This movie is going to be so terrible and anti-white that Rotten Tomatoes said they're going to be removing negative reviews
Black Panther
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We will ICE one of the actors
If they're removing reviews, why should people believe their reviews at all?
If done with one, what's to say their entire process isn't manufactured?
its a pretty good movie, that actors are decent and it has a captivating story. you should watch it
>Rotten Tomatoes said they're going to be removing negative reviews
really? link please.
The shaved-head negress is cute, I want to rub my cock around on her stubbly head
>inb4 a million raging responses
we must listen to our jewish overlords goys
Actually if the movie was good it would be good.
A big message to Niggers to just go and make their own hewroes rather than to try and blackwash Ironman and Spiderman.
Like Nigga just make your own shit and enjoy it, stop nagging the whity to give you shit, make your own.
But well it's 2017 and I bet my beer it's gonna be "Fuck Whity the movie" because everything is political now, what a genuine shame.
Remember how everybody just like Blade and nobody gave a shit before the massive racism of the left?
Pull your sweat pants up and stop crying
Oh shit
i took my wife to see the movie and we really enjoyed it. i would take her daughter too, but i think it would be too violent for her
Blade was good, yeah.
>my wife's daughter meme
you're going all in, eh?
>removing negative reviews
>her daughter
>my wife's son
I can't tell if you're being ironic on /pol or actually serious.
we still need some proog, you know. So far it's just OP saying something on the internet.
what do you mean? she had a child before we met, but she doesnt want the child to be "mine" so she asked me to refer to her as "my wifes"
This movie is a 2 hour advertisement for fascism. We should sell it to the public as such.
Nothing would help us more than blacks deciding they want an ethnostate.
There is just so many cliches in what you just said
That's perfectly reasonable, my Hebrew friend :^)
>wut is b8
They are claiming that ANY negative review is "Hate speech"
You couldn't make it up.
god,somestimes Is posters give me a kek
reminder that all of the like 20 BP threads are just shills and journalist plants trying to make pol seem asshurt over some nigger capeshit movie that nobody gives a fuck about to then write hot garbage soyposts on their retard vanity blogs they call news outlets.
Sage goes in all fields
>anti-white that Rotten Tomatoes said they're going to be removing negative reviews
that's a long way of spelling kike
black lives panther
Well played morty, now tell them how proud they'd be if their underage daughter brought the buck home for dinner. They love *their* movie stars!
and a rabid jew appears
Disney shilling to try to create controversy for there shit movie so it doesnt flop. Fuck off OP you shill
>black panther loses to a swimming pool
I'm beginning to come around to Israeli posters. If you can't beat the memes: make more.
all "reviews" for movies have been shilled for years. Useless now. This black power movie will be shilled into the stratosphere and might make money, but it will be the worst dump of shit in history.
>Disney shilling to try to create controversy for there shit movie so it doesnt flop
hahahahah, you niggers are on fire these days
>make all nigger movie
>dat rascits
come on, launch into the kangz
i'd rather put my dick in a meat grinder than anywhere near that hideous negress
>my dick in a meat grinder than anywhere near that hideous negress
but user observe the peaceful progress of this species
Just wait until it comes out in China lol
all you really have to do is starting memeing how this is a black only move on black twitter and if you see any white people disrespecting that then there is gonna be trouble.
blacks will jump all over it and whites will be scared off.
the theaters will be chimp out zones on opening night
Wakanda is an isolationist country on the same level as pre-Commodore Perry Japan.
The people of Wakanda are highly nationalistic and believe in preserving culture, tradition, and history.
Wakanda has closed borders and they turn away refugees.
The film's secondary villain, Klaw, is a globlist who wants to open Wakanda's borders and force things like immigration and free trade.
The film's primary villain, Killmonger, is the embodiment of BLM culture, being the descendant of a slave and believing this entitles him to free shit (in this case, Wakanda's abundant wealth).
Don't be fucking retards Sup Forums
Instead praise this movie everywhere for promoting the alt right values we hold dear. Make this movie a symbol of the alt right and the left will have no choice but to attack their own sacred monkey.
its true
Man, israeli posters are fun. If you can’t beat the memes, become le happy merchant
people aren't that smart, they wont get it. its worth a try though
let it die or SAGE.
Go shill for your nigger movie elsewhere
The only good black heroes were created by white people.
Holy shit who fucking cares
yeah the green lantern was black fir a while too. and there were quite a few people in x-men that were black as well.
I'm almost beginning to think that these threads are a honeypot to throw off the scent when it comes out and people don't know how to pan it properly. It is always said that the left are the real racists. Well look at this movie actually watch the trailer and realize that that is what they think of black people and their culture. Even accelerated and elevated to the point of space magic the best they still have are thatched skyscrapers and glowing spears. Right now we're playing right into the (((lefts))) hands on this one. We don't have to do anything here their portrail is so racist that on any form of inspection people should be aghast it was allowed to be made at all. This in my opinion is the jew just now realizing their folly trying desperately to cast off the blame before it lands squarely in their lap. They are projecting this as the absolute pinnacle of Africa and what it could have been and their view of black culture is so low that this is the best they could come up with.
We don't need to do anything about this movie. Let black people have it. BP was always black I don't begrudge black people having their own heroes, but god damn this movie makes them look like spear chuckers from space. If anything the campaign we should be doing should be to praise the african the culture they chose to portray to the greatest extent possible.
>Why should the white man look down on a brotha for looken fly with a big disk in his lip?
>A guns a bich weapon and whitie don't let brothas carry heat now how. Why caint I roll down the strat with a spear?
These are the things we should be pushing for.
this movie is large scale propaganda, telling kangz to take back what was theirs (flying pyramids and sheeit)
do I have a problem with this movie? no.
>looks like shit superhero crap
that's my problem
I'm certain this is just more negative advertising to get groups if people to watch it out of spite for other groups if people.
It works every time.
They're going to say it was a great success and the biggest grossing Marvel movie ever regardless of the actual outcome.
Yeah except SJW's don't have much money and they aren't as big as white people that are tired of being fucking bothered.
Green Lantern are inherently a group. It's a title, not an identity.
It's like saying the cop was black for a while too.
Thor, on the other hand, is a guy's name. God of Thunder is a title. We'll use 'Frank to illustrate'
>Jane Foster is now Frank!
Doesn't make a lick of sense unless she's a mentally ill tranny.
>Jane Foster is now the God of Thunder
That works.
I will do it... for our greatest ally.
> already have made the claim "selling more tickets than any other marvel movie put together"
> doesn't bother to mention that its only "PRE-SHOW" tickets that were sold BEFORE the movie came out, not actual attending audiences
> if it was legitimaly filling theaters more than other marvel movie before it, there would be video footage all over the fake media showing all the people going to see it....but there is isn't, because in reality, very few people are really going to go out their way to pay to watch this trash
Klaue says Fuck You!
Does your wife have a boyfriend?
I went to the movies and its not playing yet. Stop advertising
holy sweet Moses, you sub-human kikes are like the borg.
This is state sponsored propaganda at this point. Welcome to 1984
All you need to do is path around the (entirely correct) idea that Rotten Tomatoes is removing negative reviews, literally rigging this movie to be a success.
It might get a 99.999% on Rotten Tomatoes but no one will watch it.
Why is Sup Forums losing their shit over this movie? They didn't take a franchise and blackwash it, or womanwash it, or gaywash it, so what's the problem?
>RT removing negative reviews
So, how would you use that to your advantage? Sabotage every little movie that's coming out after BP? How would you guys backfire at them?
>Rotten Tomatoes said they're going to be removing negative reviews
It would be inconceivable if they didn't
>as a black woman
have fun deleting my reviews.
do all animals turns you on, or just monkeys?
What's fucked up is I always liked Black Panther. He's basically a good guy version of Doctor Doom. King of his own high tech nation who runs around doing the hero thing. But thanks to Obama stirring up racial bad blood, the movie is being politicized to all hell. "Muh first black hero." SJWs have the memory of a knat. None of them know or care that the first successful Marvel cape movie was Blade with Wesley Snipes. And back in 1998 there was no We Wuzing. Blade was just a cool guy kicking vampire ass. Black action heros were accepted and not looked at as anything unusual. Obama set us back 30 years in race relations.
How much of the advance ticket sales are paid for by Soros?
>John Stewart
>Spawn if you want to count him
>Static fucking Shock
While "BP' was technically the first Black superhero in a year like 1966, and I respect that, I hate how every black SJW thinks he's the first to ever appear in a movie. shit pisses me off. I wish the movie was cancelled because I know for a fact, they aren't going to act anything inspired by the comics.
Sup Forums isn't moving their shit over this movie. Shills are coming to Sup Forums claiming they are losing their shit over this movie.
Pretty much this. I never could get niggers. They should have bought their own busses rather than sue to ride ours. Fuck, they sue to give us their money all the time.
Losing what shit? Why do you come here and instantly assume its us? Do you not recognize shilling when a propaganda movie comes out? Or are you just another shill adding fuel to the fire, by blaming it on us as well?
What pisses me most off about this movie is that they are using bipartisan and identity culture as a marketing tool to get people to "have to see it." Thats precisely why I'm avoiding it. Blank man, Meteor Man, Blade, these series didn't try to push the whole black angle. They were just fun superhero movies.
But no shit like this has to be a "you either see it or you're racist." I'm avoiding Marvel movies from now on. As a black guy, this is offensive as fuck and basically is a shitty thing to pressure onto audiences in general.
i dont think people actually say this tho. Maybe if you go onto twitter where there are kids saying shit like that but in real life nobody is going to say "oh you didnt see black panther? then you are racist"
If you want to watch it watch it if you dont want to watch it dont ez pz. Unless yo ucare about what people say on twitter.
>Maybe if you go onto twitter where there are kids saying shit like that but in real life nobody is going to say "oh you didnt see black panther? then you are racist"
I'm currently being frowned upon by my black peers who are asking why I wouldnt want to go see Black panther. Like they're legit don't understand why I wouldnt go see a movie about our culture. I told them straight to their faces: "I don't like him, I don't like the people making the movie, and I mostly don't want to go see it."
This. Blade was excellent. Even the 2nd and third movies were enjoyable, but not as good as the original.
Apparently history didn't exist before millennials as anything they haven't personally experienced simply didn't happen.
>Unless you care about what people say on twitter.
Y-yeah! W-who cares w-what twitter thinks of m-me!
Anyone who wants to see this would be no use to us anyway. Regardless the ratings.
"Alright people, in the light of BLM and victimization, we need a black super hero. Let's hear some suggestions for the character that will appeal to the black community"
I'm supposed to take this shit seriously?
Whats even worse is that every black person with a twitter account and their mother goes on a rampage and claim that everyone would be just like this if withey didn't interfere.
Social media was a fucking mistake
You can't ICE me, I neva freeze
>YO get ya paper up nigga
>I can't comprehend inflation or jews or anything but get dat money lil boi
>Here we made a shield of a special element that is stupidly rare. There are no more left on the earth, as we have had the best scientists in the world calculate and search for it.
The 1st film was so timeless. You go back and watch it. Totally forget it's 20 years old.
Kek. The jews critics were out in FULL FORCE demonizing London Has Fallen. Calling it xenophobic. Audience score of course love it. It was a good action flick to.
Ohhhh veeeeey please don't watch it goy!
>Rotten Tomatoes said they're going to be removing negative reviews
If you post a legitimate negative review, they very likely won't do anything to it, but they are also planning on having to deal with a lot of WE WUZ posting. I expect to see a lot of legitimate negative reviews based on the shitty CGI fight that I saw, but maybe the rest of the movie is less bad.
Shit even black horror ghouls like Candyman were acceptable and weren't just shoehorned in
Sad but true. The late 80's early 90's was a time little white boys in my area mostly looked up to people like Michael Jordan or Will Smith just as much as white athletes and comedians. Now you've got sports niggers creating a racial divide where there wasn't one, and comedy has become political indoctrination.
Nothing will ever help you faggots. There will never be a White ethnostate that would accept the LARPing pussies of Sup Forums and the adults of America are already watching you rejects and salivating at the moment that we can gun you down in public.
Patriotic Americans are everywhere & we always carry. The police will always be on our side, the public will soon come around to support us en masse when we finally move against the SJWs & the Alt-Right.
So go ahead, post your faggy rebuttal in an attempt to assuage your very legitimate fears to your echo chamber on an anime message board.
America doesn't fear you.