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Must be that white privilege I keep hearing so much about.

>do the right thing and turn in a criminal
>get punished for it

lmao what a loser
can someone post the source

This senpai

expelled for reporting illegals?

that's a paddling

>the school district wants to get assraped by a lawyer

>try to enforce the law
>get expelled from school


We're trying to right the ship. The more shitskins you have the harder it is. Take note

This is the brown man's land white boiiiii

which note?

Expelled for what?

>Be a faggot ass snitch
>Share with the Internet what a bitch you are with a picture of your face

This faggot is gonna be popular in prison. Brothers gonna spit roast that twink. He’s gonna have jizz leaking out of his ears.

>be a drooling bootlicker
>this is how your thankful government repays you for the favour
hahahahahhahaahahahahhaha fucking hell americans = the goyest people on earth

This. It's sad. Just let them all in, you dumbass bootlickers.

No Borders, No Laws.

>popular in prison
Kek, what the fuck is he in prison for you retard? Nothing. Dumb nigger.

How filthy rich is his family going to be after the lawsuit?

Lmao I bet in 5 years you'll go to prison in california for reporting an illegal

He’s a high school drop out now. He’s destined to be a junkie now. Bet he ODs within the year. White trash loves opiates.


In 10 years you'll go to prison in California for acknowledging that someone is illegal.

1. The idiot didn't know they were illegal immigrants, all he saw were brown people with mexican sounding names.

2. Illegal immigrants aren't criminals. Being in the country without permission is a civil offense, not criminal.

Funny fags like you only show up in full-force when there's political fallout against "your side."

How is civil offense different from a crime?

but they break the law when they enter the country illegally and they need to be deported

Seems like bullshit to me, he has a good case to sue the fuck out of that school if true. I dont see it being against school rules that you cant call ICE on an illegal. Kid is going to get paid.

You mean that retarded memo that proves nothing?

No he’s going to get raped in prison or die of an OD.


Stay salty, mutt

>all he saw were brown people with mexican sounding names.
if that's not grounds for deportation then what is?

These are two completely different people. Guy on the right was in the news nearly a year before the plebbit meme queen on the left

>Being in the country without permission is a civil offense
Yes, an offense to Western Civilization!

>retarded memo proves nothing

The memo reiterates pretty much what we already knew from even before the election: everyone was in cahoots with each other to stop Trump at all costs

>reminder Peter Strzok changed the wording on James Comey's Hillary announcement so she wouldn't go to prison

how pathetic are you really?


This doesn't look like the same person.

Different shaped ears and eyes.


This. I can hear hand rubbing from here. There's money to be made.

I've been reading a lot of good reviews on this hatchet? Sturdy, sharp, easy to clean. Do you think it would be suitable for dismembering large animals if I were to go on a hunting trip?

he is here, kek blesses us

G#/H flat is now the official note of the alt-right

>Trespassing on private property is a civil offense, not a criminal one.
Bottom line is they are breaking the law and should be punished.

invading is worse than criminal, they are enemy combatants

>1. The idiot didn't know they were illegal immigrants, all he saw were brown people with mexican sounding names.
Fair enough

>2. Illegal immigrants aren't criminals. Being in the country without permission is a civil offense, not criminal.
>civil offense
>not criminals
You're a fucking idiot.

Fakest of all news

Also, GAY

Why'd he get expelled?
Where are the proofs?

>Fair enough

I know it's bait but he was just expelled from his current school, doesn't mean he can't go to another one. Or does it?


Thats only slight less then two pills a day per person and thats including people that fill prescriptions but dont use them and people that are reselling them or travled there to get them

Very disingenuous

> the illegal didn't go back

actually braindead. Just being in the country illegally is a misdemeanor, not a “civil offense”, and entering illegally is a felony.

It's a crime to cross the border except at designated crossings you mongoloid faggot.

But they could be legal immigrants from Mexico though.

When was the last time you ever hear about one of those? Not never!

>the government is the school


anyways, depending on the context he can probably sue

deserved it for being a redditor lmao this desu senpai

Its fake. He got expelled from the game/tournament. Not school. Leftist media always bullshits

>dismembering large animals with a hatchet
You’re retarded. Use a knife with a blade about 5 inches long to slice through its ligaments and joints. After you’ve removed the valuable cuts (hindquarters, tenderloin, etc.), use the blade to make an incision along the belly to remove the internal organs and DO NOT perforate the stomach or intestines. It will smell like death. The rest of the remains can be easily sliced at the base of the limbs, lumbar spine, and neck, with the largest part bring the rib cage. However, the ribs are easily broken and can be condensed if simply stepped on. Best of luck

so that's 1 misdemeanor and 1 felony per illegal crossing.

Now, let's expand on that a bit.

Is it legal to not pay federal income tax? Is it legal to use a false SS number? Is it legal to avoid State taxes by failing to using a fake ID?
Is it legal to avoid selective service registering if you're 18?

What's the count up to now?

oh, fair enough

that would be a massive lawsuit, poss crim too

>not never

Anyone stupid enough to actually doxx themselves on the internet deserves what they get, regardless of whether it was right or not.

where is the fattiest parts?

nice try faggot

It's not fair to assume he made the assumption.

Sup Forums fags believe in absolute morality. They're a lost cause. Move along.

So how do we help him?

how can you tell what an individual Sup Forumsack thinks? how can you tell the level of satire?

forget the spics bro, focus on our own niggers
they're fucking apeshit when they're drunk
>always annoys me n shit

It's only civil if you get caught. If you don't get caught it's criminal.

Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

And if only we could treat them as such...

Why would we help him? You don't save a soldier who's a liability to your unit.

Sargon grew up in Framlingham, a small but quaint village, with a population more akin to a family gathering than a township. Most people are unaware that this is where his nickname originates. Unsurprising really as the village, being so small and all, wasn't really known for much save one thing; its pickle factory. Sargon's family lived just behind it and everyday on his way to school Carl would stop by the towns one pride and joy. Outside the old brownbrick building were the barrels they used for the pickling process. Large oaken barrels full of pure brine. Sargon had a deep attraction to the smell, he was absolutely infatuated with the aroma. It was said that on most days he would simply stare into the brine barrels for what seemed an eternity for a child his age. But the sight and smell eventually wasn't enough; he had to be a part of it all somehow. It must have been around the age of 12 that BrineTits Benjamin became a well known name as Carl took to the habit of dipping his hand in the nearest open barrel and smelling it. Whether he intended to or whether it was simply some unconscious motivation we'll never really know but he would wipe his hands afterwards on his chest. Another thing to remember about Carl was that he liked to air himself out during the day by keeping his shirts unbuttoned. And so because of this he would end up wiping his hands on his bare chest and smearing the pure brine all over his breasts. He didn't have many friends because of this but it's said that people always knew when BrineTits was around because you could smell him a good ten minutes before you saw him

unless to stop a liability?

On her way to work one morning
Down the path along side the lake
A tendies hearted woman saw a poor half spicy snek
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
"Poor thing," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"
"Take me in tendies woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in, tendies woman," sighed the snek

She wrapped him all cozy in a comforter of Gundam
And laid him by her fireside with some Dippin' Dots and some gum
She hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snek she'd taken to had been revived
"Take me in, tendies woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in, tendies woman," sighed the snek

She clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried
"But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"
She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight
Instead of saying thanks, the snek gave her a vicious bite
"Take me in, tendies woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in, tendies woman," sighed the snek
"I saved you," cried the woman
"And you've bitten me, but why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die"
"Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well that Dippin' Dots is not the future of ice cream!"

If the memo was anything, Nunes would’ve taken it to the courts. Not release it to the public.

Keep that in mind.

Good thing we have an expert on Sup Forums telling us this.

>reddit spaces before typing a single letter.

thanks man for correcting hte records

so, so grateful

this thread has been posted everyday for the past month.
cmon fags


Around your gut

It's not the same kid can people stop posting this shit already?

To be this smug and believe he could get away with being this much of an asshole? Yes, it absolutely is.

Doesn't matter.

The illegal is getting deported and once he graduates he's pretty much hired by ICE, he should learn Spanish to BTFO of libnigs.

This why children don't belong on the internet.
Because they are fucking stupid by design.
They take this shit too seriously with all the shadilay kek wills it Bullshit.
Just a bunch of self centered look at me dumb asses.
OP pic Is just as vomit inducing as a pic of some sexually confused college idiot with a why we need feminism sign.
SHame on this kids parents.

why is he's an arsehole? please explain.

>fake maga hat

He didn't give some invader all his money and valuables?

Don't you get it?

If whitey doesn't give every piece of profit they give away from creating the modern world to low IQ savages then they are oppressive Nazis and must be genocided to extinction...

Are you some racist shitlord or something?

Illegal ALIENS are criminals because they are commiting a crime being here illegally.
Wtf is wrong with you?
There is no such thing as an illegal "immigrant". You need to follow immigration laws to be considered an "immigrant", otherwise they are ALIENS. Meaning they are commiting a CRIME by being here, thus a CRIMINAL.
You sure are a stupid fucker user.

>uses a meme flag

This, just another brick laid in the road on our way to full blown RWDS and the DOTR.

>jerking yourself off because a university expelled someone over politics
>implying ICE isn't going to deport the spic anyway
Laugh it up while you can liberals. Your "progress" is an illusion.

All he has to do is sue them, laugh at education, and never have to work again.


nobody likes a snitch, and he was expelled for violating school policy, not being a low down dishonorable snitching faggot piece of shit

He was expelled because he was too fucking stupid to practice discretion.

In 15 years you'll go to prison for being white in the presence of our brown masters.

Thank you for correcting the record.


The story is being misrepresented a bit.

He didn't get expelled for the
>I'll get illegals deported
shit. That's simply what got him attention.
He's taken out of school because on the same reddit account, he talks about wanting to beat the shit out of negroes. He goes to a 1/3rd black school.

He also wasn't expelled, his parents pulled him out. It would be illegal to expell under these circumstances under florida law.

Make of this what yo uwill, I'm just clarifying the story.