Why doesnt the goveenment enforce truth in advertising laws?
Pic related, I go out to get a burger for breakfast amf I expect poc telated but get 1 lb of mayo, a tomatoe and a vat of mayo concealing a thin wafer of meat. After complaining to the manager I was told "thats the size of the patty now" which doesnt remotely resemble the meat I was promised in the ad.
Sau what you will about Mcf's but at least the Quarter Pounder has the name in the title so they cant jew you as hard. Fuck Burger King
Why doesnt the goveenment enforce truth in advertising laws?
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Even if they gave you a 300 page novel with the food you buy hardly anyone would read it. Most just want the satisfaction of junk food.
At some point the burden is on the consumer to educate themselves about what they are eating. This isn't the 80 where they could cloak and dagger their chemical cocktails. All the info you could want is online. If you ever trusted people making money off you to care for your long term well being you're a fool.
You fucking stupid mong. Think for yourself. Have you had a fat food job to understand the kind of people that work there. It's shit cheap food served wiggly by low paid lazy fucks. If the government needs to tell you these things you should just hand over your testicles now and save future generations from your stupid downy genes
governments don't have the resources to force every single service industry worker to produce picture perfect products every time
>go out to get a burger for breakfast
>b u r g e r
b r e a k f a s t
>Mcf's but at least the Quarter Pounder has the name in the title so they cant jew you as hard
1/4 lb. before cooking, big guy
>junk food
crunk food, surely
About to get a breakfast burger too. I stick with McDonald's though I know it's going to be good. Fuck whoppers
burger king is disgusting i can't believe they are even open. last time i got nuggets there they were soggy and cold and disgusting.
Why Not?®
No picture, no story.
US: The Post
Nice proxy faggot
Class action lawsuits and lawsuits in general enforce truth in advertising.
BK sucks anyways stick to Mcdonalds or Wendys.
>get a burger for breakfast
Superb bait.
> He doesnt get a Breakfasy Burger
I eat between 8-11 burgers per week
>burger for breakfast
and I'll add that fast food is a rip off anyway. I can make 2 %100 beef burgers at home for less than $3. Big fucking 2/3 pounders, a food place, (any) should try and keep their profit around 50-55%, the fast food burgers after the cut down on the beef, slicing tomatoes, onions, cheese and bacon thinner results in a 85% mark up at minimum. A total rip off done for no reason that make their stock holders happy.
If me and the gf had showered earlier we'd have been out the door an hour ago to go to Culvers and do shopping.
Food of the gods
McDonalds quality has gone way up since they did away with the dollar menu for more "gourmet" sandwiches. Burger King is and has always been horrible.
dude what the fuck
Is that butter? Nice
Both mcd and bk have soy flour in buns. Beware
cook your own burger, you lazy fat fuck.
1. you can't self bump
2. BK is one of the better burger joints in terms of quality
Fuck you it is.
Because the Food Police isn’t a thing
The king burgers are fucking massive, I can never finish it.
it is
>non-American detected
BK is my shit. From the list of "standard" fast food, or fast food you can get in any state, BK Whopper is by far the best burger.
Op here. Just went and git a Double 1/4 lb for comparison and it is clearly a far more aesthetic burger.
well, at least OP is on the right board with all the other Fredos
>at least the Quarter Pounder has the name in the title so they cant jew you as hard
It may weight a quarter of a pound, but that doesn't mean it's "beef."
And you ate them both im guessing? You fat fuck, why didn't you just google "double 1/4lb" for comparison instead?
fuck this world
I am 6 feet 1 inch and weigh 230. I look like everyone else
And I went out because I wasnt pleased with my burger experience
500 grams of gluten rich bread for breaksfast. This is why u are called Burger
>this is what third worlders eat
I've gotten some disappointing meals at fast food joints but nobody ever served me something wiggly. WTF are you on about?
Low metabolism soyboy detected
Bros does anyone know that great feeling when you just finish a burger? Lile that moment when ypu are consuming the last bite and it just feels so good
I used to work for a MacDonalds and there was a mexican cunt that always pronounced "cheeseburger" as "cheesebooger".
>tru stori
you have to go back
Time is also an investment and I am happy to pay a few bucks more for someone else to do it for me.