Do anime girls have their menstrual cycle like 3DPD women?

Do anime girls have their menstrual cycle like 3DPD women?

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Remember in Lucky Star when they offhandedly mention they're glad they aren't on their period at the beach

Could you not pushing this question Sup Forumsnon?

Yeah man. Havent you seen that db episode where Bulma sprays her period blood all over Kuririns face

oh i member
any recent example?

In Galko-chan the girls discuss pads and tampons.

Didn't Galko and the others talk about Period Pantys?

If it's properly mentioned inside the story, then yes. If not, then no.

Along with their asshole hair, armpit hair and diarrhea

Nekota comes to my mind.
Tought there the main girl complained becuse her period come exactly when she gone to the beach.

Only Yesterday

Asuka was all about muh period in one Eva episode


It's why tsunderes exist mostly.

Wasn't it mentioned in railgun at some point?

Seitokai Yakuindomo

Only the sluts.

Periods are mentioned in practically every shoujo manga.

She was constantly on period.


I just got mine last night and I know exactly what you mean. I want to see the realism in my animu gawd dammit!


Not the ones written by men.

Fuck off.

The little fucker in BNHA thought Ochaco was on her period when she was hyped for the tournament arc

Outside of shoujo I've read manga by male authors that touch the subject.

>taking bait that obvious

There was one girl in a manga which was all fired up at the end of the chapter but she got cramps in the last panel.

I can't remember though. Maybe it was a doujin.

>they removed it from the remakes


Preach it, Brother!

thats just gross

holy shit
so that how it works
looks painful


How new?

Nah, there are plenty of harem written by male mangaka which use it as comedic relief.

Tsuyu probably was

so much blood
is this accurate?

No, and they don't poop or pee either

Yes, and it's easy to deal with. If you were female you wouldn't give a flying fuck.

>not liking periods is being new
you disgust me old are you?

I mean how have you never seen this gif?

go on tell us more how male authors are bastards and shit

You know they wear these things for hours, right?

am i not allowed to react to images ive already seen. if i see something gross multiple times, its still gross. blood is gross to look at and blood coming out of vaginas is even more gross

fuck off normalfag

Why jap women don't shave? That's gross.

In Dream Hunter Rem one girl has one in the shower, you see the blood go down the plughole and someone's like "Oh wow, you got your period" and then it's just never mentioned again.
But there was no reason to bring it up in the first place, it's just there. It's like The Room.

I want to lick my waifus bloody pantsu~

how about you keep your faggotry to yourself?

You fuck off, virgin.

Anime girls don't have periods and they don't poop. This is common knowledge.

I hope every girl you ever date knows you're a fucking little wuss who gets grossed out about a completely normal part of her biology.

>calling people virgin on Sup Forums

Nah he's right fuck off normalfag.

Why do women complain about periods so much? Boo-hoo you get a little sore and bleed some. I once had a fairly bad bloody nose for 30 hours straight and I didn't whine about it.

Pads are gross. In school the girls won't give a fuck and just throw these things around in the bathroom or try to flush them but that doesn't work.
Tampons are way cleaners and easier to dispose.


you can tell summer sure has come

It's actually literally just
>duh, blood come out from your pussy, big deal
Did you even cut your own finger ever in your life?

People like you are the reason this shit exists.

>dating 3DPD

Where are you people coming from?

The only people I've heard complain about periods are men


Ew user, how low are your standards? That's not only gross but also unhygienic.

Because it's every month for 120 hours straight and because it hurts like you have explosive diarrhea about to come out except the pain doesn't stop because there is no diarrhea that comes out.

There is a manga called Aiko no Ma-chan which is basically all about the subject. The vagina has a face and talks to the protagonist.

It's not. Tampons are 1/4 the size of the average dick so it doesn't really feel like anything. Although it's likely painful for an grade schooler because the hole is a lot smaller as long as she's a virgin.

In BnHA Tsuyu slaps Mineta before he can mention something about Uraraka being on her period.

Fuck off.

except its literally the same fucking thing? a tampon will float if you try to flush it all the fucking same - thats why you throw all those fuckers in a bin

plus one is literally three times as expensive as the other

>this underage virgin actually believes this

Give me scientfic proof it's unhygienic and I'll consider shaving 365/365.

Should have rolled a male character then.


Only the ones in depressing anime

Waifus and real girlfriends are totally compatible user
You should try it sometime, stop memeing you fap to 3d almost every day

Should I change it to normalfag to appease you, user-kun? I am not the one who made that in the first place, I just saved it.

>its a safe day

What the fuck did you think they meant when they say this?

you have blood inside you at all times

Now you know what those feminine hygiene commercials mean when they say, "heavy flow".

Depends on the girl. Some have light and easy periods while others can have severely painful and heavy periods. I've known some girls that had to go to the hospital for it due to the amount of blood loss.

i had a huge shit this morning and it was painful

can i relate?

Nah some women definitely do but they're usually the type who complains about everything anyway

They only complain about it when women plugging the toilet with their flushed pads because they are too embarased just put it into the fucking trashcan.

An average woman loses 2-3 tablespoons of menstrual fluid during her period.


shit is normal biology for everyone but everyone hates it because its gross. fuck off. no one wants to step in shit and guess what, i dont wanna step in vaginal blood either

yeah women dont complain about it

they use it to validate their retarded behavior with "muh hormones"

Yes you should.
>I am not the one who made that in the first place, I just saved it.
If you weren't so new you would know that it doesn't fit in Sup Forums.


Which chapter/arc is that?

Unlike you, disgusting bushes, normal girls shave. Now tell me you don't shave your legs and armpits too. And if YOU weren't virgins you'd know that men don't like fucking a bush but would rather a clean, smooth puss.

It's not gross when you're properly educated about the subject. Shall we start with the endometrium and how and why it sheds, user?

I doubt feeling like you have to shit for 5 days is really something to get worked up over, especially if you know it's coming.
I had a sister who always complained about it, and so did girls in high school.

Try watching less porn Tyler

>you'd know that men don't like fucking a bush

you're a fucking faggot go kill yourself

This thread is so full of retards holy shit hahaha!


>And if YOU weren't virgins you'd know that men don't like fucking a bush but would rather a clean, smooth puss
Go ask in any milf/onee-san thread and you'll see how wrong you are.

fuck off scatfag