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Okay, let's imagine that blacks are right and they are descendants of ancient egyptians. how do they know their ancstor was a queen/king and not some fucking dishwasher or homeless, or some guard/patrolman? WHY KINGS?
Oh say can you SHART in the Walmart.
>how do they know their ancstor was a queen/king and not some fucking dishwasher or homeless
um try again sweetie
The nose is different.
okay, but how do you know your ancestor was a KING and not some regular egyptian citizen lmao?
All of them proudly Stand and SHART in the Walmart.
Are you a poo or something?
I really hope niggers get super uppity soon. I want all this propaganda to make them feel really powerful, and believe that they're capable of a full on rebellion.
On some level, I kind of believe that's what the media and government have been doing. Giving white people every good reason to hate shitskins and leftists, while priming the shitskins and leftists with insane propaganda to make them willing to fight.
30-40% of white America at this point has been brainwashed to side with shitskins. So if war broke out, we'd seriously be seeing a near 50-50 divide in terms of allegiance. It's almost too perfect to be accidental.
But where are all the blacks in north Africa now? Also, why did we never find any genetic evidence for black Egyptians in ancient times?
Mysteries mysteries.
all egyptians were kings
don't you know anything?
It's settled. Sub saharan DNA entered Egypt after the end of the great dynasties.
You weren't kings.
hahah right
>30-40% of white America
so every white American?
>trying to reason with the nog
Nigger what are you doing?
This is the dumbest thing to me. Imagine 2000 years from now if Neo-Englanders claim, "we were kings!" No, there was one king/queen at a time, and the vast majority of your ancestors were commoners.
Unironically this.
Niggers get uppity in super liberal or black controlled cities.
I'm waiting for the first riot in a white majority city.
I'm talking LA riots levels of carnage.
Because they would all be shot dead here, protest are very controlled in TN. Cops are always on scene and if you leave the area or get uppity they shut that shit down.
Also no pedestrian right of way laws here. If you step in front of my car illegally I can run you ever.
Are there any Egytians on this board?
Seriously, how does this WE WUZ make Egyptians feel?
Such a reinterpretation of history is a madness.
How did black Americans even come up with this crazy idea? Perhaps because of the short time when Nubian kings ruled Egypt as pharaohs? (until they were expelled again)
*yawn" looks fuck all alike
Come on nigger, make a new meme. I'm bored of this.
>Such a reinterpretation of history is a madness.
Are we talking about the Holocaust?
Been to Egypt twice.
Niggers are dirt poor just like they are in every country.
Arabic ancestry is extremely common, obvious influence of med sea everywhere also, gives pseudo European facial features.
Blacks were never Egyptian upper class, never.
>Blacks were never Egyptian upper class, never.
Once they were, for a short time about 3,000 years ago. And these were Nubians not Western Africans, who were ancestors of Afroamericans,
then why is Egypt in Africa?
Why is zambo/sambo raycis now but the others aren't?
We all know ur a burger, faggot
I think it could happen in Oakland CA, and spill into San Francisco. But there are other options too. Chicago could blow up any time, except the city is large, and niggers tend to be isolated to the south and west sides. The Hyde Park area is where they start to merge, and places like the University of Chicago could get wrecked bad. And in these leftist cities with leftist white populations, the whites would be utterly defenseless. Almost zero metropolitan whites have guns, and none of them have communities that can fight back against blacks, mexicans, etc. There are more rural white communities that can, but the true urban areas are not their territory.
Anywhere where white affluent urban populations but up against black/mexican ghetto populations will be a candidate for carnage. Hell, I live in one of them here in Seattle. You probably didn't think we had niggers and spics, but we do. We just push them down south. But now the south side is getting hip, and young whites are moving into the ghetto for a chance to own a house in the growing city. I've personally seen 3 nigger families forced out already. And if shit hit the fan, the niggers absolutely WILL be targeting whites here.
how new are you?
gave me a good laugh
Wtf you talking about faggot?
Go to Egypt, subhuman baboon, and say to locals you were Kang. I wonder how long it would take them to fuck you up, toss you like a salad and smoke your stupid ass. You will always be a dumb nigger.
every fucking time
Obviously there are also places like St.Louis, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Charlotte, Indianapolis, etc, where black populations are large enough to pose a threat. All it'd take is national news of 'protests' kicking off in one of these areas, and the niggers are basically just social media drones who'll do protests in 'solidarity' with the other cities.
If violence truly started, I think the niggers would be the easiest to manipulate into full-scale rioting across the country. And all the nice yuppie communities and their coffee shops are going to eventually get targeted.
>Egyptians were subjects of the Persian Empire
>because space pyramids n shit
the Egyptian empires were build by European migrants, as the local niggers didn't get shit done on their own, just like today
nowadays they pretend its their own ancestry will they are actually worshiping their former slavers and masters
nigger pottery
>true diversity in nigger hate
Almost brings lumps to my eyes and tears to my throat.
Mostly out of a technicality.
>wont see my dog in heaven
>That nose
Jeez are nigs blind?
Shine my fucking shoes.
>how do they know their ancstor was a queen/king and not some fucking dishwasher or homeless
Reminds me of Hollywood back in the 80s when fags like Steven Segal would claim to be reincarnated Buddhist kings or some other royalty, never some nameless pleb dying of agonizing cancer in an ancient Nepalese ditch.
Y'all fags think all black folks in America think this stuff.
It's just connecting with our ancestry, same as you. Learning we had our own Kings and culture gives a greater sense of our identity.
I don't think I'm descended from a particular king, but I know where my ancestors are from, current day Nigeria, there were multiple, different people who had their own rulers.
It interacted more with the Meds desu.
You guys were cotton pickers even in Ancient times lmaoooo
>implying the Pyramids were built by Egyptians in the first place.
jesus there is no remedy for this amount of retarded
That statue clearly has African-American features. Everyone with eyes can see it. Racists BTFO.
dogs do go to heaven otherwise it wouldn't be a paradise
You were washing cocks you filthy nigger
I wasn't even born then, bruv. I have your daughter washing my cock, though.
Nigerians are pretty decent. Low IQ but not total criminal niggers. People need to realize that not all blacks in our country are alike. Some had their ancestors taken from Senegal, and some from the fucking Congo. Congoniggers are probably responsible for the majority of the nigger crime rate.
Nigeria is a shithole. "Y'all" know sub-suharan haran Africans didn't even invent the WHEEL for thousands of years until Northern people showed it to them? They literally invented nothing. There arent even spoons or forks in lower Africa for thousands of years.
MILLIONS of Africans were living in mud huts when Neil Armstrong landed in he moon! You still think you're equal to us? It's ironic you're typing about how proud you are to be black when its white people who invented the internet youre using. Also the keyboard,phone,websites etc.
You should worship us as gods.
Look, let's be real here, it's clear that the ancient egyptians were somewhat mathematically
advanced(pyaramids) and it's not just that, it's how they built them too. You're talking about intelligent
people during very primitive time in human societal advancement. Now just look at the rest of Africa,
it's clearly not showing, nor in crime ridden black America. Where did this advanced "black" race go
off too? If they were that advanced, they would off stood off the British Empire far greater. There's still
black tribes today doing the same shit for over 6000 years while the rest of the world moved on. You guys
in America literally have to let them into unis because their grades are low and there's no way around it to
keep up their diverse workforce, clearly the genes of an advanced ancient egyptian.
However, the arabic-like and Indian people, who were behind the advancements of even the ancient Greeks,
the lines draw parallel here to the ancient egyptian's race to be quite honest.
Stop posting
The 9 bows mean whoever thier enemy was at the time.
Since Egypt was in Africa, their enemies were mostly African neighbors.
It's like showing a pic of Hitler killing Americans and saying 'lol Hitler hated white people herr herr'
Daily reminder ancient egyptians were Argentinians
Oh, tell me more about sub saharan Africa that you learned from your buddy.
Ptolemaic dynasty >>>>>>>>>"" "" nigger""" "dynasty
ummmm that doesn't look like washing
>looks like they getting unsullied
Fell asleep watching conspiracies on youtube and woke up to some black guy in a fez talking about "we wuz kings."
Shit was strange as hell. Made my wife nearly choke on her cereal when we turned on the TV and this guy showed up on the screen.
I can't find his video again, but this was one that was linked to it:
Awesome, Nigros bax to egypt
even the most effective group of pharaoh's army were greek hoplites from the colony of Naucratis, a port city in northern egypt, because pharaoh loved bronze warriors.
Yeah, even the majority of scholars claim Cleopatra was a Greek, and since the Roman's roots
were Greek, it's no suprise the Romans honoured her.
>A diet based on mongongo nuts is in fact more reliable than one based on cultivated foods, and it is not surprising, therefore, that when a Bushman was asked why he hadn't taken to agriculture he replied: "Why should we plant, when there are so many mongongo nuts in the world?"
Coons will be coons.
>being this mad
hey at least you gots them wite wimmenz ;)
Honestly this is great propaganda.
Remember the Ancient Egyptians enslaved the Jews.
All black peoples woes are clearly a result of Jewish Blood Libel and the Jews getting revenge. Remember the slave ships owned by Jews....
They are doing the same thing they did to blacks to whites now as a result of Hitler. It's just revenge.
This will turn blacks against the Jews. Then we get a white 4th Reich ethnostate and the blacks can get their own Wakanda .
lol niggers cant even find the center of a picture
hahaha this is a statue of Akhenaton, who was renowned for his malformation
>Tut has proto-white gene
>Tut comes from proto-white african/middle east
in other news, Hitler was a jew
10% of San display an R1b haplogroup;
>pp8 - Khomani San - R1b1b2a1a: 10% (2)
R1b is found at 59% frequency among the Hausa of Nigeria with Sickle cell anemia;
>Two haplogroups, R1b-P25 and E3b-M78, display the highest frequency
37,000 years ago, humans introgressed into an African hominid to make blacks;
Extensive simulation results reject the null model of no admixture and allow us to infer that contemporary African populations contain a small proportion of genetic material (≈2%) that introgressed ≈35 kya from an archaic population that split from the ancestors of anatomically modern humans ≈700 kya
>We estimated an initial split time of 1.25 Mya (95% CI, 0.7–2.1 Mya) and an admixture time of 37 kya (95% CI, 1–137 kya
The MCPH1 gene also shows signs of introgression;
>Instead, our data are consistent with a model of population subdivision followed by introgression to account for the origin of the D allele
>the lineage leading to modern humans was split from another Homo lineage, and the two lineages remained in reproductive isolation for ≈1,100,000 years
>At or sometime before ≈37,000 years ago, a (possibly rare) interbreeding event occurred between the two lineages, bringing a copy of the D allele into anatomically modern humans
>Furthermore, the worldwide frequency distribution of the D allele, exceptionally high outside of Africa but low in sub-Saharan Africa (29), suggests, but does not necessitate, admixture with an archaic Eurasian population
Yes the later dynasties nignogs took over Egypt.
Thats why it failed.
>So if war broke out, we'd seriously be seeing a near 50-50 divide in terms of allegiance
Fucking kek. Libs only think they'd side with blacks. That shit would go out the window if it came down to it.
I think the "we wuz" thing is just saying that they came from societies that had complex political structures, not that every person in those societies was a monarch. It's a counter-meme to the idea that every African was a hunter gatherer running around the jungle with a stone-tipped spear.