He’s not wrong you know

Polish death camps. See, I just proved it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Amazing isn't it? 90 years later, the Jews are still shaking down the goys for shekels over it.
And it didn't even happen.

>Poland doesn't let itself get ethnically raped out of existence
>Suddenly the mandatory 4 years of Holocaust education in every public school teaches that it was 100% a Polish genocide of the Jewish people that killed 25,000,000 jews.

That's ironic considering if you question eh Holocaust you go to jail. How is that not censoring free speech?

>the screeching harpies and flouncing inner-city homosexuals over at the Guardian commenting on free speech

the nazis had amazing foresight, putting all the death camps on russian occupied land before they even knew where the boarder would be drawn


We are already cenzoring free speech for instance it is forbidden to deny or even contest the holocaust and that is fine for everybody. Double jewish standards everyone.

>germany invades poland
>germany is the anti semitic one
>germany built death camps
>germany manned them
>germany killed polish
>germany killed jews
>soviets kill poles and jews
>both destroy poland for 50 years
Polish death camps

>believing in the holohoax

>he doesn't know about Holocaust II that took place 8 years later in Poland and killed 15 million jews
Read a book

>90 years later, the Jews are still shaking down the goys for shekels over it.

There's a twist though. It seems to have the opposite effect now and people around me are furious at those lyibg kikes and ntobuying their BS.

>poland gets fucked by nazis
>enter war to protect poland
>hand poland over to soviets
>poland gets fucked by soviets


nice try OP


Just a reminder that Israel wouldn't practice their insolence if not for the traitorous US politicians guaranteeing their claims:
Act S 447: congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/447
renamed to Act H.R. 1226: congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1226
Prepare for ,,le based pooland'' to become enslaved to the kikes because it's too poor to pay out 65b USD or to get assraped by the (((bringers of democracy))) if it refuses to pay.

>Holocaust ghosts
Oooooooooy veeeeeeeeeey

>He’s not wrong you know...

Then why is the piece labeled 'opinion' you fucking kike?

Kek the irony.

> amazing how the soviet occupied lands were literally "beyond the pale"
> the very places that, historically, were the shitholes where you exile your jews
> funny how the german plans detail "shipping the juden to the east" before explaining IN DETAIL how they would be worked to death, winnowing their race, until the few survivors would be allowed to live (outside german lands of course) becoming a new, stronger and more civilized race because... science?
> shocking the way the germans rounded up every kike they could catch and shipped them east EXACTLY AS THEY SAID THEY WOULD, and so, all the camps are in the east.
yes, highly suspect.
its almost as if the germans had a plan...

The holocaust never happened to begin with. The fact that jews are allowed to revise the narrative with lies and we are not allowed to with facts (its even illegal to do so in most of Europe) is preposterous.

Any jew who parrots this nonsense about Polish responsibility for the holocaust needs to be exterminated in the spot. Seriously if we the people were to kill all the jews in the US in a single day (which is not as unrealistic as you may think), would we be punished under our laws for it? I don’t think so. They would name streets and buildings after us for centuries

Fucking jews. The country gets attacked from both sides and taken over but it was still their camps. Even though poland was dissolved uts still polands fault.
The polocks didnt want to take in refugees and when pressed by the krauts they asked for reprimands so in retaliation they sent their jews to cast blame upon them.
We should have dropped the bomb on berlin.


> the guardian


does guardian articles not have a comment section?

But Germany can?


I bet 100€ that the author is a crypto-kike. Freedland or (((Friedländer))) ?

Some do and (((some))) don't.

Thanks USrAel.

Since this goy is pro free speech..






The camp was (((reconstructed))) in the late 40's and this is a common knowledge in Poland.

Oi vey! Polish death camps for Jewish Bolsheviks. Somebody better cough up some shekels!

In Poland only though. And (((reconstructed)))



and jews can?





If they're so concerned about free speech, why haven't they been this up in arms about Poland's Holocaust denial law on the books?

Come on goys, gimme some love for the redpills


The holocoaster is pretty fucking classic.

>a Greek cucking for the nazis

Hitler would have gassed you too if he could

Yeah it's fucking hilarious. I posted it above m8

>you lived long enough to see people turn on a country heavily victimized in WWII because of policy disagreements

Hello Chaim, no i am not cucking for nazis, i am calling out your tribe being absolute fucking insane liars. Shabbat shalom

>Poland lets in Jews because of religious tolerance
>Jews flock to Poland
>Jews in West Poland put a huge target on Poland's back for the Germans
>Jews in East Poland sell out the Poles to their Bolshevik kin
>Jews blame Poland

>censoring free speech only works one way goyim


Apologize right now, you filthy goy! Apologize to the "at least six gorillion"


Trying to blame the victim I see

and yes you are cucking for the nazis when you are trying to play down the significance of the holocaust.

Oy vey! It was at least 7 gorillion! I swear they were like 12 gorillion desu senpai

Ayy fucking lmaooooo

> ((((((The Guardian)))))

Should troll Poland about The massgraves of treblinka. Until they flip out and starts an invstigation that uncovers the holohoax.

Wtf. How does that even work? How would they get the car that crashed into the wall (and came to full stop) away from the car that's bound to bump into it in apparently seconds?
Why wouldn't he mention the recovery mechanics for each car?

This is what I don't get as well. Poland was occupied in the first week of WW2, why should they be blamed?

Thanks Greekbro for posting some good stuff

Are you insane Moishe? Who is the victim? Where are the bodies? And no, i am not defending nazis. They were no strangers to atrocity, they wiped out entire villages here because even after they officially conquered Greece (Lookup Kandanos & Distomo), we wouldn't stop killing them in a guerrilla civilian level. This is why it is insane your claim that they would go to such great lengths to transport your kind from all over the place just to gas you, where they just put a bullet in your head.

BUT your lies are far more dangerous to my people than what krauts did, so you get to be my priority

You don't get it Finbro? It was real in his mind, that's all that matters

And i have some more shit, start saving some more

Some villagers killed some Jews in a barn therefore we are all guilty.
Others saved some Jews in their basements or attics but apparently group responsibilty applies only in one case.
Basically they're trying to guilt trip us like they did successfuly so many times before but it's spectacularly blowing up in their faces.

the guardian is controlled by the guardian media group and this is bought by golman sach and yes jews control golman sach


>Some villagers killed some Jews in a barn therefore we are all guilty.
>Others saved some Jews in their basements or attics but apparently group responsibilty applies only in one case.

Yeah you don't get to extort "reparations" from people who saved your kin's life.


It is quite simple. They want us to guilt trip and suck money like a leech like they od with you and Austria. If they only could imagine the reaction they got in Poland.

Yes, it was all a setup for another racket.

They think that you will get the 1.5 billion euros in reparations from Germoney and they want a hefty chunk off of it Pawel

So does this mean the Germans are innocent now? Or the did country that got BTFO by the Nazis first somehow share equal blame with them now? How does this even make sense?

Sure, evil jews yadada, but I'm more confused about how people reading it didn't call him out for being a complete retard? More specifically I'm confused how almost everything related to holocaust wasn't being called out.
Were people just fucking stupid back then or what gives?



I can't believe they managed to completely pervert history, and make people believe their bullshit, by playing simple word game.
>the death camps were in poland
>therefore the camps were polish
>polish death camps
>therefore the poles were the one conducting the holocaust
>oy pay me goyim

Because they have been guilt-tripping the West since before WW2, pic related. So, when they control the press and they have been guilt-tripping generations of people, who is gonna call them out, especially when you didn't have the anonymity and the reach of the internet?


It is something about something else. Everybody knows we will not get a broken dime from Germany, it is our self-defence system from not taking any rapefugees.
If you wish to know more refer to this:
and read more what is Terezin Declaration.

Enjoy this fresh OC

That isn't entirely true, the camps where also manned by foreign volounteers serving as auxillaries to the SS-TV, who by the way did nothing wrong. But from my limited understanding most of those seem to have been Soviet deserters.

Maybe the thought that they could extort Germany for you, so they can get that cut afterwards. Or they just straight-up accuse everyone of shoahing them, who the fuck knows when you deal with the nose?

KEK fucking saved





Some of them even think that SS units responsible for running camps were staffed by Poles or alternatively they're just liars.

Nice, post more, bro

How come the JDIF never sticks around when we dump these caps of "eye witnesses"?

>who the fuck knows when you deal with the nose?

History taught us one thing - expect the worse when you deal with the crooked nose.


They want to destory monoracial white nations. Germany could lose its retirees to Poland once your country turns to shit.

It's ironic, because the camp guards were actually jews in most cases. I'm so fucking tired of their bullshit

