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just fuck my shit up
shit gonna tank fucking hard
And I know how Joan of arc felt.
Got tired of that meme a long time ago
I got tired of all the shitskins and subhumans in London, can you please stop?
For God's fucking sake this is getting to be too much to take.
Don't they lose money in loss of sales over doing this shit?
Let's start a meme that hollywood is racist because they don't push BLACK stories, instead just putting black actors in WHITE stories.
>Joan of Arc
>A nigger
Please tell me this is a joke.
Yeah pretty much. Instead of blacks creating stories of their own they rewrite what whitey did. Its just sad.
Thats it....... anime is officially superior in every way.
>low budget shit show
>rarely makes it past first season
Hell yes they lose money on this crap.
Look at British television, fifty years ago it was very relevant across the world. We watched Brit shows in The U.S.A. up until around the time of my birth in 1989. My dad use to show me them when I was a child.
There isn't a single British show outside Dr. Who that has any relevance in western culture anymore.
Because of this exact shit.
White people do not like watching niggers.
Asians do not like watching niggers.
>nigger Joan of Arc
how do they justify this one?
Not only is she black, her dad is a muslim convert.
Anime is trash. The only logical solution is to fire up the ovens.
I don't think this legit. There's nothing about this project on her IMDB.
black hitler and göbbels gassing jews on TV when?
Joan of ark is black now?
I would totally believe this, Americans suck nigger dick hard
This is why Brits are forced to pay their "tv licence" at gunpoint, it funds much of this diversity stuff
I think they get the money for the rest from lottos
Dood, she died like 600 years ago.
Peep Show and the Office are culturally relevant
How do black people have the balls to accuse us of stealing their culture then turn around and do this?
kek, sharp one Norwaynon
They don't care bro, they will utilize anything to destroy us and un-people us
Well she was burned at the stake.
They're allowed to do what they want because of muh slavery.
I swear niggers in 200 years will claim that Trump was black.
Ugh, the office was cool until they made Daryl get promoted and become the coolest guy in the office.
but joan of arc wasnt a nigger
It's for some shitty broadway show, only retarded hipster faggots are gonna watch that shit.
It's past too late my friend.
Someone needs to make a movie about hitler but make him black. And make the jews white people.
Literally the entire cast of the last three stage productions I've been to in Boston have been all-black (except for one white girl who was in an interracial menage-a-trois). The virtue signalling has risen to absurd proportions.
He was ok, at least he wasnt sterotypically niggish
hey, main characters are white people who have lots of kids, something to think about
I like how you think.
That has a lot of potential memetic value. You need to just do it in a right way.
These are the tools of (((them)))
fuckin kikes
>Romance of the Three KANGdoms
They justify it by saying the wuz kangz and it was actually their culture all along a dem wypipo stole it
Truly aggravating
Personally I find it offensive that the story of the African continent has yet to be told by Hollywood. There are treasure troves of well preserved written records litering the Serengeti. The fact that they prefer to tell the tale of white europeans over and over again is indicative of systemic racism that hollywood executives simply have no interest of exposing.
I can see that kek
She's pretty for a black woman.
It's not long before we get a Holocaust movie with black Jews. Might be a while before we get back Nazis though.
They made the nigger into a stereotypical lady killer and also an amazing father. Regardless, I don't want a nigger in the same office building as me to be frankly honest.
The BBC don't give a fuck about making good television anymore, just their agenda and the kikes that run it.
Shit they essentially axed the biggest show in BBC history in Top Gear because a drunk Clarkson swung at one the kike producers.
The little weasel told him he'd get dinner to compensate him missing one at a nice restaurant for reshoots and didn't even get the cast a hot meal
The replies under the actress' tweet lend me faith ... noice work lads
Except no. That show was hardcore brainwashing aimed at any religious youth at the time. It wasn't obscene so no religious parents would seem to have a problem with it. But the show just pushes over and over infidelity, and the only two "traditional" people, are flanderized and have their characters assassinated by the end of its running.
Pam & Jim one of the worst offenses
>little cheating wont ruin a relationship
>your past is irrelevant to your future
>Personally I find it offensive that the story of the African continent has yet to be told by Hollywood.
Then the left will blame racist whites for it.
This is actually good. Redpills everywhere.
Fair enough, since Jeanne D'arc was burnt alive.
>"You're DONE nazi boi!"
this is just getting stupid now
Wow.... it is almost as if Black people have no history...
I swear these negroids are doing this to get back at me.
The English quadruple killed that bitch. So if anything maybe we get to watch this darkie burn as a heretic.
Your picture makes me think we could go further. When’s the last time we saw a mainstream movie with a prominent Asian role (other than fucking Rose in TLJ lol) or Native American role, let alone something about their history itself as opposed to them just fighting whitey.
Wanna lose your faith again?
People unironically think medieval Europe had current Brazil or Somalia's demographics
>The absolute state of western entertainment
Anime is the future of the white race.
Everything else is tainted by the Jews.
>whites appropriate our culture
Niggers pretend to be white, drive car on roads, use electronics, live in hpuse, wear clothing....etc etc etc everything created by whites and yellows
You mean Jeanne D'ark
Joan d’Arc
Do you mean leftist trolls in a concerted effort?
Goddamn I can't take this anymore.
>Joan of Larp
Oh user, take a peek at their profiles.
They legitimately believe all that.
This dude right here playing 1488D scrabble while yall playin checkers
I would say why is it always white women but white men are to busy for this nonsense and blacks cant read or write
That doesn't make them less of leftist trolls.
defenitly gonna buy this game now
to be fair, if it werent for his dark-as-midnight skin, i could see the resemblance, but yeah that's retarded
Wakanda though
>didn't even get the cast a hot meal
Fucking jew man, but you can be sure he brought some nice hot meal for himself. They are genuinely that immature, its sad to see how such a mighty people became so pathetic over the millennia.