall of Nazi Germany by use of electromagnetic red mercury gyroscopes installed on flying craft. Upon escaping to Antarctica, the Allies knew they were done for and it was settled there a few years later.

The Secret Space Culture was created from that truce and now the real Illuminated Gnostic mystics that actually found the truth colonize our solar system and beyond. A breakaway of that society is also entering interstellar travel thanks to friendly ET tech.

You and me and all the other sheep are left here to play the game while a slect few thousand expand humanity and expect us to free ourselves from the New World Order to gain entry.

1954 and 2018 are practically the same technologically compared to them and their masters.

you are correct hans

theres a lot people are not privy to, I think we all realise that.

regarding thule and vril, pic related is from a book that supposedly talks about the vril society. note that it talks about the concepts of unity (god is one and everything) duality (see ) and trinity which is also an ancient theme and probably one of the eternal truths which is why it is found over and over again as a theme, for example
>The Three-One God (Trinity, or gods) encompasses (dwells in) Thrace, or O God, who are dwelling in the territory of Thrace
>I witness to the truth, I give offerings to the great Son of God, or
>I promise to give offerings to the great Son of God
>I glorify the Great God, or and I will praise you, O Great God
>The Temple of God is a great fortress and a secret defended place, or O God, who are in your temple, be my fortress and defend me (deliver me from the enemy)!


>(1) O Three-One God of the land of Thrace,
>(2) I vow in Truth to bring you all due offerings, O great Son of God,
>(3) And only you (shall) I praise (and exalt), O my God (for you are) great!
>(4) You who are now in your temple, (I pray, hear me), keep me safe and deliver me (from all evil)!
three one god, the trinity being a theme in the oldest text we have deciphered so far. also note in pic related that aside from the 1, 2, 3 connection that the 4th point also is about the material universe, the kosmos, which in here is made up of 4 things, time, space, strength/force and fabric/matter just like God created the world on the 4th day, the ogdoad created the world with 4 primeordeal forces and alchemy has the 4 elements of fire water air and earth


the statue of liberty likely is isis looking for osiris dick. one thing i want to hin at is the 7/11 symbolism which seems to come up often in monuments and structures. in example the crown of the statue has 7 spikes/rays going out of it while the statue stands on an 11 pointed star. 11 stands for transgressing Gods law and perfectness (10) which the whore of babylon is said to try to make people do. I often see isis equated with the whore of babylon, but im not too confident on that one.

This one is partly about modern monuments and their meanings too, but also about the old ones and is mentioning the 7/11 ratio quite often when it comes up.
i believe that 7/11 (the store) also is no coincidence.

as for the meaning for it, the best i could come up with is taking the 7, Gods will and word, and corrupting it to the 11, making people go against Gods law
so yeah, i dont think 7/11 is chosen randomly. and while we are at it:

additionally she stand in new york
gematrix.org/?word=new york
>new york in English Gematria Equals: 666

>“She is destroyed!
>The great city of Babylon is destroyed!
>She has become a home for demons.
>The rulers of the earth sinned sexually with her,
>and the merchants of the world grew rich from the great wealth of her luxury.”

>>and the merchants
new york seems to be obviously babylon in the revelations, with wallstreet being so important for the (((merchants))) and the statue is the whore of babylon. New York isnt called "THE City" without reason

also before someone wonders what i meant with isis looking for osiris dick
small occultism lesson
in pic related you see the penis (male energy) getting united with the fish (commonly seen as female energy) thus uniting polar opposites. this i a common theme in the occult believed to create wonder/magic/miracles. in case of male and female for example it creates the miracle of life and is one of the most holy events in many cultures. the washington monument is also symbolizing specifically this. the obelisk, the phallus/penis/huge dick standing in a vesica pisces, the fish, again the female energy. more about that symbolism here

the star of david also symbolizes this with the 2 opposing triangles being united, but since they are triangles it also can be symbolized by the 33 which is the masons favorite number and in general seems to be of significance.

All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day.
33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life (trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation.
Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm.
Counting all the connections and connectionspoints including the hidden one on the tree of life/kaballah gives you 33. the number is also associated with gods promise

another view

This does not appear to be a natural and organic thread. I think you are either a dataminer or some type of muddying-the-waters shill.
Keep posting this thread and see what happens, motherfucker.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

baalbek aka heliopolis, lebanon. another megalithic structure, neatly stacke upon another

finally, you actually post something real

OMG they got left holding the bag. That's why this is called a prison planet. It all makes sense now...

i m the whole time, you just arent paying attention

is this where the world ripped asunder and the waters below came and wiped that fags out?

There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde/red haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki. The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own. The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
The nordic gods, thor, odin, all blond and blue eyed, and (((coincidently))) asgard is on a map that supposedly shows the inner part of the earth
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out something (((they))) absolutely fear which is the reason (((they))) try to destroy whites so furiously, more than any other ethnicities.
Later on Hitler went to antarctica, created New Swabia and again a lot of cultures speak about a realm beneath the earth, like shangri la for example, and civilization is said to exist there as well.
Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
Now these whites maybe have nothing to do with the whites of today, they could be the fallen angels of the bible, the annunaki of the Sumerians or the gods of the atztecs, but finding out where those came from would be devastating for (((their))) narrative

Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting to the inner earth.
the hopi indians, also have the swastika. and their legends involve humanity coming from out of a hole on earth, and during the end of the 4th world/cycle (i think it was the 4th) when the flood hit (whch probably was the same the bible mentioned as well as many others cultures) other people came out of the earth, the ant-friends or ant people, brought them underground and ensured their survival until the earth above is habitable again. further more. further more the word "anu" means for the hopi indians "ant" and naki "friend" while the sumerian gods were called anunaki, so probably those were the same.
however from what i found the description of the ant people doesnt really fit, they seem humanoid but not human. but maybe there are multiple races living in hollow earth living peacefully there together. sumerians and hopi also used the swastika

Furthermore Nazis went to the North and Southpole, both said to have openings, as well as tibet which has legends of an underground kingdom, shangri-la/shamballah.
the hopi indians and tibetians use the swastika and have legend about a world beneath the ground.
China, the celtics, greeks, aztecs, all have legends of the white blue eyed people coming and bringing technology.
And they all use the swastika.

So i believe what people call the nordics or pleiadians are actually the inner earthers which may or may not came from space but if so settled there millenias ago. i like to think they are angelic

holy fuck you guys are worse than niggers

> If its not about , its shill pasta
No, this is just one of a couple of regular infodumps. Currently this one and the other about Nazi UFOs.


I am enjoying this cheers Germanlad. What do you think about Shangri-la in New Swabia? I want to believe.

schlomo in pic related later appeared in another thread again, said he asked his rabbi who just stated that its a nothingburger and that there is nothing to it seemingly not wanting to talk further about it.

also regarding pic related:
the hebrew alphabet doesnt have any vowels, so both paradise and pardes would both be written the same giving another connection

you mean the supposed quote from dönitz about the submarine fleet creating one in antarctica?
well, he supposedly said that during the nurenberg trials, but i couldnt dig up any good source for that quote. so while i believe the nazis did that, i dont think dönitz openly said it back then. maybe they just scrubbed the archives though. no idea really.

>muh conspiracy
Fuck off Alex Jones.

what i want to add to this is that i believe the jews of the bible, aka the chosen people, are not the (((jews))) we have today, but are instead
>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.
now having this in mind ask yourself who the real jews are and why the (((jews))) hate the white people so much. i believe because they want to steal their position and replace them completely.

what is written about the jews also fits the white people a lot better, to be send to the ends of the world and rule everywhere which happened to the whites, to struggle strongly often, but never fall, and the whites endured ice ages, the plague, spanish flue, centuries of muslim invasion, 2 worldwars, and another wave of muslim invasions we even welcome into our country and provide with ressources and still are on the top.

What did da vinci mean with this?

Some bump


12 months

the star of davids (what i believe) original meaning is the unification of male and female, and by extend generally polar opposites. its basically another version of ying and yang. only later was it used for a symbol of saturn, and judaism. rothschild used it back on his store back then and made it later a jewish symbol, corrupted and then act like it was theirs from the beginning like they always do.
One believe was that magic springs into existence where 2 polar opposites meet. good and evil, the above and below, male and female. especially the unification of the last is one of the most holy events in many cultures where the magic of life happens and the first step for the existence of a new human has been made.
pic related from a temple from 7000 years ago showing the hexagram/star of david seemingly with the yin yang symbol making me think this is the accurate meaning behind the star

More about this because I'm doubting book burning type shit could be kept a secret.


dont have more about that, just that screencap. however what book burning do you refer to?
the burning of the nazis afaik burned books of freemasons, jewish propaganda promoting degeneracy, 50 shades of grey stuff i assume.

there is also the vatican bookburning where the word is that they got themselves a copy of each of the books to store at the vatican and then burned every other book of it they could find so noone it isnt accessable anymore to anyone.
the library of alexandria might as well has been emptied before being burned down with the relevant books being stored away only to make people think its lost

ayoooooooo boys
thake this bullshill to /x/, shillboy

or are you going to wait the mods to move this to /bant/ and then abandon your own thread?

how much do you get for shitting up Sup Forums with this shit?

pic related was uploaded some time by someone who didnt even know whats on there since the person didnt look properly onto it thinking its just some cannon or something
when it then gained some traction and a campange was started to discredit the "dinosaur picture", but they always referred to...

...pic related. note the same setting, similar posture, holes in similar locations. this is the psyop to discredit the real pic.

he's a fucking shill
he does this day in and day out

he keeps bumping his own shit with more shit that's been debunked time and time again

and even after being cornered and admiting that he's a fucking retard, he does the exact same thing next time. Exactly what Hitler complained about the Jews from doing when discussing anything. It's a Jewish tactic, which probably means it's a real JIDF shill boy among us!

he pretends to care about what he posts and discussing it, but when the mods come and move the thread, he soons abandonds it until he creates the exact same posts later.

his goal is shitting up Sup Forums and Sup Forums alone, that the reason he abandons his own thread when it gets moved and why he posts it again and again even knowing the mods will move it.

Stones cut so precisely that not even a razor fits between those. heard people suggesting they used some kind of ancient cement to pour those into the shape and place, but no idea.

eitherway i believe even modern craftsman would have trouble working so precise

Love these treads. I hope black twitter isnt reading this though, or else tomorrow it'll be:


not as precise as the clockwork that it is your thread, it getting moved to /bant/ and you abandoning it soon after

now THAT'S precision
why is that, boy? why is it that you abandon your thread when it gets moved? is it because you don't have an interest in disscussing this and just want to ship up Sup Forums?

I guess you could post this on /x/ since it's where it would fit more, and wouldn't get moved to /bant/, but yet, here you are, creating the same thread over and over again, even knowing it doesn't belong in Sup Forums

well, if you love threads like this you should defenitely visit /x/ where they have this 24/7 and don't get moved to die in /bant/ because the creator is a shill whose only goal is shitting up Sup Forums

i have a bit different theory. i always heard the pyramids are tombs and help the pharaos to get to the stars after they died. however they never were used as tombs as far as we can tell, however i still believe they were meant to sent the pharaos to the stars. with the remote viewing docs we see how the CIA tried to astral project/remote view and use it to gather knowledge.
i believe the pyramids are meant to help tune into the astral realm where the pharaos then can talk with the gods/stars/whatever and gather knowledge.

please dont

what about my theory that you're a shill making this thread over and over again to shit up Sup Forums and abandon it the moment it gets moved because when that happens the purpose of the thread, which is to shit up Sup Forums, is lost in /bant/?

my theory is bulletproof.

It's good stuff bro. Always worth a read.

About the 12,500 date, this is the earliest the precessional cycle lines up with those monuments but the cycle is 26,000 years long.

He also believes the site is built over more ancient structures, so you can push the 12,500 date back even further by at least one processional cycle.

>literally nothing to do with the paranormal

go make more catalonia/gibralter threads you third world fag

Bright Insight did do a really good job at explaining them. They clearly weren't built by the Romans and it's crazy to think so.


but all to do with shitting up Sup Forums

which is OP's goal since he abandons the thread when it gets moved an he posts the same debunked shit over and aover again even after admiting he's a retard to save face.

the thread is a shitshow to shit on Sup Forums
that's its purpose and it gets abandoned by OP the moment it gets moved to /bant/

yet he does it again and again, knowing full well this shit doesn't belong on Sup Forums, but on /x/ where it would actually fit and not be moved, but then again, what's the point of shilling in /x/ or /bant/ when Sup Forums is the target?

let that guy keep talking. for the record, when my threads get moved to /bant/ i keep posting when others post too, just usually suddenly noone replies anymore and so i dont see any reason to keep posting either when seemingly noone reads.

if its build upon older structures is really irrelevant, as they are still aligned to the stars where the alignment fits the buildings. he said in case of angkor wat it is build on older remains, but the new ones are only couple hundred or 2 thousand or so years old. so even assuming they were build 20k years ago they were still meant to show the point in time 12.500 years ago for whatever reason.
about the cycle being 26k years long, no idea to be honest, but while i do believe in the bible i do also believe there was stuff happening before the first accounts mentioned in the bible
the bible genesis at one point says "and the world was void and barren" or something along those lines, originally it appearently meant "became void and barren" implying that something happened making it so, in example a nuclear world war, or when you go into the aztecs they believe we are in the 5th cycle now while each cycle gets destroyed by fire, next time by water, then fire again etc. with the last time being the flood


I'd rather stay here and watch as OP gets moved to /bant/ and quickly abandons his thread because his goal of shitting up Sup Forums is not being met

for the record, you keep making the same posts over and over again, even after admiting you're a retard when you're cornered, but you post the exact same bullshit the next time and pretend it didn't happen, just like what Jews did to Hitler.

You're a shill. A jew shill at that.

and you know this shit doesn't belong in Sup Forums where it gets moved to /bant/ over and over again, but here you are again posting something you know isn't Sup Forums

because the goal is shitting up Sup Forums and nothing else.

>claims my stuff is crazy and im just here to shit up the board
>proceeds to bump my thread multiple times

A point in time 12,500 or 38,500 years ago

more for the record, you abandon your thread not because people stop replying, you lie and tell you're dump is over soon because there's not more, yet when it stays on Sup Forums you've proved you have a lot of shit to throw, which suddenly disappears when you're moved to /bant/

but that's good
I want this shit on page one so that our newfriends that would indulge you in your shill know what they are dealing with: a shill, who pretends to care about the message, when all he cares is the platform, specifically shitting up the platform, which is made evident by your abadoning your own thread when it gets moved, stopping your dump and lying about it being over, you knowing that this isn't Sup Forums related, that it gets moved to /bant/ but you make the exact same thread and the exact same posts, like an act

Humans have been around for millions of years. Perhaps longer. Civilisations have been as advanced as we are now, more so, and less so, it's a cycle that repeats itself over time.

(((They))) are at the forefront of the rising and falling of civilisations. They create them, their cultures, their religions, they carefully craft them as they see fit, only to lead them to destruction at a future point, all in sacrifice to (((their))) god, Saturn.

They go by many names, they take many personas upon themselves, many guises, today we most commonly know them as the jews, but they are not exclusively adherent to that race or ideology.

This goes much deeper than you have ever imagined.

There is nothing new under the sun.