if ukraine and poland are 90% white,why are they poorer than brazil ?
If ukraine and poland are 90% white,why are they poorer than brazil ?
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100 years of jewish communism.
>100 years
Brazillians make less money than Poles.
How is Poland poorer than Brazil? Poland is second world, while your shithole is clearly third world.
>poorer thet brazil
Because only ignorant alt-right losers think economic development is just about race.
You better read development economists
you guys only have money because of the EU lol
Ravaged by war an Communism, you stupid faggot.
>being this fucking stupid
Average income in Poland has nothing to do with EU you baboon.
Everybody lies and the women are all whores.
>m-muh gommunism!!!
>Rate Homicides per 100.000 inhibitants (2015)
>Poland 0.74
>Brazil 26.74
Gommunism. Jews. Constant turk invasions.
Why the fuck is Brazil that poor? They have nice climate, no enemies, access to ocean, they should be rich.
My friend goes to Odesa to fuck hot girls in new year eve.
Lots of slaves were sent to Brazil. They were, eventually, freed. Then, Brazilian elites iirc pursued a policy of racemixing to ease racial tensions and assimilate people. This did not work, obviously. The spread of the Black plague around the world is our punishment for slavery.
Colonialism and poor institions inherited from colonial times...
Also, high crime rates because society wasn't meritocratic for very long. The corrupt and the criminal traditionally had all the wealth and power
wait 200 more years nigger will be slaves again.
The young one is dating a black guy, look it up
Race has nothing to do with it. Bolivia doesn't have many blacks and is poorer than Colombia or Brazil. Chile is more mestizo than Argentina but is economically more developed.
GDP shows how good the rich have it, not how good the average person has it.
Probably not Pajeet. There are going to be like 4 billion Africans by 2090, the world will get BLACKED and go to shit in all likelihood.
>you guys only have money because of the EU lol
Whats the minimal and average wage in poland?
>poorer than brazil
Are they more poor on a per capita basis?
Brazil is a fucking massive country, it wouldn't surprise me if they outpace Ukraine and Poland in raw economic output. That said, find me a person who would rather live in Brazil over Poland or Ukraine.
Indios are only a little above blacks, though. Also, doesn't Argentina apply borderline-retarded economic policies?
>Why the fuck is Brazil that poor?
7 pierogis a day
Pretty sure average citizen in Poland has better life than one in Brazil.
Dont worry. No one will fall for it. Its obviously a shit post.
It is about race. A lot of Germans went to Brazil. This is the source of Brazil's success over the Ukraine.
Poland is objectively not poorer than Brazil.
And Ukraine lost half of it's GDP per capita in two years because of the war.
Fuck off baboon.
Niggers constitute much less of our population than of american population for instance.
Yet the USA is far more wealthy than us.
We make more money than brazilian monkeys, and ukrainians have always been shit.
próxima vez pesquisa antes de postar merda
Well never mind is about what i make just in a shitty call center (thats average by the way)
Ukraine is just like super poor jesus why? They are the original russians right?
What's the source of Mexico success over Ukraine?
Yep, we are poor and also rabidly racist.
Don't come here monkey.
you get more EU gibs more you slav nigglet
what is ww1, ww2, cold war, communism ?
Also, we're 99,8% huwhite not 90
more x2
>History can explain European problems but South American problems can only be explained with race and non-whiteness
1- Pick a book up
2- Open it
3- Read the words
Apparently in Brazil they dont have hostory books
literally niggers
>im too retarded to know what gdp by ppp means.
Every race has redeeming values except for Africans, they are just a fucking scourge.
Give them time to recover from communism. They will soon be as wealthy as western Europe and without the problems associated with blacks and muslims.
your country is a cyclopean cesspool
Or they can be as wealthy as highly-in-debt, unemployment-infested South European countries.
>muh gibs
They're less than 1% of our gdp Nigel, I swear to god british are the worst posters on this board, what's next le epig plumber imigrand XXXDDDDD?! Or are you going to show that one picture of a coalburning whore who happens to be polish?
Not if the Chinese have anything to say about it. There's a lot of mineral wealth in Africa, and I hear the chinks aren't ones to waste safety equipment on niggers.
2 world wars and communism has had a devastating effect on the continent.
This for you:
Brazil is 43% "mixed race", which is just another way of saying half-breed human garbage. Brazil is the true mutt nation.
Yeah, a serious genetic toll was taken on both places by the marxists and soviets.
They murdered all the smarter, more creative and socially stable christian bloodlines, and kept the easy-to-quell low IQ proles/serfs.
Also, is it me or is Dakota getting to be quite a mommy in the chest department?
Niggers are 54% of Brazil population and only 12% of EUA
>Be Ukraine
>Go through vicious soviet communism
>Famine caused by the bolsheviks kills 25% of the population
>Get invaded by Nazi Germany
>Nazi Holocaust kills 25% of your population
>Get invaded by Russian neighbors
>Civil war kills tens of thousands and destroys your economy while losing a portion of your land to Russia
>Still have a better economy than Brazil and most South American countries
You're right there, but most of mixing here happened with indians, not with niggers.
This is just a correction I like to make.
If you wanna call someone a nigger, look for them amerimutts.
Are you guys going to elect Jair Bolsonaro or what?
Why so much brazilian shitposting this afternoon?
Yet is a country with really attractive people. Me and my friends were always surprised with how most average Brazilians of all races were so beautiful with nice, toned bodies
No they're not, stupid macaco.
This is just the reds counting every pardo in the country as a niggers regardless of racial background.
Don't fall for this socialist bait.
I heard that monkeys are entering to the stone age, is that true?
i dont know much about south america. but yes the effects of 2 world wars can still be felt among the europeon people
it is the reason we've simply given up in some places and have done nothing to stop the brown and black invasion. (outside of few countries who are resisting that is)
I don't think so. But he's got a shot.
Colombian women are high tier.
At least the ones who came to the last world cup.
That is true I can confirm
Good question Amigo. You think please- 20 mil Poles are shitting in every shithole of the world. Coincidence? Where 40 mil. in Poolan (50%%%)
There is someting wrong with this crazy kikes.
Communism is really fucking terrible
Brazilians are beautiful, probably more attractive than pale Polish people. Their culture is amazing and interesting. Their music and their dances could only be a product of inmense cultural syncretism.
I checked up on that index and we’re #21 in the world, which is incredibly good for a country that also just barely got out of 100 years of communism. Ahead of us are just the usual suspects, such as Switzerland, USA, etc. why? What’s our secret? Is it because we’re mountain jews?
It depends... I don't like him, he's a goverment parasite for decades
i think in a way our destruction caused by jews, the news media, endless wars, fighting muslim invaders for 2,000 years and communism will be the end of the europeon people
i see no will to fight. we killed our christian brothers and christianity has done absolutely nothing to prevent 2 world wars or communism from happening.
d..did Harvey slip them the finger when they were kids?
Thanks, I hope he has a chance. New Axis alliance.
what those foolish numbers form a newspaper of shithole?
If you are pardo and have arround 20% of nigger DNA i'm sorry to say that you're a nigger too
Sheesh, you really like primates.
Elle is so much prettier than Dakota and it's not even close
but she's a calburner so Dakota is x100 times better
Poland problems.
1/ feudalism and serfdom maintained to late 19th century
2/ war and division of the country
3/ war again and borders changes
4/ communism (not everything was bad)
5/ Fall of iron curtain: The best tier Poles left and emigrated for best wages.
5/ hardcore capitalism now modeled on the US for those who left. I don't know however if the education system is cucked too or not by PiS. any Poles know a little about it?
They are somewhat turked. The fall of USSR hit them hard, while eastern europe had sort-of-patriotic forces that grabbed reign, USSR republics had absolute vacuum of powers, that was filled by profiteers from communist party. They got that bad cause there was no any party to grab power and share some of profits to keep population compliant, plus no resources for free money.
not only this- what is with 20 mil poolan not i poolan?
they shitting on poolan?
Somebody needs the touch of a polish princess
Eastern Europe failed to evolve when the west and north prospered from classic liberalism during the period of industrialization. Then of course they were under horrible Communist control for a long time, damaging them further.
post proofs