A simple guide to piss off every economic philosophy of the compass.
A simple guide to piss off every economic philosophy of the compass
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Centrist much?
Doctrines are cancer.
>cheap unskilled labour is in any way a good thing
ha ha ha
Have to do cost benefit on cheap labor. Importing cheap criminal labor has externalities that the Blue and Purple squares know about.
>Muh roads
If there is a need for roads, people will build roads.
>Implying Potheads care for productivity
Also this
>low prices are not a good thing
gee, your 21st pair of chromosomes must be really annoyed with that third wheel
That entire compass is a bullshit paradigm.
Money and greed is the root of all evil jewcap
Private companies will build the roads - just like they do now
I have literally never heard anything as retarded as what you just said in my entire life.
>But what if excessive weed use decreases productivity?
Cultivate a culture that hires people who practice moderation, don't give welfare benefits to adults capable of work but unwilling to do so.
Just because our retards are loud and really like tumblr doesn't mean we're all like that. Come on.
Anarchism is actually the most retarded thing ever.
Everyone who so much desires having child sex dungeon/meth lab don't understand that they will be the first ones to be working in those.
Also, it would instantly lead to big corporations turning into paramilitary/local governments.
did i not get the memo about the "buy two, get the third free" chromosome sale or something?
>instantly associates AnCap with child sex dungeon/meth lab
This is proof pol works as an echo chamber for the more impressionable among us. No pedos like Jimmy Savile or meth cooks have identified
as AnCap ever
it's 9:18AM where i live, thank you for making my day before i left bed
>but what if the women get pregnant?
What does this mean?
Another mouth to feed.
Obviously you got the memo because you're a free marketer ancap retard
your dream society would evaporate the minute an actual state decides it's conquer fodder
A short strip of road costs more than dozens cars, hundreds if we're talking regular
right, because having a state means you are entirely exempt from being conquered. history really bears out that idea.
and it's not like freely associating people could voluntarily enter into contracts for their own defense or anything.
well sure, when you have a monopoly handling the production of something, it tends to get a bit pricey. do you think it's just natural that a flat surface and some asphalt cost more than a fucking motor vehicle?
You want a road you make a road and charge for its use
Freely associating people can easily be turned against each other via bribery and intimidation.
Plus your voluntary defence organization would be complete shit compared to a professional military bank rolled by a state's revenues. There is simply no contest.
>well sure, when you have a monopoly handling the production of something, it tends to get a bit pricey. do you think it's just natural that a flat surface and some asphalt cost more than a fucking motor vehicle?
>why does something that requires heavy machinery, long hours, and skilled labor to shape land, lay a foundation, and mold material on top of it, then paint it cost more than a collection of small pieces that fit together?
Roads only work because everyone chips in.
i like how you just say things without any evidence to back them up.
anarchist society would probably involve free, private cities, where residents voluntarily pay to live there and receive certain services. these cities could provide their own protection. or, multiple cities could band together for mutual benefit. a historical example of such an occurrence would be the hanseatic league.
>thinking car production also doesn't involve heavy machinery, long hours, skilled labor, and paint
literally farmers in the middle of nowhere can build a huge highway and entirely voluntarily
>no heavy machinery
>no long hours
>no skills
>no paint
>a bunch of hicks on flat land cleared a small section of it and made a dirt road that's susceptible to environmental phenomena and doesnt meet any modern safety standards
There's a reason retard-- i mean anarchist societies dont exist. They were weeded out by political and societal evolution.
Without roads how will the unskilled migrants impregnate the stoner girl?
Human corruption is he root of all evil. Money is a store of value that can be used by people to achieve their goals. That would be like saying guns are the root of all violence.
is there a reason that all this cooperation could not also involve experts? (hint: there is no reason)
what a fucking non-argument. "your ideal society doesn't exist because it wouldn't work." i assume you are not happy with the current state of things. you ideal has not been achieved. therefor, your ideal society is impossible y your own logic because it doesn't exist and i don't need to make any argument.
Wew lad let's do a colour team match bbys
>pay 10cents less in your McBurger
>get stabbed by a feral nigger
Great trade off. Would recommend, works great here in Brazil.
>enjoying your incredibly inexpensive burgers one nice afternoon
>pack of feral niggers try to stab you
>they're violating the NAP, so you mow them down with you McAssaultRifle
is this not appealing to you?
Nigger pack beats one fat amerimutt with a rifle easily