I want to talk about communism for a while

I want to talk about communism for a while....

The first thing i have realized about communists is that they are fearful... The first weakness so to speak (This coming from a family that was proud American since the 1950's) is that they are fearful.

I have had many thousands of experiences with Marxists/Communists extending into the USSR era..

I have had thousands of conflicts with Marxists/Communists (Them).. One of the first things i learned is that the Marxists are fearful... And that is a major player in all this.. They have enourmous fear.. Fear of not being respectable, fear of not surviving.. Fear of what their neighbor will think.. fear of not getting along with others...

Psychology is important and i have learned many things from this Marxist ordeal...

Fear is what brings Marxism down...

Other urls found in this thread:


white communists are usuallly visibly disfigured, the jewish ones are just psychopaths

i aint scared faggot where you live

what is your favorite successful communist country

communism hasn't existed.

And it never will.

then how do you know if youd like it. maybe it would be gay

Especially if when they try they get bombed by capitalist countries for no reason.

>be commie
>get bombed
>for no reason
>implying being a commie isn't a reason

fully gay communism is the goal my dude

When did we bomb the USSR, or China, which is State Capitalist by the way.

ok what if it was heteronormative.

>the reason they get bombed is because capitalist countries don't want the people to see how great it is and have a revolution. it's the only reason they would do it.

US bombed Yugoslavia, overthrew democratically elected Marxist Allende in a CIA coup, tried many unsuccessfully to overthrow Cuba and the countless other democratically elected countries we ruined in the name of Communism. Read Killing Hope by William Blum.

then im a fascist.

so what you're saying is you want to seize my means of reproduction more than my means of production

Yugoslavia was splitting apart due to ethnic and religious conflict after Tito died, I am against that the US intervention because it helped the mudslimes, not because they were gommunist. If you fags would drop the internationalism and Judaism perhaps an understanding could be reached. But no you are most likely a true believer in the lie you have been sold.

communism worked just fine, this thread is bullshit
it is usually the americans who are scared of everything and full of fear

yeah i want in that ass

oh no the MisreadingofMarxist-Leninists are here.

sounds good man, i say we have our first date in my helicopter

what were these guys doin then? was this just a prank?

The USSR didn't eliminate poverty. A lot of other points there are 100% true though.

>I want to talk about communism
>talks about marxists

Sure the Hungarian revolution in 1956 and Prague Spring were indeed truly great

They were unorthodox; they deserved what they got.


>second fastest

marxism and communism are different

yeah but Marxists are usually communists.

can you name a marxist who isnt a communist? i dont know of any.

but they have a different approach to some things. like Marx wanted to get rid of rivals by force

Kulaks deserved it.

Whats the difference between a marxist and and a communist?
I don't know man i just fly the chopper

I agree but non-kulaks starved too.

you realize anarcho-capitalism is more retarded and utopian than communism right?

anarcho-capitalism is not utopian. it's a joke that self destructs no matter how hard you try to preserve it

Kek... Who tf is talking about anarcho-capitalism tho


never said i was ancap

>never said i was ancap
>i just fly the chopper
self explanatory

How the fuck is anarcho-capitalism utopian?
It's just an idea that monopoly shouldn't be a right.
Every ancap will tell you poor people will exist because niggers exist.

>i just fly the chopper

i think a government that kills leftist agitators would actually be pretty authoritarian. But i guess you guys are already used to political violence being commies and all.

people of all stripes can come together to bond over throwing communists out of helicopters

this is my first time posting a meme but the an-cap memes literally count as sources because what they say are facts.


because it was. this is where the memes come from


>taking ancap balls seriously
wew lad the absolute state of your ideology.
I know where the meme comes from and im pretty damn sure Pinochet was in the blue not the purple if you catch my drift.

Commies get the rope.


you cant disprove the meme though because it's allowed in ancap world.

>taking ancap balls seriouslywew lad the absolute state of your ideology.

oh shit didnt read this part sorry. you arent retarded.

a true ancap would bring the prosts into his fold and pimp them out

Anarcho-communist activists have been a joke since their conception. What pains me is that all of these deluded people look up to marxist, idealistic, utopian parts of communism that were never realized and not the socialist parts of it not present in any other system that made it somewhat bearable. I wouldn't mind compulsory work and death sentences and I bet the USA could find use for that too with its growing nigger problem.

Marx would of been Anti-Soviet Union if he was still alive. None of the USSR follows his word. On the contrary it does what he says not to do.

give me a adress nigger, my 9mm is ready bitch

are traps gay



incorrect but thanks for playing

debate me fucko

Communism is basically the ideal of a society without class hierarchy.
Marxism is a theory about what the problems with capitalism are and how it will lead to communism.
Marxism is bullshit. Communism is at least a respectable ideal though probably impossible in practice.

>be commie
>get bombed

communsim could be the best thing in the world you would never know

definition of gay: (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
definition of sex: either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.
a penis is a reproductive organ of the male sex. Therefore penis=male sex.
If you are a male attracted to someone with a penis nothing else matters you are a homosexual.

would you rather fuck this or the one i posted?

this is so fucking weird

I wouldn't fuck either, i only fuck people who are interested in a serious relationship.

it's either or.

then i choose not to play.

you don't have to answer. we know what you would choose.