Russian Su-25 shot down in Syria
Russian Su-25 shot down in Syria
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How bout a source u fucking faggot
Please let WW3 happen. It's really boring with all this lead up time.
bump, need to take a dump right now or something bad happens, but this looks authentic indeed
Couldn't tell from the video what happened
Oo, Russian trash tech gets shot down how surprising
>In Syria
Nobody cares about your desert shithole you goatfucking sandnigger, go tell Sup Forums
>Le world war 3 :DDDD
Putin couldn't even take over Ukraine which literally at the time of the invasion had no cohesive government or prepared military
Saw one report of pilot captured..
>Nobody cares about your desert shithole
Russia seems to care enough to put their airforce there.
pilot is dead
yeah this is happening, in the idlib area.
This is the pilot (((FSA))) states
that's because putin never tried to "take over" ukraine moron
Document found on the pilot's person
Picture of the plane debris
Kalibri missiles are currently hammering the area btw
this however is also supposed to be from the plane
Can we get a translation? Kek, I thought this board was full of Russian agents
mutt posters are fucking braindead
go back to /ptg/, faggot
uh oh
They are stating the pilot was killed after landing, while resisting now
Come onnnnn Russia do something more drastic I want more to happen like the EU to retaliate because then we'd have a war
video from crash site
I do not know this and can't verify, but it looks like the russians might have retaliated by striking the area with cruise missiles after the pilot was killed.
I hope they got the cunts
>hey everyone look at me, I am at the crash site
that would be pretty epic
I'll put this through google translate so expect a few errors. Also the quality of the photo and the state of the paper isn't helping.
>кoммaндиpy вoйcкoвoй чacтн 23944-2
commander of the military private 23944-2
>Пpoшы Baшeгo хoдaтaйцтвa пepeд вышeeтoяццим кoмaндoвзниeмo пpeдcтaвлeнии к нaгpaждeию гocyдapcтвeннo гpyппы , пo итoгpaм выпoлнeння cпeцaлыных зaдaч в CAP:
Proshy your intercession before the above teammind the presentation to the award of the state group, on the results of fulfilling special tasks in the SAR:
>Maйopa ФИЛИПOBA Poмaнa Hикoлaeвичa, Ф-215874
MAYOR FILIPOV Roman Nikolaevich, F-215874
>Кoмaндиp cмeшaннoгo aбийoннoгo пoлкa (ocoбoгo нaзнaчeння) вoйcкoбoй чacти-пoлeвaя 23994-2 пoдпoлкoвник
The commander of the mixed ambitious regiment (special assignment) of the military unit-field 23994-2 lieutenant colonel
>2018 гoдa
year 2018
>C. Aкceлнoв
S. Akselnov
What could take down an SU-25? Shouldn't it have countermeasures against MANPADs, and failing that, be able to take a hit or two without major damage to the aircraft?
Isn't kalibri a font?
who did shoot it down? it's not like bunch of rebels with machine guns would be capable...
That was "moderate freedom fighters"
rocket launchers can't hit fighterjets... fighterjet can outrun the projectile, there must have been some serious equipment...