Nichijou had 26 episodes.
Can you recall what happened in even 2 of them?
Nichijou had 26 episodes
No because the show was utter shit and I will never get the time I wasted watching it back.
it is a sketch show so it is easier to remember what happened in the sketches than in specific episodes, just like animaniacs.
Igo soccer !
I think in one there was this rocket arm that flew off and did something. And in another this one girl shot a guy with a rocket launcher, or maybe a machine gun, but they were fine somehow.
Name 4 sketches.
>everything going wrong at the shrine in the rain
>finding a gun in the library
>chan mio lending her notebook
>Jackie Chan
no, time to watch again
What did he mean by this?
I remember at least a few episodes turned into a weird airship drama about princess or something. Only because it was so boring and lasted like 20 minutes.
Name 15
Nichijou is literally too deep for Sup Forums
hands down the best sketch
The wood cubes of power was alright
Based on the dumb kinds of shitposting that follow this innocent series, I'm inclined to actually say this is true.
>yuuko at the coffee shop, lady is terrified but trying to be polite
>the one where they're by the river and yuuko fucks up the meal
>the one with the princess on the airship dropping the hat guys out of the sky
>the one where igo soccer is an actual thing
could keep going
Go soccer and pic related are the only parts I need to remember.
>the one where igo soccer is an actual thing
and this are my favorite sketches by far.
i love this show, without a doubt in my top 5
>that sketch where yuuko orders coffe
I can relate to that shit so much, the first time I went to Subway I turned the place in an italian restaurant by dropping so much spaghetti
What kind of panties does Mio actually wear?
>Name 15
This is not difficult.
It may not be in order, but naming 15, or even 20 Nichijou sketches is a pretty simple thing to do. Not only due to the fact that they're on average so short and plentiful, but because many of the sketches were honestly pretty memorable.
>The deer vs principal fight
>Mai acting like she has a crush on Yuuko
>Mio wreking everyone's shit for seeing her yaoi works
>The roach and nano one
Fettuccini fettucini, dont lewd the nichis
Blue stripes
And Yuko?
White with a mogura illustration on the bottom.
Mai uses thongs
>Dropped a squid sausage
>Mai confesses her love to Yukko
>Mio fights an army of space dudes to steal the wooden cubes of power
>Pic related tries to eat some noodles out of a tube
What the fuck was up with that random chapter in the manga where the Professor was going to school?
>random chapter
shh. no one tell him.
Objective best 4 nichijou sketches:
1. Card castle
-power gap-
2. Mio and Yuuko fight (Nano's first day at school I believe)
3. A voucher for a life-long friendship.
4. Mio fights a policeman over counterfeit money.
The sketch where you spent half the episode looking at the inside of a vending machine
Boring gags.
Sensei and Ehh girl back and forth
Who did the "trying to catch dropped food" gag better; Nichijou or Nichibros?
girl with a bow goes to eat nagashi somen and it's a weirdo throwing dry noodles out of his window
yuuko goes to a cafe and can't figure out how to order a coffee
mio and yuuko draw pictures to put on the test but the teacher is only impressed by yuuko's shitty drawings
mio doesn't want to get her bag searched because it's full of embarrassing hand-drawn manga so she suplexes the cop and a goat
>igo soccer
>burger place meetup
The ridiculous elaborate sketches in the airship where the punchline is parts of Mio's hair falling out and landing on her.
I only remember the principal suplexing the deer.
did the last volume of this shit ever get scanlated??? I can't find it
That time they asphyxiated inside an elevator
>Principal VS Deer
>Mio and Yukko blew off some steam over yakisaba instead of yakisoba
>The origin of Mio's cube hair accessory
>The curse of the shrine during rainy day
Also, those very short segments like Word of the Day, Love Like, Jump ropes and Hakase/Nano rock-paper-scissors
The unnecessarily protracted wood cube segment caught me off guard and had me laughing for a while.
Other than that, it wasn't very funny. Would have preferred more SoL stuff.
The Crow part must be my favorite, and the card tower
>CHAN MIOOOO and the awesome chase scene.
>Pushing the wrong end of a mechanical pencil.
>the pitying dog
I am genuinely surprised you people can remember ANYTHING out of that shit show.
I honestly don't remember a gag like that in Nichibros.
honestly i dont find nichijou funny...
Honestly, I can't take the opinions of phone posters seriously.
>Principal VS Deer
>Mio and Yukko blew off some steam over yakisaba instead of yakisoba
>The origin of Mio's cube hair accessory
>The curse of the shrine during rainy day
my nigger, I've thought of the same 4
I know Hakase gave me a boner in at least 2 of them.
>Mio vs Yuuko
>Police officer discovers Mio's manga
>The high jump
>Mai vs Mio's Sister
>Mio trying her sister's jam
>That one where they all helped with Mio's manga
>That one where Mai kept pranking Yuuko during a test leading to her taking off her hair
>The one where Mai pranks herself by eating a bubble
>Drawing "Cool"
>That one where the girl with the bow wanted to get free noodles but they came out of a chute
>Rock, Paper, Scissors
>Yuuko's wallet
Feel free to move those goalposts again if you'd like, but the fact of the matter is that several people genuinely enjoyed Nichijou regardless of your personal opinions and are, therefore, more inclined to remember its jokes and segments.
This thread reminds me of how good this show was. I just rewatched it about 2 months ago but I could watch it again right now.
When I first watched it (right after it finished airing) I was a normalfag with a low powerlevel and I didn't really like it, but now, rewatching it many years later, I realized it is a masterpiece.
Just shows how this show is a pleb filter.
started watching because of this thread, is there actually a robot girl or is that just somebody's daydream?
anyways, it's pretty funny
>Yakisaba desho?
>is there actually a robot girl
Robot?? O-of course not! Nano is just a regular girl with a taste for back-key accessories!
the one with the nazi zeppelin
nano and sakamoto gluing themselves to the floor
that one short where the girl says she'll give a million yen if she tells about her friend's crush and then slams a fat wad of cash down and tells everyone
yuuko and mio play picture shiritori but yuuko can't draw and knows engrish
mai confesses to yuuko
GOAT user
forced animation.