why do you hate cities? give a reason other than "muh left". they are where economic activity happens. it doesnt happen out in the middle of nowhere.
Why do you hate cities? give a reason other than "muh left". they are where economic activity happens...
Theres a lot of lefties, minorities, and worst of all Jews. Not much space, and I'm a bit of an introvert so the exorbitant amount of people doesn't interest me all that much. I would have freedoms restricted as a result of living there such as with the gun laws. Also I've heard rats and roaches are often a pretty big problem there. Theres also more then enough infrastructure to get you to a city without living there, and with the digital revolution you could potentially have a high paying job living in the middle of nowhere. As well if you're not particularly interested in money to begin with its perfectly reasonable to get a liveable salary in a small town and live there. Its not like they're not there such as trade jobs, oil/ general energy, military, etc.
I will say though that I would live in Tokyo desu. Not for long only about a year or two at most. Seems like an interesting place to live.
Other then Tokyo though I have no interest in cities.
>Niggers again
>more niggers
>No parking space
>Rude people
>No nature
>Everything is disgusting and smelly
Countryside is top tier
Too crowded
Noise pollution
Air pollution
Everyone living in a city being a narcissistic soyboy piece of shit dressed like a hipster
No decent self respecting person is going to subject himself to being crammed together in a tiny space with millions of people.
>wanting to live in an artificial zone of constant traffic,noise,gang shootings and horrible smell
Humans weren't meant to live in such massive concentrations. It causes problems that cascade onto the rest of the country.
>give a reason other than "muh left"
But OP, I am the left. I hate cities because they're crowded and smell bad.
>they are where economic activity happens
Also a breeding ground for corporate cunts in their great-grandaddy's funeral clothes and limpwristed hipsters who wanna talk progress but don't have any perspective or experience to keep themselves grounded and reasonable.
takes fucking forever to get anywhere
i don't go out anyway apart from work
noise, traffic, tons of slow people, dirt
Fucking grey shit everywhere
Sometimes cities are beautiful and I appreciateit, but holy fuck I hate it on day-to-day basis
While you're right about there being a lot of economic activity in cities, the higher wages are offset for most people by having a local income tax on top of the usual state/federal taxes, along with a much higher cost of living. A person can have more disposable income earning $60k in the midwest than they could earning $120k in New York City.
The advantages of city living are only really a thing for the super-rich.
>gang shootings
I live in a fucking terrible area and there's only been one gang shooting on my street in the past decade.
You live in Slovenia, why would this be an issue for you?
Cities are vile. What a joke to think that economic activity doesn't happen outside of cities -- the burbs are booming as cities decay.
For a century, or so, the American colonies were primarily rural as the economy grew, by some accounts it grew faster back then, expressed as a percentage or GDP, than it is now.
Cities are so yesterday. The future is telecommuniting, occasional visits to an office or workplace near home, and the safety that comes from living in communities of like-minded citizens.
Cities fail because they're diverse. Diversity yeilds a lack of trust and civic-mindedness. Thus, the crime, homelessness, and other horrible pathologies exist primarily in cities.
Suburbs and rural areas are self-selected. This means that people who live in suburbs can choose to live where the people around them share their values and live similar lives. Proponents of diversity say suburban life is dull. Perhaps. I'd rather travel, on occasion, to exotic lands to get my diversity fix, rather than endure living among the "other."
At some point in the near future, there will be a pandemic brought to you by the diverse hoards. We will have no resistence to it, and the people who live in cities will be the first to die. Those in rural / suburban lands will survive. It's inevitable.
Death Trap in the event of supply lines being even partially cut off.
I absolutely love Tokyo, which is what your pic is of. But pretty much every American sucks giant nigger dick.
Read pic related's manifesto
you forgot about the niggers
>Also a breeding ground for corporate cunts in their great-grandaddy's funeral clothes and limpwristed hipsters who wanna talk progress but don't have any perspective or experience to keep themselves grounded and reasonable.
its too expensive to justify "muh economic center"
i am more interested in feeding my family. that don't happen in cities. you have to go rural for that. have fun dying from hunger, with all that economic power. ha, the joke is on you, you wont get shit!
Crowded, smell, dangerous to walk around alone in, even more at night, full of niggers, full of niggers that are from Ohio, Wisconsin, Massachusetts and their car broke down and their job hasn’t paid yet and can you help me out with a gibs missuh wyte man?
T. Houston
city *states* are trad and redpilled. where you have non-starving humans, a degree of urbanization is inevitable. cities naturally form but they need a different type of government from the countryside. a bureaucratic nation state with a capital city is (was?) a powerful build, but the urban apparatchiks tend to fuck over the rural population. This can be avoided only with a very wise ruler, or secession.
economies happen anywhere we choose.
fuck cities. i'll take my redneck comfy mountain town for life
they attract economic migrants who are usually human garbage
Too much second hand smoke and exhaust fumes
Because Sup Forums is full of double of double digit IQ retards who can’t handle competition for those high-paying jobs. They’ll scream and throw a hissyfit and say I’m a libtard or some shit, and libtardation is certainly a downside of cities, but let me ask the Cletuses of Sup Forums: who’s currently in the White House swinging the Overton window back to the right? Is it some backwoods hick from Arkansas? No, that was Bill Clinton. We have a born and bred urbanite New Yorker in office because cities produce the best leaders.
The only thing I miss about rural life is comfy scenery, but I’m not even an hour from beautiful nature in the Rocky Mountains so I can go to that whenever I want.
I will also concede that rural women are 10000000x better than city women. That’s why I married one.
As I type the niggress in the apartment below me is going on her daily hours long speakerphone call which is loud enough to wake me up. City people are inconsiderate retards. But worst of all nasty-ass poorfag city suburbs like mine are dirty, there is trash everywhere, people just throw it on the ground or let their junk mail blow everywhere and don’t pick it up. Not to mention the smal areas of grass there are are populated with dog poop.
Crowded, concrete, noisy, polluted, shit holes.
>negative externalities / crap life
Did you mention niggers?
>artificial zone
What does this even mean?
I dont. Love them, human history is made in cities. Rural areas are so boring.
Absolutely perfect bait. Truly without par.
t. rural subhuman retard
too much noise, artificial light. especially in NYC which is in a constant state of perma bright light.
also if you look at NYC and new jersey while flying out of Newark at night it looks like a bacteria colony. It just seems unnatural
tall trees, rye whiskey, bonfires and stars > NYC bars
id like cities if they were more like Tokyo
>shitty food with alot of preservatives
>dehumanized society
>which spawns liberalism
Retarded gun laws
now the pros:
>everything is close to eachother
>more people to learn about
>things like theatres and shopping streets (made absolete by the internet)
uuuuuh thats about it
unironically this
too crowded, polluted and full of shitskins
pol hates everything
they only like the kikes and faggots
Ironic that more people leads to feeling more isolated, the Bystander Effect is a good example
Rush hour, everything is fast paced, noisy af, ads everywhere
Of all kinds.
>Mental illness
Mood and anxiety disorders are more prevalent in big cities
Fantastic environment for spreading diseases or develop allergies. See Tokyo, a lot of people walking around with a freaking mask! I wonder why...
Once again of all kinds, be it material or social, wich leads a lot of the previous points
>Cost of living
Just because you are closer to places, doesn't mean it won't cost you more
Concentrated degeneracy, surpassed only by slums and shithole countries
Before I though that cities were the thing, and even believed that megacities were the future, now that I had my fair taste of them... Its a freaking Tower of Babel.
>My final opinion
Cities are inevitable, because they are strategic points where you can reach more people from the same place to provide a limited(low demand) service, like specialized healthcare, so you can get most of what you want withough much strifle, leading to people wanting to live in them. If you can make a decent living outside of them, I advise you to do so, but if your work requires reaching more people for success, then go ahead live in them. Just remember what mentioned user said, humans are not made to live in such large concentrations. I rather visit one a few times that have to deal with them 24/7
>they are where economic activity happen
Fucking kill yourself. most of the vital industry/heavy industry happens outside urban areas (Food/energy/wood production, mining, etc).
Cities are endless-growing unsustainable abominations that mass consume resources and attract foreigners from shitholes in mass.
Because I don't really like people in general. I love how some cities look at night tho, comfy driving.
Tiny or non-existent backyard
Either pay a gorillion dollars to have a car or public transit
Public places have hardly any white people
If you buy house the neighborhood can go to shit and you lose your investment
If you live in a condo, you have to pay condo feels which will bloat as the building ages
actually most profit doesnt come from production. thats a 20th century mindset
If your skillset is actually useful, it will be useful anywhere.
>be in Toronto
>want to take your family to an ice cream parlor?
> $3 per person per token, $12 deposited into Boomer TTC cat lady retirement fund
>1/10 chance of witnessing a shitskin misbehaving on TTC
>100% chance of witnessing ugly rude brown people who don't belong here
>enjoy your ice cream
I used to fantasize about what it would be like to live in the big city. All my life I lived about an hour outside of Toronto, and the idea of Toronto as this modern utopia where things happened and every night was fun enthralled me.
Then I moved there. I lived and worked in the actual heart of downtown Toronto. Now I never, ever, ever want to live in a place with more than 50,000 people.
The homeless. The mentally ill.
They're disgusting. They're everywhere. They're violent. They're unpredictable. They're aggressive. They're unsupervised. They're free to do whatever they want.
All these faggots crying about lefties have never really lived in a city. Because that's a minor, non-issue. The big issue of urban living is the fact that you are forced to closely interact with the human decay that inevitably occurs at the heart of urban centres.
the mega-huge cities are too crowded.
midsize cities are how to win. still plenty of opportunity but a lot less bullshit.
the mentally ill ARE the fun people lol. i cant imagine having fun with anyone other than with a fucked up psychopath
>All these faggots crying about lefties have never really lived in a city.
Why do you think the homeless are allowed to roam around as 200lb wild primates?
You've clearly never dealt with the actually mentally ill. I'm not talking about your spergy loser friends. I'm talking about the lady who has spent the last 15 years shitting herself wherever she stands, or the guy so fucked out of his head on meth that he can't vocalize other than guttural grunts and horse-like whines.
Actually, good point.
fpbp honestly
Summs up everything I would have said.
Liberal thought process
>wild dogs running around, breeding, eating out of garbage
>poor doggies
>catch them, re-home them, sterilize them, euthanize the doggies too far gone
>wild hominids running around, breeding, eating out of garbage
He had good points
All cities except for Japanese cities are filled with human trash.
Poverty, niggers, whores, Spics, Jews, drugs, filth, pollution, leftist scum, Muslims, immigrants, corruption.
These things exist to an extent in towns, but nowhere near as bad as in cities.
Especially Western cities. Paris, London, San Fransisco.