give me a reason to not racemix
Give me a reason to not racemix
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we hate you niggers.
To preserve our own.
Your children won't look like you, your parents or your wife. They will be just a sad el goblino.
That said I also heard that mutts have a lower chance of getting a match on transplant lists and may be ore susceptible to some diseases (not sure about the last one completely).
Your goblin children will also have no sense of belonging to any group, thus making them prone to mental illnesses.
Stop making brazilians
The prettier the black girl, the more europeon dna she has
Your babies will be brown and will look nothing like you.
Your children will resent you for having no racial identity
because your kind will be rounded up and killed in the coming years
The pic is enough reason for me
your children will be fucked up unless you have really strong community ties and are both good parents.
everyone in that picture looks terribly interbred..
Because you're children will bear the punishment of your mistake
Racemixing isnt a huge issue preserving the culture is more important however ofc i dont want to see 4 people out of 5 racemixing because that would destroy the identity of our people and the diversity so prefer to say this in my opinion 2 people out of 5 should be allowed to race mix
No. More of us are needed.
If you can snare the girl in the webm then absolutely go and take that prize.
Your son/daughter will lose some IQ points and may turn out to have identity crisis.
Don't care. Remove yourself and your genes from the white genepool. Good riddance!
Rageafterstorm in blackface
it fucks up the genepool
the smell
56% memes
not as bad as u
just a meme usually mixed people looks good just look at Brazilians
>just a meme usually mixed people looks good just look at Brazilians
What an annoying cunt.
Imagine the nigglet kids. That’s enough for me.
no niggers EVER.... kill em all.
I actually do find somali/east african women strangely attractive, sucks that we filled our country with west Africans because they are just terrible
>t.75% cousin marriage Pakistani
>give me a reason
She's ugly
Good looking brazilians is a conservacuck meme, and an old one. People have been saying "muh brazilian models" at least 10 years ago.
Race is a feeling, bang whoever your attracted to. Your dick knows what's best.
BUT be monogamous and stick to the woman you bang for life, otherwise you're a filthy degenerate.
Give me a reason why you need a reason from Sup Forums
Where can I meet a girl who looks like that? Ethiopia seems to be the only relatively safe country and where the girls are open to foreigners. Somalia and Eritrea seem like no go zones.
Minneapolis and Cleveland.
Sweden if you go abroad.
well i've been to Stockholm and in Argentina and the girls were better in Argentina tbqh
there are also parts of sudan but they are in war so also a no go zone
Lmao this girl is 90% white, nothing about her looks black except her skin color
>sees flag
carry on, mongrel
>Sweden if you go abroad.
How common are they in Sweden? I thought it was just a meme.
Looks sexy. Indian people look more white, too white for me, but this girl has a tinge of black features which looks hot.
she's somalian you moron
I believe shes of somalian heritage.
People want validation user, even if they dont notice that, or just shitposting.
holy shit are you retarded? ever see an ethiopian before?
your pic related
Good luck
Either way their family will despise you if you can pull a nonpracticing one to begin with
Or just revert to Islam and marry one
I have yet to see an issue on Sup Forums that isn't solved by "revert to Islam"
You can't get laid.
I'd bet 100 dollars she's far more attractive than some bulgarian NEET
Ethiopians are predominantly christian. Also one of the first christian countries
What do they mean by this?
your kids will be ugly niggers
racemix all you want faggot. why would we give you a reason not to do degenerate stuff.
You wont survive the coming revolution though.
LOL these type of women arent at all common in Sweden since the country is full of refugee's mostly male
I suggest maybe here in Italy we have some "italian blacks" originally from Eritrea and Ethiopia however i dont live among them so im sorry i dont know much about the topic im guessing they are usually in big cities
Give me that chocolate pussy, oh lord
dark brown labia
idk what that says and i dont know what they are doing but because you found something specific in Ethiopia that seems wrong you will say the entire country is like that?
>Varg thinks this baby is white
your kids wont be able to swim and will drown because your white and you will go to the beach or a pool sooner or later. you know you will go swimming in the next 5 years for sure. hell you might do it drunk. your kids will drown and your wife will drown trying to save the kids and you will be to drunk to notice and will survive
It's funny that kikes and SJWs keep saying that. Did you know that your masters aka G-d's chosen people were some of the most inbred people on earth? Word needs to get out, 330 people in the middle east that inbred hardcore created the Ashkenazim Jews. lol
Even hillbillies and niggers who inbred in Africa aren't as inbred as the Jew is. They may just be the most inbred people alive and i'm going to post this every time somebody talks about inbreeding.
Get castrated and I don't care.
Why would I?
If you want to race mix that's fine, one less weak set of genese in the white gene pool to worry about
Just remember you're no longer welcome here or anywhere else in the west scum
>Brown skin = aids
You're one of the reasons why education is important.
why is it that they have the highest iq and control everything if they are so interbred
Because inbreeding isn't a bad thing, contrary to what CNN has told you. I didn't say it was either, but why do you retards constantly insult people you believe did?
Insult the Jew if it's true, hypocrite. They are the masters of the cause!
Yeah if they have absolutely no self esteem or redeeming value...
Another supporting argument of this cause is the fact their gene pool is closed and they push diversity on the goyim. Know why the Jews hate goyim eugenics? Because they want you to be the opposite of thoroughbred, true retards - and it's working!
Fuck off
Just look at that thing. That's your reason.
>inbreeding is good
Interbreeding is terrible what are you talking about. If what yo uare saying is true then they hsouldnt be the most successful race
Sup Forums is generally pretty hypocritical about racemixing for men vs women, but the rage ar coalburners also makes more sense from an evolutionary perspective since it takes a long time for a woman to produce offspring while men can dump loads anywhere. Theres also the reality of michrochimerism which means women who get pregnant are mildly genetically altered by the fathers dna, thus women who get impregnated from coal burning literally pay the toll and wear it like a scarlet letter in their own genetics. On the subject of children, mixed race kids frequently report feeling isolated and unhappy with their sense of self, frequently struggle socially and feeling they don't belong and even within their own families as they often end up picking a parent to associate with over the other. You, as a parent will also potentially struggle to emotionally recognise the child as your own progeny as he will not look physically like your kin, which stifles parent-child bonding.
Of course, there can be positive, happy mixed race families and children, but its a masdive risk to hope you find a person of another race you can get along woth long term, get lucky enough yo have kids that end up with some of your features, and then are a great enough set of parents + hit the psychological jackpot enough to prevent the kid from ending up mentally deranged. Even among WMAM, who often get brought up here as "acceptable" miscegenation because we're in a mongolian yak milk ebthusiast book club full of yellow fever, we see the products in the children of those relationships end up being psychologically disturbed in the sane ways as products of other mixed families.
That being said, I would fuck the shit out of OP's chocolate treat, the problems would only arise in reproducing with her. Same with roasties. If they have a niglet shes worthless but sex otherwise I don't see as a problem, particularly since so many western women get encouraged to fuck niggers by the media.
>mfw we have thoroughbred species of canine, feline, snakes, lizards, just about every species you can think of. of course we must breed them to be perfect with their pedigrees
>Jews only breed with their own
Nobody in this thread may even see the pattern. Too dumb, yes?
>white hair
>white clothes
>white furniture
Niggers are so useless.
Mixed children always look like abominations.
Asian/white is bearable but white and black kids are so unbelievably ugly.
You don't want to do this to anyone.
Are Ethiopians white?
These are the hallmark traits of retards who watch too much Simpsons and believe the Jewish portrayal of Cletus
Why are people on this board so dumb? I know the Americans are all mongrels but what about the Canadians? I used to argue with people in chats who turned out to be indian niggers living on Indian reservations with internet access paid for the by the government. Is that what you are?
So you dont get an erection up if black woman arent in they´re tribal attire user?
Bestiality is illegal
Fuck my genes
i want to fill all of her holes
with my special cream and produce superior slav kang athletes
This kind of thought is going to be much more prevalent amongst minorities when they run out of reasons to blame whitey.
Looking forward to people screaming about how much darker they are, so they hvae it much worse.
I dont want you to mix at all degerate.
>So you dont get an erection up if black woman arent in they´re tribal attire user?
she is perfect, paco.
Oh the mental gymnastics you guys come up with as justification for you wanting to fuck your cousins (or whatever family member). This is a no judgment free zone anons, you don't have to make things up. Just be true to yourselves. :^)
That's because they are caucasoid, which means they are "whites".
I'm fine with whatever you say. 330 people, the Jew is so unbelievably inbred every time I think of incest porn I think of them.
I'll give you several.
The reason why black women aren't naturally attractive is their steel wool hair. They can get around it with curling iron, thought it takes a while.
Alot of those cases, its just shitty parenting user.
if you aren't attracted to black women then you're low test