What economic system will come after late capitalism dies off?

What economic system will come after late capitalism dies off?


How much longer do you think late capitalism will last?

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Theocracy and technocracy

this webm with sound is sides splitting to be honest

>late capitalism

nigga, we're just getting started


Not even joking. what happened when businesses own and control more than the government and they flat out say no to government regulations.

Yeah it’s a crime to post this without the sound

>Late capitalism

Fuck off redditor



Didn't expect the guy's response to be "ay yo smdh I'm takin' a shit lil homie wutchu doin lmao"

I'd have stomped that kids head while little pieces of shit fell on him.

Bitcoin of course, we going to the moon nocoiners will sit around on earth eating dirt.

>USD depreciation, collapse of american hegemony
>next struggle will be AI assisted communism vs AI assisted libertarian cryptoeconomies

And people call us cruel.


Imagine being in a libertarian cryptoeconomy of texas and buying filament for your 3-d printer via Amazon drones to build all necessity while your job is to create web content because automation has taken all other jobs.


>implying that Amazon won't be replaced by an autonomous corporation without personnel or profits
>implying that humans will still be creating web content

beam me up scotty

National Socialism

late capitalism is just a meme that literally just made up entriely

*marx literally made up entirely

later capitalism

That would be the A.I. assisted Communist factions of the world. In small pockets would be suburban and rural retards who decided to secede and create their own factions in rebellion against the major population centers of cities. Sort of like city-states. Amazon would be an autonomous floating barge, that refills at several scattered substations on Earth and are packed to the brim with weaponry to repel human intervention. They were programmed with the guidance of a human philosopher-king who immediately after setting up the program and it's capital, commited suicide to show his conviction that this system was not a power grab.
