Why are women not having children?

Why are women not having children?

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they're too busy working

Because they are Trumptards.

Stay out of politics kids.

jewish propaganda of feminism being shoved down their throat daily

suicide rates are also skyrocketing for single women in their 30s with no family because of this

does that cat have some feline equivalent of down syndrome?

Its face looks wrong.

Automation will replace nearly all jobs in the next 50 years, then the elites will have their own families and rule the rest of us as slaves

There's no humanity in making more middle-class children

Societal conditioning to think you'll find fulfillment in a career or a movement. It's okay though, because the ones that let their eggs dry up turn into spergs with no sense of life worth beyond their roller derby team.

it's just a cat, face looks ok

cute cat tho.

They fell for the lie that they can develop careers and then suddenly decide they can start families. By the time they want to settle down they are already wrinkled and their eggs are dried up, low sexual market value.

>your cat cares about you
bitch as far as that cat is concerned you are a combination space heater / food dispenser who occasionally makes strange and nonsensical interactions as though you are a mentally retarded cat with autism which he grits his teeth and endures because you occasionally dispense fuzzy mice and bits of string which remind him fondly of disembowelled bunny intestines

My kontri is top performer. Really very wester minded.

thats an adorable owl

Which one is the pussy?

White women are more cucked than white men. I worked in an office with a lot of white women and black and hispanic women. The non-whites ran roughshod over the white women managers, it was embarrassing.

mind control

Overpopulation is a huge problem. Allowing women to be in charge of their own pregnancies creates more sustainable populations. At the same time we can't allow the government to subsidize their pregnancies.

Women used to get assets from men in exchange for mothering children but now welfare state gives money, birth control and aborts for women in exchange for zero impact in society.

What do you mean? I have a similar experience I think, black woman and Latinas tend to be really scathing towards white women.

Motherhood is being vilified beyond reason.
This is perhaps the biggest issue that faces our society, imo it's worse than the millions of nogs and muds invading, for it is a cancer that destroys us from within and that most of us welcome happily.
Granted that population fluctuation is normal (Hard times>Many children>Good times>Few Children>Hard Times), but the social demonization of the housewife, the mother and the very essence of the WOMAN as it has been known for hundreds of years staggers our societies in the Hard Times, until utter destruction.

This is why Japan refuses to take tons of migrants despite how the media tries to paint them as dying because of declining birth rates, they know it's temporary and it's due to the overabundance of wealth and resources.
They know they will not simply die out. And we won't either, if we keep the invaders out.
There's also the pussyfication of our men, but that is also a byproduct of the woman abandoning womanhood, though masculinity is also being waged war against.

>vote must go to the family
But what he actually means is: "only men should vote", which makes no sense, as it might just as well be the woman in the household who should vote. Even if you agree that the family (and not the individual) should be the voting unit, this doesn't remove women from the equation. The same argument can be made to disenfranchise men, in that case.

>Women shouldn't work
He bases this off the (idealized) 1950's-1960's American household. The reason for such prosperity (one man could support a household) was because the rest of the world was in shambles after WWII. In all of history, women have *always* been part of the workforce, in the fields, or in factories. And they still managed to pump out half a dozen kids on average. The "wife in the kitchen, husband at work"-idea is the historical aberration, not the norm. If anything, due to modern appliances, household work is easier than it's ever been.

In addition, he's almost right about one point, but again draws the wrong conclusion. Wealth is *relative*. A nation which allows both its women and men to work will (logically) be almost twice as productive as a nation which doesn't.

Because they're too busy fucking trees

Feminism kills societies. We are heading towards doom and if things won't change you'll see major cultural shifts in the developed world, to the worst. But even if nothing is going to happen things will still change because Feminism can't survive without the support of man.

There is no feminism in Israel, why do you care?

That's a cute kot though

Lol that picture summerizes the future of cat ladies who are single.

That's why you don't give attention to RINOS and coalburners.

Jewish media made them afraid.

Specific breed, m8

Poor Kitty. Cats aren't like dogs. Dogs believe they're people. But cats know they're cats. Because of that, cats hate being surrogates for human babies.

Because I’m not getting them pregnant because I’m too lazy to have sex. It’s just easier to jerk off.

Children are expensive and force you to change your lifestyle

Why are *white women not having children

i blame sex-ed, if you watched the same childbirth videos they showed us you wouldn't want to either

>what he actually means
>makes no sense
>doesn't read "In pure cause-and-effect, a system in which only women could vote and all women were married would be better than a system in which men and woman can both vote

>abandon eugenics because of muh feefees
>overpopulation occurs
>millions of undesirables everywhere

it's only time until they bring eugenics back in full force or we have a 1 or 2 child policy like China.

Because Millenials don't want responsibilities.

That kitten looks mildly nervous

Because they need to be forcibly held down and inseminated. Ask Germany for details.

Because (in the US) there is no paid maternity/paternity leave which means it's near impossible to pay the mortgage and bills. Our economic system has made having children a huge financial headache.

Robert is a horrible name for cat. Probably named the poor kitten after an ex.

poor thing, he knows he will become the outlet for that neurotic bitch to unload

really single women should be allowed to own pets, they just fucked them up, they dont walk them or play with them, they just like to squeeze them when they feel bad, then they get pissed off at the poor thing when it breaks something for being bored all day in a house with a crazy whore that doesnt take care of you, they lash out at it

i hope the deepest pits of hell find all whores like this

women shouldnt be allowed with innocent animals

most will damage them out of neglect and selfishness

but there are even the psycho whores who purposefully take it out on the animal

there is reason women commits most infanticides, they want to kill something weaker because they cant accept the fact they are women

shouldnt* be allowed to own pets, or have children not married

i've had pets it wasn't that great. of course dating wasn't exactly all that great either.

Fur babies are a thing that women use to convince themselves

Because I'm a woman, who is overweight but comes from a wealthy family. I do not have children yet because every guy I know is either married, ugly AND poor, or on drugs. I'm on prenatals at the moment, and there's a slightly-more-poor guy I'm chatting with, he's overweight. Hope it works out.

thats more like a i won the lottery great.

For what? I don't want humanity to continue.

Having (white) kids is racist. They consume resources that are owed as reparations to people of color. #StepAside

I'm sure it's a lot of factors, but I think economic reasons play a large role. Blacks and browns will pop out kids more readily even if they're poor because they are generally less intelligent than whites or Asians, and going on government benefits is more acceptable to them than it is to whites or Asians.

Why do you post this shit over and over?

Women have a choice to not fuck Republicans in the US, so the ones with common sense have stopped.

Cause look at that fuckin cat man. It’s so goddamn cute

Because you're not entitled to get them?

Women used to focus on babies, homemaking, and hobbies

Men took care of the money and broad situation

Now women focus on work, paying the bills, socializing online. They effectively compete with other men for status, and don't want to seem inept by their peers (by being a stay-at-home mom)

weak men

>he bases this off an ideal
>because the rest of the world was in shambles
This autism to maintain this expected ideal for every family is irrelevant since economic stability enables men the luxury to afford what many cannot today and people who are forced to meet women quotas that would otherwise raise a cultured/well-behaved/educated household--which some no longer can in the dating market with stupidly high standards. We are in this aberration that leads to an economic instability.
>pointing out automated household appliances
really got me there; women are just going to watch television and sunbathe, while they wonder where all the time has gone for children between 7 morn til midnight.
>should be twice as productive
never crossed your mind on whether we should and not whether we can

Because we haven't defeated ZOG yet.


rapists need to stop pulling out

Womens rights were a mistake

I just wanna say that if you're going to post screen shots of reddit you should try the /r/TryingForABaby . It's really comforting and uplifting whenever one of them announces that they've managed to get pregnant. I feel weird going there sometimes though since I'm a dude.

so why is it so low in japan

Humanity will continue, just without you in the gene pool.

Because men are not marrying them


That's horseshit. Women watched births live for thousands of years and kept having babies

>A nation which allows both its women and men to work will (logically) be almost twice as productive as a nation which doesn't

This isnt true at all. A business that employs 100 men and 100 women will NOT be twice as productive as a business that employs 100 men.

.t IQ

They start having regrets around 30, and it is an ugly thing to see. These are the women that end up in pussy hats, blindly cheering while the (((steins))) of the world pay trash to shovel dirt on the casket.

Yeah, then die out you abnormous faggot

A heavily underrated post. I agree with every single statement.

Never let women have pets. You might had noticed they totally fuck up dogs, for instance.

Because giving birth fucking hurts!

Because I'm too busy working 24/7 since my white boyfriend cannot get a fucking job.

I hate women for ruining our society.

Why are you with a loser?

Kill yourself cunt

As a red haired white woman breeding a family, I wouldn't worry about it too much, honey.

consumerism and hedonism provoke low birth rate


Black women are. Lots of them.

>completely ignoring that white birth rates are up in the US
Fuck off willfully ignorant shitstain

who care

Because I'm a 5/10

They can freeze their eggs and have plenty of autistic babies at age 70. Christfags btfo.

Yeah I think about it everyday. But I'm a coward, I'd probably fail and just maim myself horribly and then I'll really be a social parasite.

Because they're gigantic idiots and don't see the benefits. The common excuse is that they're "parasites" and they're "loud, rude, and disrespectful", they think its "stressful, sad and will cause divorces" and don't mind either aborting them or not having them at all. but you see, they're just projecting their own self-hatred. challenge any pro-choice woman and tell them "You must be so fortunate to be alive, standing on a platform to make that opinion. you must be so lucky to live your life so far and experience a lot of things that support your belief. Imagine if you were aborted instead of born. all your experiences non-existent just by being dumped out." and they will go to such lengthy mental gymnastics to justify their own blood lust, guys, it's fucking scary. This is not a fucking meme, Sup Forums. none of this stupid "B-b-b-b-but it's just a fetus! It's not actually alive!" Yeah, but that baby could have had a chance to be alive and it was murdered. we need to hurry up and make abortion completely illegal, they're toying with life and it stops here. The statistics for abortion?

>56,993,299 since 1973

56 fucking million. This shit needs to stop, Sup Forums. like the future is literally at stake and women have been legalized murderers.

Niggers in Africa and poos in India are still contributing to overpopulation dummy.

Agenda 21

Giving women freedom of choice was a mistake.
Only took them half a century to turn EVERYTHING to shit.

Sounds like an Iowa 10/10


Because no men want to have them with catwomen.

cause they want to be men 2.0 instead of being women, who love their children etc.

1960s sexual revolution destroyed society.
It sucks for men but women are the ones that are the real losers. Cock carousel into cats and suicide.

You can't dodge core pillar of human existence without consequence. Men are strong to build civilization for family. Women are gifted with production of family.