Medieval Europe's demographics were identical to current Brazil

>Medieval Europe's demographics were identical to current Brazil
>somehow this doesn't explains ehy Europa was (and still mostly is) extremely homogeneous to the point that many regions are completely inhabited by native Europeans

What's with these people trying to forcefully insert niggers literally everywhere? Why do they have an aneurysm the minute they see a lot of whites together? Why do they have such a problem with anything they deem "too white"?

Also how come they're supposed experts on medieval demographics and migratory routes yet:
1-they cant name any of the alleged routes or any record that indicates many non-europeans lived in the area at the time
2-they neve explain if medieval Europe was allegedly so multicultural, how is it still mostly homogeneous? How was it so homogeneous at the turn of the century? Where there's extensive demographic records

Other urls found in this thread:

>imagine being this person
>imagine thinking the only reason a game is bad it's because there's no black people on it

These are same type of idiots that were upset Witcher didn't have any token niggers forced into it's story.

I really need to get a VPN already and circumvent that IP range-ban Twitter hit me with. I can't stand not being able to troll these cunts.

These are the same people who bitch and whine when there's token niggers inserted into the story because "tokenism is racism!"
Yet they also bitch and whine when you don't insert any token niggers.

Why? Because there's no way to satisfy these retards, they MUST keep whining about fucking everything.
Only way they stop bitching is when the cast becomes 90-99% non-white (preferably black, seeing how they're furiously masturbating to the +90% black cast of black panther's) and even then they would start bitching about something else.

what does algeria, moroco, egypt, tunisia, libya has to do with niggers? are these people retarded? do they think people from these countries are black?

I'm buying it because the director stuck to his guns and didn't cave to pressure.
It wasn't made for these people anyway.

Posting this legendary tirade from 3 years ago about this exact issue.
Support this game dev!

>do they think people from these countries are black?
Niggers unironically think people from those areas were indeed black.
Niggers literally believe everybody used to be black or black dominated in the past.
Asians, Europeans, Middle easterners, Amerindians

Fuck forgot pic