Would you date a chick that's red-pilled, only dates white guys, wants marriage and children asap...

Would you date a chick that's red-pilled, only dates white guys, wants marriage and children asap, is a lawyer and pretty loaded, but is overweight, only talks about herself and is controlling?

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>only talks about herself and is controlling
Then she isn't red pilled, duh.

The thing is...she's extremely against race mixing (blatantly racist at times), is a virgin, family oriented, wants children, but she's the complete opposite to stay at home. So she's not redpilled?

Pump and dump then?

>only talks about herself

Guess you've never interacted with women before. It's called women are solipsistic.

And yes to original question.

>Pump and dump then?
No that's abuse and fornication, you'll just go to hell for it.

Patiently teach her to shut up.

Yes I have. The other girls I've dated never talked about themselves so much. It's like, at the end of the day she must unload everything on me.


I try. She's so conservative yet is brainwashed by this extreme anti-woman-stay-at-home thing so no man can tell her what to do

That's disgusting. But you can help her get into shape.
Discipline, good food, and lots of bike riding every day.

>letting political views get in the way of finding a mate
No wonder you fucks are still virgins