So the power of soy

So the power of soy...

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All this soy noise began with Monsanto.
That fucking hell hole, demon filled, shitty company started all this as a marketing attempt to appeal to healthy people with a new health food.
All this genetic alteration garbage is going to go nowhere but the dumpster once people truly find out how amazing their body is when they discover things like fasting, full body orgasm, or out of body experiences.

This is soy

He's looked like a goofy bastard since Road Trip in the late 90s.

Are all beans bad or just soy beans?

Beans are great for you. Soy is also hardly anything compared the esrogen in cow milk. Sup Forums should be more concerned with the milk jew.

So that talk about sentience of soy was real after all.

high estrogen makes you chubby

not if you barely eat

how do you eat a lot of soy if you don't eat? checkmate atheists

soy is literally fine. beer has more xenestrogens.
but red beans are patrician food.

He had cancer or something as a kid and it stunted his development

>what are proportions
You can have a diet high in estrogen for the little that you actually do eat. Checkmate emus.

>full body orgasm
>out of body experiences
Go back to /fringe/ schizo

>"soy is literally fine."
GET OUT¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!!

Probably had his balls stomped because he was a geek

>the scent of soy permeated the room

it is. go ask /fit/. it's a meme. stop believing everything you read on the internet.

>stop believing everything you read on the internet.
>go ask /fit/
Aside from the obvious irony in your post, if /fit/ is your go-to for nutrition advice ur in a pickle m9

The jury is out on whether soy will fuck up your shit but it's probably worth avoiding

Your whole culture is a meme faggit



It's not a meme though. Soy is linked to estrogen production.

>go ask /fit/.

t. soyboy

These are all achievable things to the every day man. It is not a schizophrenic or fringe idea. I would suggest you are schizophrenic and fringe.

When in the fuck did soy start having a smell?

Intermittent fasting is great for health, weight loss and t levels

>the scent of soy permeated the room
So they can still ejaculate, then?

>some mulatto body guilder says soy doesnt cause feminine characteristics and has a voice higher pitched than my GF

Looks like he's been using more than soy

Aw, I quite like this dude. He deserves the Steve Rogers treatment.
Turn him into the ultimate Hollywood Chadhunk.

He's been a good sport about being the go-to weedy guy in movies and TV for long enough.

god i miss cosmo

Fasting is real, moron

STFU you fucking soy homo.
You know it's fagging you out.
We know it's fagging you out.

Only when that shit gets fermented does it get deactivated. Beer is fine. Homo soy faggot liar.

>the scent of soy permeated the room

Who is shilling who? Beer has megadoses of estrogen due to HOPS

Just kys double shill

He has become...SOY-MAN

Soy beans and fermented soy is fine, the problem is the mass amount of soy in absolutley everything.

Cosmo is not dead, merely reborn. Ground into a fine powder then reconsituted with pure self-loathing and misery.

I don't like how Sup Forums focuses entirely on soy but ignores the birth control soup in tapwater, BPA in all your plastic, Hops in beer, lavender and tea tree in your shampoo, and countless other sources of xenoestrogenic compounds (((coincidentally))) found everywhere

What about the estrogen pills are those ok?!

I am become soy, bringer of homosex

>You know it's fagging you out.
>We know it's fagging you out.

This. Fagging you out big time.

Cut him some slack, it's not his fault and he's a good actor

>He was diagnosed withHodgkin's lymphomaat age 14; after two years of treatment, hiscancerwas said to be inremission. According to Qualls the chemotherapy he received at an early age sped up his metabolism and impacted his system at a time of growth, "It stopped my development," which explains his slender frame.

He was annoying in High Castle but somehow still better than Frank.

He's an annoying cunt in Z Nation

Z Nation sounds like the sort of movie no-one should ever watch, though.

no fella, THIS is the power of soy

Frank was /ourguy/ though

Let me cut you off right there.

Keep the soyboi memes flowing lads. They're really butthurt over this one. They've actually organized a shill campaign against it. This cripplechan user absolutely nails it.

That's literally from the Guinness book of world records though

lots of soy, jew

Enjoy the soy! You too can sprout your own array of nerd culture tattoos to distract from the fact you are as soft as baby shit. The joy of soy is in the goy.

He’s the only character in the show with a shred of personality other than obergruppenfuhrer.
>decides to take matters into his own hands after his family gets gassed
>alpha enough to kill the nip emperor
>breaks up with his roastie gf for pure nipponese girl
His only crime is having to live under nip control


how do you have a full body orgasm?

/fit/ will tell you to eat ur onions boy

>name is Tristen
god kill me already

Even his purse puppy is mixed.

"My Avocado Toast treatment is working great except for all the cancer."

>tiny avocados growing in California man's stomach

>Are all beans bad or just soy beans?
Beans are good, but soy has become the add it to every last thing bean. It is a lot like High Fructose Corn Syrup. Soy is the AIDs of beans right now.
I eat all sorts of beans, but soy is not one of them. Chick peas are for some based humus that I make at home. Buying pretty much any premade food is cancer now.

Gas that disgusting degenerate faggot nu-male. Oh wait, nevermind, no need... It won't reproduce so we'll just wait for it to die off on its own.

He died months ago and not a word was said

fasting actually feels really good.
links for this full body orgasm?


Soy, and tofu num num double the pure wussiness,


chickpeas, lentiles, also have natural estrogen and it's part of our diet for millenia. So you can be sure those are safe.

What a fucking train wreck.

The absolute state of the white man/boy/faggots. I fear our white race will die off to the PoC. The worst part of it is you were so easily indoctrinated into it.

>BASED racemixing literal jew is /ourguy/!
I want boomers to leave

Bonus points for
>americanized asians are anything even remotely resembling pure

>doesn't like the trade minister

he's easily the best character in the show

Not a full body orgasm but look up the frenulum


Deep Soy

Fake article fake science SAGE

They always remind me of someone who is too old for the party. I couldnt imagine being a man child and hanging out with 19/20ish year olds in my 30s.

>that much soy
Shit nigger that much of any one thing in your diet is gonna fuck you up.

god am i glad i am allergic to soy so i didnt took this stuff much in my life

goodnight sweet prince

i have this theory dark soy is oil, but "deep soy" sounds just as good :

Estrogen and anti-androgens should do it since a full body orgasm is also called thr female orgasm.

Whats with all these fucking bloviating stories about faggots editing their DNA, which ramble on for 5 fucking pages of pretentious wordy nonsense only to not fucking say one god damn word about its actual effect

Shut the fuck up and tell me when something happens fucking faggot clickbaiting nu-male cancer

>how amazing their body is when they discover things like fasting, full body orgasm, or out of body experiences.

you had me until you said fasting and all that other shit

youd be amazed how healthy people can be if they eat healthy, and i dont mean by simply just avoiding sugars and fats, you will still be far from healthy

Wow. I sure as hell didn't trust that soylent shit when the guy ran his kickstarter. But dat pic..... fuck man. I am never trying that shit.